
Work on the index page (not specs themselves)


W3C TR Pages Project

The purpose of this project is to propose and improve the "latest versions" link headers in W3C specifications, and maintain and improve the style sheets for the future TR page at the W3C.


If you're familiar with GitHub then contributing is simple: just fork and make pull requests. Absolutely everyone is welcome (and even encouraged) to contribute to improve the design of our W3C TR page. Bugfixes, code cleanup, and simple improvements will be unilaterally approved by the W3C webmaster. For more significant changes to the visual styles, discussion on [email protected] is encouraged to get feedback and consensus. (Think of it as a design critique.)

Do not commit directly to any the common branches (master and gh-pages at the time of writing) unless you have the approval of the W3C webmaster. Instead, fork the desired branch and submit a pull request.

Design guidelines

See Guidelines for a proper design.

Mockups for the /TR page

Mockups for an outdated (deprecated) specification

Note that we have different styles for rescinded and obsoleted specifications. See our TR design project for those.