
Mobile application for Audiobookshelf

GPL-3.0 License


Audiobookshelf Mobile App

Audiobookshelf is a self-hosted audiobook and podcast server.

Android (beta)

Get the Android app on the Google Play Store

iOS (early beta)

Beta is currently full. Apple has a hard limit of 10k beta testers. Updates will be posted in Discord.

Using Test Flight: (beta is full)

Go to the main project repo or the project site

Join us on discord

Requires an Audiobookshelf server to connect with


This application is built using NuxtJS and Capacitor in order to run on both iOS and Android on the same code base.

Information on helping with translations of the apps here.

Windows Environment Setup for Android

Required Software:

winget install -e --id Git.Git; `
winget install -e --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCode; `
winget install -e --id  Google.AndroidStudio; `
winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS --version 20.11.0;

Your Windows environment should now be set up and ready to proceed!

Mac Environment Setup for Android

Required Software:

brew install android-studio node cocoapods

Start working on the Android app

Clone or fork the project from terminal or powershell and cd into the project directory.

Install the required node packages:

npm install

Generate static web app:

npm run generate

Copy web app into native android/ios folders:

npx cap sync

Open Android Studio:

npx cap open android

Start coding!

Mac Environment Setup for iOS

Required Software:

Start working on the iOS app

Clone or fork the project in the terminal and cd into the project directory.

Install the required node packages:

npm install

Generate static web app:

npm run generate

Copy web app into native android/ios folders:

npx cap sync

Open Xcode:

npx cap open ios

Start coding!