
Avoid boilerplate configs, code etc and start Android applications like a pro, with a lot of fantastic features!

OTHER License



Andcre (android creator) is a python script to avoid boilerplate configs, code etc and create professional and ready to use Android projects.

"Project created with andcre"


andcre works with python3

Getting started

First clone this repo

$ git clone
$ cd andcre

Now install the dependencies

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Create the environment variable ANDCRE to point to your android workspace. This is where the android projects will be created.

$ export ANDCRE=/home/user/AndroidProjects

If the environment variable is not set, the program will request it every time a new project is created

Execute the script or set the andcre.bat or andcre to the $PATH to execute this program from any place!

Android project requeriments

To compile the generated project we need:

  • Java 1.7 or greater (1.8 recommended)
  • Latest Android SDK
  • Latest Android build tools


andcre create android projects with a lot of useful files and tools. It include support for android lint, findbugs, checkstyle and pmd. Automatically create a git repo, add all project files, commit it and create the first tag.

Project files

  • Create automatically a file, that contains the project name.
  • Create a file and automatically write the name of the current version
    and the current date
  • Create the file
  • Create LICENSE file
  • Create the .gitignore file with the common android ignored files/directories
  • Create the root build.gradle file

Build system

The andcre script create a folder in the root project directory called buildsystem. It contains three files:

  • dependencies.gradle: Contains the dependencies of the project (test dependencies and
    application dependencies)
  • version.gradle: Contain all things related to the project version
  • project.gradle: Project properties like target sdk, build tools version etc

The version.gradle file is based in this great post from Dmytro Danylyk on hackernoon

Gradle wrapper

The gradle version used is the gradle-4.3.1

Quality tools

In the project root, a directory called quality is created. It contains all files needed to execute the static analysis tools and style checkers like findbugs, checkstyle, pmd and android lint. To generate all these reports execute

$ ./gradlew check

Note that if you add more modules to the project, this task is applied. The reports are generated in the <project>/app/build/reports directory

All quality files are from this fantastic repo!

App debug options

The application create a custom DefaultApplication for the debug builds and initialize for default custom configurations not needed in application releases. The debug options are:

  • Initialize Timber with the Timber.DebugTree()
  • Detect all kind of problems and log it using the StrictMode.setThreadPolicy() and StrictMode.setVmPolicy methods.
  • Setup LeakCanary. Only compile in debugCompile (see app/build.gradle)
  • Initialize the default values for Stetho

Note: This configuration only applies to debug builds!


When the project is created a new git repository is initialized. You can use the gradle task printVersion to check out it.

App module

For default the AndroidManifest.xml has the INTERNET permission. For each build type (debug/release) a DefaultApplication is created with different log configurations.

  • For the debug type a Timber.DebugTree() is initialized.
  • For the release type a custom CrashReportingTree() is created. This tree discards automatically all DEBUG and VERBOSE logs, and can be able to report all errors and warnings using the CrashLibrary class

The applicatiod id for the debug build type has the .debug suffix.

Apk generation

All apk's are generated in the build/outputs/apk directory. The name of the apk correspond to the project name with the current version. For example, your module name is app, and the version is 0.1, the resulting apk's will be:

  • For the debug build type: app-0.1-debug.apk
  • For the release build type: app-0.1-release.apk

Include open source notices

The play-services-oss-licenses library is included to show the list of licenses used by the libraries included in the application. To show the list you only need to call the code:

final Intent intent = new Intent(this, OssLicensesMenuActivity.class);

You can change the activity title. For more info see the documentation

Libraries used

For application debug, I included:

For application testing:

Final Android project

The result project structure is like this:


Open an issue or create a new pull request


Copyright 2017 newhouse (nhitbh at gmail dot com)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Extracted from project README
Android Arsenal