
Free, open source web commenting system in a single script (no-analytics, privacy friendly)!

GPL-3.0 License


Pleroma Comments

Privacy respecting FOSS comments system for static webpages.

Having comments can be a great way to spice up a blog or personal site, however most popular solutions for online comments (looking at you Disqus) are proprietary non-free privacy-disrespecting pieces of trash ahem software.


I hate Javascript and refuse to write a single line of that godforsaken language.

As such, this plugin is actually built by transpiling from Ocaml.

To build the plugin, you'll need the following dependencies: core_kernel base js_of_ocaml-tyxml js_of_ocaml js_of_ocaml-lwt cohttp cohttp-lwt-jsoo lwt yojson All of these can be installed from opam using opam install <package-name>.


To build the plugin:

  1. open the file and edit:
  • instance_url - to your home pleroma instance (default: "")
  • base_comment_id - the id of the element that pleroma-comments will as the insertion point (default: "comments")
  • reply_icon_url - icon of reply
  1. run opam build ./pleroma_comments.js

  2. exported javascript can be found at ./_build/default/pleroma_comment.js

  3. (optional) open ./_build/default/index.html to test whether the package works (you may need to modify the comment id).


The idea of this plugin builds on the idea presented in this blog-post by Ecmel Berk Canlıer.

When you want to support comments for a blog or page, first share the page on the fediverse in dedicated post. Pleroma-comments will then read any responses to this post and pretty print them on the base html page.

Assuming you've made a post on the Fediverse, and have since found your post's id.

Simply add the script to your server (also update your JS-licences to mention it's FOSS), and load the script in the head of your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="pleroma_comments.js"></script>

When you want comments, place a div into your static page - the only contents of the div should be the ID of your post.

<div id="comments">9x4Lf0vc7HBztCRDfM</div>

On loading the page, pleroma-comments will replace this element with html representing the comments:

<div class="comments-panel">
   <div class="comments-nested">
      <div class="comment">
         <div class="comment-user">
            <div class="comment-avatar"><img src="..."></div>
            <a class="comment-name" href="<pleroma-instance>/users/gopiandcode">Kiran Gopinathan</a>
         <div class="comment-content">
            <div class="comment-message">Response to first post.</div>
            <div class="comment-date"><b>Posted on</b>07:44, 2nd of Jun, 2020</div>
            <div class="comment-reply">
               <a class="comment-url" href="<pleroma-instance>/notice/<id>">reply</a><img src="...">
      <div class="comments-nested">
         <div class="comment">
            <div class="comment-user">
               <div class="comment-avatar"><img src="..."></div>
                  <a class="comment-name" href="<pleroma-instance>/users/gopiandcode">Kiran Gopinathan</a>
            <div class="comment-content">
               <div class="comment-message">Nested response to response to first post. 
                    <a class="hashtag" data-tag="tagged" href="<pleroma-instance>/tag/tagged">#tagged</a>
               <div class="comment-date"><b>Posted on</b>13:10, 2nd of Jun, 2020</div>
               <div class="comment-reply"><a class="comment-url" href="<pleroma-instance>/notice/9x4s0116BCPGmJ3slk">reply</a><img src="..."></div>
   <div class="post-reply">
   <a class="post-url" href="<pleroma-instance>/notice/9x4Lf0vc7HBztCRDfM">reply</a>
   <img src="...">

Style as you need.