
ADB Usage Complete / ADB 用法大全

MIT License


Awesome Adb

The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a toolkit included in the Android SDK package, it is not only a powerful tool for Android developers and testers, but also a good toy for Android fans.

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Note: Some commands may depending on the version of Android system or ROM.

Other languages: 🇨🇳 Chinese

Table of Contents

Basic Usage

Command syntax

adb basic syntax of the command is as follows:

adb [-d|-e|-s <serialNumber>] <command>

If only one device / emulator connection, you can omit the [-d | -e | -s <serialNumber>] this part, the direct use adb <command>.

Targeting equipment for command

If you have more than one device / emulator connection, you need to specify the target device for the command.

Parameter Meaning
-d Specifies currently the only Android device USB connector as the command target
-e Specify currently the only goal for the command to run the simulator
-s <SerialNumber> Specifies the device number corresponding serialNumber / simulator command target

In the case of multiple devices / simulators are connected to the more common -s <serialNumber> parameters, serialNumber can be obtained through adb devices command. Such as:

$ adb devices

List of devices attached
cf264b8f	device
emulator-5554	device

Output in the cf264b8f and emulator-5554 is serialNumber. For example, this time I want to specify cf264b8f this equipment to run the adb command to take a screen resolution:

adb -s cf264b8f shell wm size

Encountered multiple devices / simulators use the case of these parameters for the command to specify the target device, hereinafter to simplify the description will not be repeated.


Start adb server command:

adb start-server

(Generally no need to manually execute this command, when you run the command adb adb server if found does not start automatically from the transfer.)

Stop adb server command:

adb kill-server

View adb version


adb version

Sample output:

Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.36
Revision 8f855a3d9b35-android

Run adbd as root

The operating principle is adb adb server daemon and the phone side PC side adbd establish a connection, then the PC side adb client via adb server forward command parsing after running adbd receive commands.

So if adbd ordinary rights to perform some require root privileges to execute the command can not be directly used adb xxx execution. Then you can then execute the command adb shell after su, but also allows adbd root privileges to perform this high privilege can execute arbitrary commands.


adb root

Normal output:

restarting adbd as root

Now run adb shell, take a look at the command line prompt is not turned into a #?

After some phone root can not let adbd by adb root execute commands with root privileges, some models such as Samsung, will be prompted to adbd can not run as root in production builds, then you can install adbd Insecure, then adb root try.

Accordingly, if you want to restore adbd non-root privileges, you can use adb unroot command.

Designated adb server network port


adb -P <port> start-server

The default port is 5037.

Device connection management

Inquiries connected device / simulator


adb devices

Example output:

List of devices attached
cf264b8f	device
emulator-5554	device

Output format is [serialNumber] [state], serialNumber that is, we often say that the SN, state the following categories:

  • Offline - indicates that the device is not connected to the success or unresponsive.

  • Device - device is connected. Note that this state does not identify the Android system has been fully activated and operational in the device during startup device instance can be connected to the adb, but after boot the system before it becomes operational.

  • No device - no device / emulator connection.

The output shows the current connected the two devices / simulators, cf264b8f and emulator-5554 are they SN. As can be seen from the emulator-5554 name it is an Android emulator.

Common alarm output:

  1. No device / emulator connection is successful.

    List of devices attached
  2. The device / emulator is not connected to adb or unresponsive.

    List of devices attached
    cf264b8f	offline

USB connection

USB connection normal use adb by the need to ensure that:

  1. Hardware status is normal.

    Including Android devices in the normal power state, USB cable and interface intact.

Developer Options 2. Android devices and USB debugging mode is on.

You can go to the "Settings" - "Developer options" - "Android Debug" view.

If you can not find the developer options in the settings, it needs to make it through an egg is displayed: In the "Settings" - "About phone" continuous click "version number" 7 times.

  1. The device driver is normal.

    It seems to worry about the Linux and Mac OS X, the Windows likely to be encountered in the case of the need to install drivers, this can be confirmed right "Computer" - "Properties", the "Device Manager" in view on related equipment Is there a yellow exclamation point or question mark, if not explain the driving state has been good. Otherwise, you can download a mobile assistant class program to install the driver first.

  2. Status after confirmation via USB cable connected computers and devices.

    adb devices

    If you can see

    xxxxxx device

    Description Connection successful.

Wireless connection (Android11+)

Doc in Android developers

Android 11 and higher support deploying and debugging your app wirelessly from your workstation using Android Debug Bridge (adb). For example, you can deploy your debuggable app to multiple remote devices without physically connecting your device via USB. This eliminates the need to deal with common USB connection issues, such as driver installation.

To use wireless debugging, you need to pair your device to your workstation using a pairing code. Your workstation and device must be connected to the same wireless network. To connect to your device, follow these steps:

  1. Update to the latest version of the SDK Platform-Tools.

  2. Connect Android device to run adb computer connected to the same local area network, such as connected to the same WiFi.

  3. Enable the Wireless debugging option.

  4. On the dialog that asks Allow wireless debugging on this network?, click Allow.

  5. Select Pair device with pairing code. Take note of the pairing code, IP address, and port number displayed on the device.

  6. On your workstation, open a terminal and navigate to android_sdk/platform-tools.

  7. Run adb pair ipaddr:port. Use the IP address and port number from step 5.

  8. When prompted, enter the pairing code that you received in step 5. A message indicates that your device has been successfully paired.

Enter pairing code: xxxxxx
Successfully paired to ...
  1. (For Linux or Microsoft Windows only) Run adb connect ipaddr:port. Use the IP address and port under Wireless debugging.

Wireless connection (need to use the USB cable)

In addition to the USB connection to the computer to use adb, can also be a wireless connection - although the connection process is also step using USB needs, but after a successful connection to your device can get rid of the limit of the USB cable within a certain range it !


  1. Connect Android device to run adb computer connected to the same local area network, such as connected to the same WiFi.

  2. The device connected to the computer via a USB cable.

    Make sure the connection is successful (you can run adb devices see if you can list the device).

  3. Allow the device listens on port 5555 TCP / IP connections:

    adb tcpip 5555
  4. Disconnect the USB connection.

  5. Find the IP address of the device.

    Generally the 'Settings' in - "About phone" - "state information" - "IP address" is found, you can also use the following in the View device information - IP address a Lane method adb command.

  6. Connect the device via IP address.

    adb connect <device-ip-address>

    Here <device-ip-address> is the IP address of the device found in the previous step.

  7. Confirm the connection status.

    adb devices

    If you can see

    <device-ip-address>:5555 device

    Description Connection successful.

If you can not connect, verify that Android devices and the computer is connected to the same WiFi, then execute adb connect <device-ip-address> that step again;

If that does not work, by adb kill-server restart the adb and then try it all over again.

The wireless connection


adb disconnect <device-ip-address>

Wireless connection (without using the USB cable)

Note: You need root privileges.

On a "wireless connection (need to use USB cable)" method is described in official documents, need the help of a USB cable to enable the wireless connection.

Since we want to achieve a wireless connection, it can all step down are wireless it? The answer is energy.

  1. Install a terminal emulator on the Android device.

    Equipment already installed you can skip this step. Terminal emulator download address I use is: Terminal Emulator for Android Downloads

  2. To run the Android device and computer adb is connected to the same local area network, such as connected to the same WiFi.

  3. Open a terminal emulator on your Android device, in which run the command sequence:

    setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
  4. Find the IP address of the Android device.

    Generally the 'Settings' in - "About phone" - "state information" - "IP address" is found, you can also use the following in the View device information - IP address a Lane method adb command.

  5. Connect Android device on a computer via adb and IP addresses.

    adb connect <device-ip-address>

    Here <device-ip-address> is the IP address of the device found in the previous step.

    If you can see connected to <device-ip-address>: 5555 such output indicates a successful connection.

  • Notice: * Some device may not working unless you restart adbd service, so you need to run command on the device's terminal as below

    restart adbd

    if restart is not working, try following command:

    stop adbd
    start adbd

Application Management

Check the list of

Check the list of basic commands format

adb shell pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-3] [-i] [-u] [--user USER_ID] [FILTER]

That is the basis of adb shell pm list packages can add some parameters on the filter to view different lists, supports filtering parameters are as follows:

Parameter display list
No all applications
-f Display apk file application association
-d Show only applications disabled
-e Show only enabled applications
-s Display only System
-3 Show only third-party application
-i Display applications installer
-u Contains uninstall applications
<FILTER> package name contains <FILTER> strings

All applications


adb shell pm list packages

Example output:
// other packages here

system applications


adb shell pm list packages -s

third-party usage


adb shell pm list packages -3

Application package name contains a string

For example, to view a list of package names that contain the string mazhuang applications, order:

adb shell pm list packages mazhuang

Of course, you can also use grep to filter:

adb shell pm list packages | grep mazhuang

Install APK


adb install [-lrtsdg] <path_to_apk>


Adb install may be followed by some optional parameters to control the behavior of the installation APK, available parameters and their meanings are as follows:

Parameter Meaning
-l Will be applied to protect the installation directory / mnt / asec
-r Allowed to cover the installation
-t Allowed to install application specified in AndroidManifest.xml android: testOnly =" true " Application
-s Install apps to sdcard
-d Downgrade coverage allows installation
-g Grant all runtime permissions
--abi abi-identifier Force install an apk for a specific ABI, abi-identifier could be armeabi-v7a、arm64-v8a、v86、x86_64, etc.

After you run the command to see if similar to the following output (status is Success) represents the installation was successful:

[100%] /data/local/tmp/1.apk
	pkg: /data/local/tmp/1.apk

The above is the output of adb current latest version v1.0.36, it will push apk file to display the progress of the percentage of mobile phones.

Using older versions of adb output is this:

12040 KB/s (22205609 bytes in 1.801s)
        pkg: /data/local/tmp/SogouInput_android_v8.3_sweb.apk

If the status is Failure said installation failure, such as:

[100%] /data/local/tmp/map-20160831.apk
        pkg: /data/local/tmp/map-20160831.apk

Common Installation failed output code, the meaning and possible solutions are as follows:

Output Meaning solutions
INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS application already exists use -r parameters
INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_URI invalid filename APK APK file names to ensure no Chinese
INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PACKAGE program of the same name already exists
INSTALL_FAILED_NO_SHARED_USER shared user requested does not exist
INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE already installed the app, but signature is not the same; or uninstalled, but data is not removed.
INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE shared user request exists but the signatures do not match
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY installation package used on the device unusable shared library
INSTALL_FAILED_REPLACE_COULDNT_DELETE can not be deleted when replacing
INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT dex optimization validation failure or lack of space
INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK equipment system version is lower than the application requirements
INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER equipment already exists with the same name in application content provider
INSTALL_FAILED_NEWER_SDK equipment system version higher than the application requirements
INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY test-only applications, but when you install -t parameter is not specified
INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE contains incompatible device CPU Application Binary Interface for native code
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_FEATURE application uses device features that are unavailable
INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR sdcard access failure confirm sdcard is available, or to install built-in storage
INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_INSTALL_LOCATION can not be installed to the specified location switch mounting position, add or delete -s parameters
INSTALL_FAILED_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE installation location is unavailable generally sdcard, confirm sdcard is available or to install built-in storage
INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_FAILURE verify the installation package fails
INSTALL_FAILED_PACKAGE_CHANGED calling application program expects inconsistent
INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED previously installed the app, and this assignment UID inconsistent remove residual files previously installed
INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE already installed the application later use -d parameters
INSTALL_FAILED_PERMISSION_MODEL_DOWNGRADE installed target SDK runtime support for application permissions of the same name, to install the runtime version does not support permission
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NOT_APK specified path is not a file or not to .apk end
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_MANIFEST unresolved AndroidManifest.xml file
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES installation package is not signed
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES already installed the app, and signed with the APK files are inconsistent first uninstall the application on the device, then install
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_CERTIFICATE_ENCODING encountered while parsing APK file CertificateEncodingException
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_PACKAGE_NAME manifest file no or an invalid package name
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_BAD_SHARED_USER_ID manifest file specifies an invalid shared user ID
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED encountered while parsing file manifest error structural
INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_EMPTY in the manifest file can not be found to find operable label (instrumentation or application)
INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR installation fails because of system problems
INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED Users are limited to installing applications open options 'install app via USB' in developer options, if it was opened, close and reopen it
INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PERMISSION application attempts to define an existing permission name
INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS applications include device application binary interface does not support the native code
INSTALL_CANCELED_BY_USER applications installed on the device needs confirmation, but not operate the device or the point of cancellation agree to install on the device
INSTALL_FAILED_ACWF_INCOMPATIBLE applications are not compatible with the device
INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY APK file is build via Android Studio 'RUN' Rebuild via Gradle assembleDebug or assembleRelease, or Generate Signed APK
INSTALL_FAILED_ABORTED: User rejected permissions applications installed on the device has risk tips, needs confimation, but no operate or canceled agree to install on the device
Does not contain AndroidManifest.xml invalid APK file
Is not a valid zip file invalid APK file
Offline device is not connected successfully first device with adb successful connection
Unauthorized unauthorized device allows debugging
Error: device not found not successfully connected equipment equipment and adb first successful connection
Protocol failure device is disconnected first device with adb successful connection
Unknown option: -s Android 2.2 does not support the following installation to sdcard do not use -s parameters
No space left on device lack of space cleanup space
Permission denied ... sdcard ... sdcard unavailable
signatures do not match the previously installed version; ignoring! already installed this app, but signatures do not match uninstall previous installed, then install this one


Adb install internal principle Introduction

Adb install actually three steps:

  1. push apk files to / data / local / tmp.

  2. Call pm install installation.

  3. Delete the corresponding apk file / data / local / tmp under.

Therefore, when necessary, according to this step, manually step through the installation process.



adb uninstall [-k] <packagename>

<Packagename> represents the application package name, -k optional parameter indicates uninstall the application but keep the data and cache directories.

Command Example:

adb uninstall com.qihoo360.mobilesafe

Uninstall represents 360 mobile guards.

Disable or enable apps

List all apps enabled:

adb shell pm list packages -e

Disable apps


adb shell pm disable-user <packagename>

Command Example:

adb shell pm disable-user com.qihoo360.mobilesafe

Enable apps


adb shell pm enable <packagename>

Command Example:

adb shell pm enable com.qihoo360.mobilesafe

Clear app cache data


adb shell pm clear <packagename>

<Packagename> represents the name of the application package, the effect of this command is equivalent to the application information in the settings screen, click the "Clear Cache" and "Clear data."

Command Example:

adb shell pm clear com.qihoo360.mobilesafe

360 mobile guards to clear the data and cache.

View Reception Activity


adb shell dumpsys activity activities | grep mResumedActivity

Example output:

mResumedActivity: ActivityRecord{8079d7e u0 com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/ t42}

Where com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet / is currently in the foreground Activity.

*The command above may not valid in Windows, you can try adb shell dumpsys activity activities | findstr mResumedActivity or adb shell "dumpsys activity activities | grep mResumedActivity".

View Running Services


adb shell dumpsys activity services [<packagename>]

<packagename> parameter is optional, command with <packagename> will output services related with that packagename, and command without <packagename> will output all services.

Complete packagename is unnecessary. For example, adb shell dumpsys activity services org.mazhuang will output services related with org.mazhuang.demo1, org.mazhuang.demo2 and org.mazhuang123, etc.

Query package detail information


adb shell dumpsys package <packagename>

There are many infos in output, include Activity Resolver Table, Registered ContentProviders, package name, userId, files/resources/codes path after install, version name and code, permissions info and their granted status, signing version, etc.

<packagename> is package name of an application.

Example output:

Activity Resolver Table:
  Non-Data Actions:
        5b4cba8 org.mazhuang.guanggoo/.SplashActivity filter 5ec9dcc
          Action: "android.intent.action.MAIN"
          Category: "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"

Registered ContentProviders:
    Provider{7a3c394 org.mazhuang.guanggoo/com.tencent.bugly.beta.utils.BuglyFileProvider}

ContentProvider Authorities:
    Provider{7a3c394 org.mazhuang.guanggoo/com.tencent.bugly.beta.utils.BuglyFileProvider}
      applicationInfo=ApplicationInfo{7754242 org.mazhuang.guanggoo}

Key Set Manager:
      Signing KeySets: 501

  Package [org.mazhuang.guanggoo] (c1d7f):
    pkg=Package{55f714c org.mazhuang.guanggoo}
    versionCode=74 minSdk=15 targetSdk=25
    applicationInfo=ApplicationInfo{7754242 org.mazhuang.guanggoo}
    privateFlags=[ RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITIES ]
    supportsScreens=[small, medium, large, xlarge, resizeable, anyDensity]
    timeStamp=2017-10-22 23:50:53
    firstInstallTime=2017-10-22 23:50:25
    lastUpdateTime=2017-10-22 23:50:55
    signatures=PackageSignatures{af09595 [53c7caa2]}
    installPermissionsFixed=true installStatus=1
    requested permissions:
    install permissions:
      android.permission.INTERNET: granted=true
      android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: granted=true
      android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: granted=true
    User 0: ceDataInode=1155675 installed=true hidden=false suspended=false stopped=true notLaunched=false enabled=0
      runtime permissions:
        android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: granted=true
        android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE: granted=true
        android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: granted=true
    User 999: ceDataInode=0 installed=false hidden=false suspended=false stopped=true notLaunched=true enabled=0
      runtime permissions:

Dexopt state:
    Instruction Set: arm64
      path: /data/app/org.mazhuang.guanggoo-2/base.apk
      status: /data/app/org.mazhuang.guanggoo-2/oat/arm64/base.odex [compilation_filter=speed-profile, status=kOatUpToDa

Query application installation path


adb shell pm path <PACKAGE>

Output shows application installation path.

Example output:

adb shell pm path


Interact with Applications

The most used syntax for interacting with applications is :

am <command>

The common commands for <command> are as follow:

Command Use
start [options] <INTENT> Start an Activity specified by <INTENT>
startservice [options] <INTENT> Start the Service specified by <INTENT>
broadcast [options] <INTENT> Send a broadcast <INTENT>
force-stop <packagename> Force stop everything associated with <packagename>

The <INTENT> is a flexible parameter which is corresponding to the Intent writing in the application.

The options for <INTENT> are as follows:

Parameter Meaning
-a <ACTION> Specify the intent action, such as android.intent.action.VIEW. You can declare this only once.
-c <CATEGORY> Specify an intent category, such as android.intent.category.APP_CONTACTS
-n <COMPONENT> Specify the component name with package name prefix to create an explicit intent, such as

There are some options addting data for <INTENT>, similar to extra for Bundle:

Parameter Meaning
--esn <EXTRA_KEY> null value (only key name)
--ez <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE> boolean value
--ei <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE> integer value
--el <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE> long value
--ef <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE> float value
--eia <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE> [, <EXTRA_INT_VALUE ...] integer array
--ela <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE> [, <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE ...] long array

Launch app / Start an Activity

start with Activity's name

The syntax is:

adb shell am start [options] <INTENT>

For example:

adb shell am start -n

The command above means starting the launch activity of WeChat.

adb shell am start -n org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure/.MainActivity --es "toast" "hello, world"

The command above means starting MainActivity of the application with the package name org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure with an extra string information (key is 'toast' and value is 'hello, world').

start without Activity's name

The syntax is:

adb shell monkey -p <packagename> -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1

For example:

adb shell monkey -p -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1

The command above means starting the launch activity of WeChat.

Start a Service

The syntax is:

adb shell am startservice [options] <INTENT>

For example:

adb shell am startservice -n

The command above means starting a service from WeChat.

Another typical useage is that if devices has bottom virtual keys but not show, you can try this:

adb shell am startservice -n

Stop service

The syntax is:

adb shell am stopservice [options] <INTENT>

Send a broadcast

The syntax is:

adb shell am broadcast [options] <INTENT>

Broadcast intent can be sent to all components or a specified component.

For example, the command of issuing a broadcast intent with BOOT_COMPLETED to all of the components is as following:

adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED

As another example of issuing a broadcast intent with BOOT_COMPLETED only to org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure / .BootCompletedReceiver is as following:

adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED -n org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure/.BootCompletedReceiver

The command of issuing a broadcast intent is very useful in the test, especially when a broatcast intent is hard to generate normally, it would be of great use to send the broadcast intent by the command.

Both system predefined and custom broadcast intent are able to be sent. The following is part of the system predefined broadcast intents and the triggers:

Action Trigger network connectivity changes
android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON screen on
android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF screen off
android.intent.action.BATTERY_LOW low battery, corresponding to the "Low battery warning" system dialog
android.intent.action.BATTERY_OKAY the battery is now okay after being low
android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED device boot finished
android.intent.action.DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW low memory condition on the device
android.intent.action.DEVICE_STORAGE_OK low memory condition on the device no longer exists
android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED a new application has been installed WiFi connection status changed Wi-Fi has been enabled, disabled, enabling, disabling, or unknown
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED battery level changed
android.intent.action.INPUT_METHOD_CHANGED system input method changed
android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED external power connected to the device
android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED external power removed from the device
android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED system starts dreaming
android.intent.action.DREAMING_STOPPED system stops dreaming
android.intent.action.WALLPAPER_CHANGED wallpaper changeed
android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG wired headset plugged in or unplugged
android.intent.action.MEDIA_UNMOUNTED external media is present, but not mounted at its mount point
android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED external media is present and mounted at its mount point
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED power-saving mode changed

(Above broadcast intents are all available to be sent via adb commands)

Force stop an application

The syntax is:

adb shell am force-stop <packagename>

For example:

adb shell am force-stop com.qihoo360.mobilesafe

The command above means stopping all processes and services related to the package name com.qihoo360.mobilesafe.

Trim memory


adb shell am send-trim-memory  <pid> <level>


For example:

adb shell am send-trim-memory 12345 RUNNING_LOW

means send command to process 12345, notify it to set level to RUNNING.

File Management

Copy files from a device to a computer


adb pull <remote> [local]
  • remote: file path on device
  • local: directory on computer

The local parameter is optional, the default value is current directory.

For example:

adb pull /sdcard/sr.mp4 ~/tmp/
  • Tips: The file from device may be not readable without root permission, you need to make sure your device is rooted and then use adb shell and su commands to gain the root permission in the adb shell environment, after that you can use cp /path/on/device /sdcard/filename to copy the target file from those directories which require root permission to a public directory, and finaly you can use adb pull /sdcard/filename /path/on/pc normally as mentioned above after exiting the adb shell environment.

Copy files from a computer to a device


adb push <local> <remote>
  • local: file path on computer
  • remote: directory on device

For example:

adb push ~/sr.mp4 /sdcard/
  • Tips: The directory on device may be not writable without root permission, you need to make sure your device is rooted and then use adb push /path/on/pc /sdcard/filename firstly, and use adb shell and su to gain the root permission in the adb shell environment, and finaly use cp /sdcard/filename /path/on/device to copy the file to the target directory.

Analog Keys / inputs

In adb shell there is a very useful command called input, through which you can do some interesting things.

Complete help information input command is as follows:

Usage: input [<source>] <command> [<arg>...]

The sources are:

The commands and default sources are:
      text <string> (Default: touchscreen)
      keyevent [--longpress] <key code number or name> ... (Default: keyboard)
      tap <x> <y> (Default: touchscreen)
      swipe <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [duration(ms)] (Default: touchscreen)
      press (Default: trackball)
      roll <dx> <dy> (Default: trackball)

Such as using adb shell input keyevent <keycode> command, different keycode to achieve different functions, keycode complete list see KeyEvent, I think the interesting part of the quote is as follows:

Keycode Meaning
3 HOME button
4 return key
5 open dialing application
6 hang up
24 increase volume
25 Volume Down
26 Power button
27 taking pictures (in the camera application needs in)
64 Open Browser
82 menu button
85 Play / Pause
86 stop playing
87 play the next
88 played on a
122 Move the cursor to the beginning or top of the list
123 Move the cursor to the end of the line or bottom of the list
126 resume playing
127 pause play
164 Mute
176 Open the System Setup
187 switching applications
207 Open Contacts
208 Open calendar
209 Open Music
210 Open Calculator
220 Decrease screen brightness
221 Increase screen brightness
223 System Sleep
224 light up the screen
231 Open the voice assistant
276 If no wakelock allow the system to sleep

Here are some examples of the use of input command.

Power button


adb shell input keyevent 26

Executive effect equivalent to pressing the power button.



adb shell input keyevent 82

HOME key


adb shell input keyevent 3

return key


adb shell input keyevent 4

volume control

Increase the volume:

adb shell input keyevent 24

lower the volume:

adb shell input keyevent 25


adb shell input keyevent 164

Media Control

play / Pause:

adb shell input keyevent 85

Stop play:

adb shell input keyevent 86

Play the next song:

adb shell input keyevent 87

Played on one:

adb shell input keyevent 88

Resume playback:

adb shell input keyevent 126

Pause playback:

adb shell input keyevent 127

On / Off screen

It can be switched on and off by telling off the screen above the analog power button, but if you want to light up or clear off the screen, then you can use the following method.

Light up the screen:

adb shell input keyevent 224

Off screen:

adb shell input keyevent 223

Slide to unlock

If no password lock screen is unlocked by sliding gestures, so you can input swipe to unlock.

Command (parameter models Nexus 5, swipe up to unlock, for example):

adb shell input swipe 300 1000 300 500

3001000300 parameters represent 500` starting x coordinate of the start point y coordinate of the end point x coordinate y coordinate of the end point '.

Enter text

When the focus is in a text box, you can enter text by input command.


adb shell input text hello

hello now appear in the text box.

If you want to input Chinese, you can install ADBKeyBoard.apk, detailed documentation refer to here.

Then execute the commands:

# 1. Set the current input method to ADBKeyBoard
adb shell ime set   

# 2. Input Chinese
adb shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es msg '你好'

View Log

Log Android system is divided into two parts, the underlying Linux kernel log output to / proc / kmsg, Android's log output to / dev / log.

Android log


[adb] logcat [<option>] ... [<filter-spec>] ...

Common usage are listed below:

Filter the log by level

Android log divided into the following levels:

  • V - Verbose (lowest output most)
  • D - Debug
  • I - Info
  • W - Warning
  • E - Error
  • F - Fatal
  • S - Silent (highest, what is not output)

Press a grade level and above filter log is the log output.

For example, the command:

adb logcat *:W

Will Warning, Error, Fatal and Silent log output.

(Notice: tag * must surrounded with double quotation, like adb logcat "*:W", otherwise an error no matches found *:W would throws.)

Filter by tag and log level

filterspecs are a series of <tag>[:priority].

For example, the command:

adb logcat ActivityManager:I MyApp:D *:S

Represents an output tag ActivityManager above the level of Info logs, Debug log output above the level of the tag MyApp, and other tag Silent level of log (ie, shield other tag logging).

Log format

You can use adb logcat -v <format> option specifies log output format.

Log supported by the following <format>:

  • brief

    The default format. The format is:

    <priority>/<tag>(<pid>): <message>


    D/HeadsetStateMachine( 1785): Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
  • process

    The format is:

    <priority>(<pid>) <message>


    D( 1785) Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0  (HeadsetStateMachine)
  • tag

    The format is:

    <priority>/<tag>: <message>


    D/HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
  • raw

    The format is:



    Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
  • time

    The format is:

    <datetime> <priority>/<tag>(<pid>): <message>


    08-28 22:39:39.974 D/HeadsetStateMachine( 1785): Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
  • threadtime

    The format is:

    <datetime> <pid> <tid> <priority> <tag>: <message>


    08-28 22:39:39.974  1785  1832 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
  • long

    The format is:

    [ <datetime> <pid>:<tid> <priority>/<tag> ]


    [ 08-28 22:39:39.974  1785: 1832 D/HeadsetStateMachine ]
    Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0

Specified format can be used simultaneously with the above filter. such as:

adb logcat -v long ActivityManager:I *:S

Clear log

adb logcat -c

Kernel log


adb shell dmesg

Example output:

<6>[14201.684016] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 0.982 msecs
<6>[14201.685525] PM: early resume of devices complete after 0.838 msecs
<6>[14201.753642] PM: resume of devices complete after 68.106 msecs
<4>[14201.755954] Restarting tasks ... done.
<6>[14201.771229] PM: suspend exit 2016-08-28 13:31:32.679217193 UTC
<6>[14201.872373] PM: suspend entry 2016-08-28 13:31:32.780363596 UTC
<6>[14201.872498] PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.

In brackets [14201.684016] time represents the core begins to start in seconds.

By kernel log, we can do some things, such as a measure of the kernel boot time, Freeing init memory find that time is in front of the line after system startup, the kernel log.

View device information



adb shell getprop ro.product.model

Sample output:

Nexus 5

Battery Status


adb shell dumpsys battery

Sample output:

Current Battery Service state:
  AC powered: false
  USB powered: true
  Wireless powered: false
  status: 2
  health: 2
  present: true
  level: 44
  scale: 100
  voltage: 3872
  temperature: 280
  technology: Li-poly

Scale means the maximum value of level, and level means the current battery level. The output above means there is 44% of battery left of the device.

Screen Resolution


adb shell wm size

Sample output:

Physical size: 1080x1920

The above output means the device's screen resolution is 1080px * 1920px.

If resolution has been changed by command, the output would be like this:

Physical size: 1080x1920
Override size: 480x1024

It means the original resolution of the screen is 1080px * 1920px, and currently it is 480px * 1024px.

Screen density


adb shell wm density

Sample output:

Physical density: 420

The output shows the density of the device is 420dpi.

If screen density has been changed by command, the output would be like this:

Physical density: 480
Override density: 160

It means the original density of the screen is 480dpi, and currently it is 160dpi.

Display Parameters


adb shell dumpsys window displays

Sample output:

WINDOW MANAGER DISPLAY CONTENTS (dumpsys window displays)
  Display: mDisplayId=0
    init=1080x1920 420dpi cur=1080x1920 app=1080x1794 rng=1080x1017-1810x1731
    deferred=false layoutNeeded=false

The mDisplayId stands for the number of the display screen, init shows the initial resolution and density of the screen, the height in app is smaller than that in init, which means the device has a virtual navigation bar with a height: 1920 - 1794 = 126px (42dp).



adb shell settings get secure android_id

Sample output:



For Android 4.4 and the belows, the IMEI viewing command is like this:

adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo

Sample output:

Phone Subscriber Info:
  Phone Type = GSM
  Device ID = 860955027785041

Device ID stands for IMEI.

For Android 5.0 and the aboves, the command used to view IMEI above is not working which always comes out nothing, the alternative is like this(requires root privileges):

adb shell
service call iphonesubinfo 1

Sample output:

Result: Parcel(
  0x00000000: 00000000 0000000f 00360038 00390030 '........'
  0x00000010: 00350035 00320030 00370037 00350038 ''
  0x00000020: 00340030 00000031                   '0.4.1...        ')

After extracting the data the normal IMEI will show, such as the IMEI above is 860955027785041.

Reference: adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo not working since Android 5.0 Lollipop

Android system version


adb shell getprop

Sample output:


IP address

Are you getting bored for pressing "Setting" - "About phone" - "state information" - "IP address" to get the IP address of the device? You can make it easily via adb command:


adb shell ifconfig | grep Mask

Sample output:

inet addr:  Mask:
inet addr:  Mask:

The IP address of the device is

The above command may result in an empty result on some devices if they are connected via WIFI, then you can use the following command to view the LAN IP:

adb shell ifconfig wlan0

Sample output:

wlan0: ip mask flags [up broadcast running multicast]


wlan0     Link encap:UNSPEC
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::66cc:2eff:fe68:b6b6/64 Scope: Link
          RX packets:496520 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:68215 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:3000
          RX bytes:116266821 TX bytes:8311736

If the two commands above still don't get the desired information, then you can try the following command (available in some system):

adb shell netcfg

Sample output:

wlan0    UP                       0x00001043 f8:a9:d0:17:42:4d
lo       UP                            0x00000049 00:00:00:00:00:00
p2p0     UP                              0x00001003 fa:a9:d0:17:42:4d
sit0     DOWN                            0x00000080 00:00:00:00:00:00
rmnet0   DOWN                            0x00000000 00:00:00:00:00:00
rmnet1   DOWN                            0x00000000 00:00:00:00:00:00
rmnet3   DOWN                            0x00000000 00:00:00:00:00:00
rmnet2   DOWN                            0x00000000 00:00:00:00:00:00
rmnet4   DOWN                            0x00000000 00:00:00:00:00:00
rmnet6   DOWN                            0x00000000 00:00:00:00:00:00
rmnet5   DOWN                            0x00000000 00:00:00:00:00:00
rmnet7   DOWN                            0x00000000 00:00:00:00:00:00
rev_rmnet3 DOWN                            0x00001002 4e:b7:e4:2e:17:58
rev_rmnet2 DOWN                            0x00001002 4e:f0:c8:bf:7a:cf
rev_rmnet4 DOWN                            0x00001002 a6:c0:3b:6b:c4:1f
rev_rmnet6 DOWN                            0x00001002 66:bb:5d:64:2e:e9
rev_rmnet5 DOWN                            0x00001002 0e:1b:eb:b9:23:a0
rev_rmnet7 DOWN                            0x00001002 7a:d9:f6:81:40:5a
rev_rmnet8 DOWN                            0x00001002 4e:e2:a9:bb:d0:1b
rev_rmnet0 DOWN                            0x00001002 fe:65:d0:ca:82:a9
rev_rmnet1 DOWN                            0x00001002 da:d8:e8:4f:2e:fe

It shows the network connection name, connection enable status, IP address, Mac address and etc.

Mac Address


adb shell cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address

Sample output:


The output above is the Mac address of LAN, if you want other infomation of connection, the command adb shell netcfg mentioned in the section IP address would be helpful.

CPU Information


adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo

Sample output:

Processor       : ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)
processor       : 0
BogoMIPS        : 38.40

processor       : 1
BogoMIPS        : 38.40

processor       : 2
BogoMIPS        : 38.40

processor       : 3
BogoMIPS        : 38.40

Features        : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt
CPU implementer : 0x51
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant     : 0x2
CPU part        : 0x06f
CPU revision    : 0

Hardware        : Qualcomm MSM 8974 HAMMERHEAD (Flattened Device Tree)
Revision        : 000b
Serial          : 0000000000000000

This is the CPU information of Nexus 5, we can find from the output that the hardware is Qualcomm MSM 8974, and the processor number is from 0 to 3, which means the cpu is a quad-core, then from the Processor we can find the architecture of the cpu isARMv7 Processor rev 0 ( v71).

Memory Information


adb shell cat /proc/meminfo

Sample output:

MemTotal:        1027424 kB
MemFree:          486564 kB
Buffers:           15224 kB
Cached:            72464 kB
SwapCached:        24152 kB
Active:           110572 kB
Inactive:         259060 kB
Active(anon):      79176 kB
Inactive(anon):   207736 kB
Active(file):      31396 kB
Inactive(file):    51324 kB
Unevictable:        3948 kB
Mlocked:               0 kB
HighTotal:        409600 kB
HighFree:         132612 kB
LowTotal:         617824 kB
LowFree:          353952 kB
SwapTotal:        262140 kB
SwapFree:         207572 kB
Dirty:                 0 kB
Writeback:             0 kB
AnonPages:        265324 kB
Mapped:            47072 kB
Shmem:              1020 kB
Slab:              57372 kB
SReclaimable:       7692 kB
SUnreclaim:        49680 kB
KernelStack:        4512 kB
PageTables:         5912 kB
NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
Bounce:                0 kB
WritebackTmp:          0 kB
CommitLimit:      775852 kB
Committed_AS:   13520632 kB
VmallocTotal:     385024 kB
VmallocUsed:       61004 kB
VmallocChunk:     209668 kB

MemTotal means the total memory of the device, and MemFree means the current free memory.

More hardware and system properties

More hardware devices and system properties can be obtained by the following command:

adb shell cat /system/build.prop

This will output a lot of information, including "model" and "Android system version" and other infomation which are mentioned in previous several sections.

In output also includes some other useful information, which can also be obtained individually via the command adb shell getprop <attribute name>:

Attribute name Meaning SDK version Android system version Android security patch level
ro.product.model Type
ro.product.brand Brands device name
ro.product.board Processor Model
ro.product.cpu.abilist CPU supported abi list[Ref 1]
persist.sys.isUsbOtgEnabled OTG supports
dalvik.vm.heapsize limit on heap size for each app
ro.sf.lcd_density screen density

Ref 1: The property of abi list may be changed in some custom ROMs, if it can't be obtained via ro.product.cpu.abilist, you can try this command:

adb shell cat /system/build.prop | grep ro.product.cpu.abi

Sample output:


Modify Settings

Notice: Display may not normal after reset settings, you can use command adb reboot to reboot device, or reboot it maually.



adb shell wm size 480x1024

It means change the resolution to 480px * 1024px.

Reset to original resolution:

adb shell wm size reset

Screen density


adb shell wm density 160

It means change the screen density to 160dpi.

Reset to original screen density:

adb shell wm density reset



adb shell wm overscan 0,0,0,200

Four parameters are left, top, right and bottom margin pixels to the edge, command above means leave 200px in screen bottom clean.

Reset to original overscan:

adb shell wm overscan reset

Turn off Android Debug


adb shell settings put global adb_enabled 0

To reset:

We can't do this via command now, because without "Android Debug" on, adb cannot communicate with Devices.

So just do it on device manually:

"Settings" - "Developer options" - "Android Debug".

allow/forbidden access non SDK API

allow access non SDK API:

adb shell settings put global hidden_api_policy_pre_p_apps 1
adb shell settings put global hidden_api_policy_p_apps 1

forbidden access non SDK API:

adb shell settings delete global hidden_api_policy_pre_p_apps
adb shell settings delete global hidden_api_policy_p_apps

Note: Commands above don't need root privileges.

meaning for number in command tail:

value meaning
0 disable detect for non SDK API call. In this situation, there is no call log in logcat, and make strict mode API, detectNonSdkApiUsage() invalid. Not recommended.
1 Just warning -- allow access all non SDK API, but retain warning in logcat. You can continue to use strick mode API.
2 It is forbidden to invoke interfaces in dark grey lists and black lists.
3 It is forbidden to invoke the interface in the black list, but it is allowed to call the interface in the dark grey list.

Show/hide status bar or navigation bar

Settings in this section correspond with "Expanded desktop" in Cyanogenmod.


adb shell settings put global policy_control <key-values>

<key-values> composite by keys and their values below, format is <key1>=<value1>:<key2>=<value2>.

key meaning
immersive.full Hide both
immersive.status Hide status bar
immersive.navigation Hide navigation bar
immersive.preconfirms ?

Values for these keys are comma-delimited list of tokens, where tokens:

value 含义
apps All applications
* Everywhere
packagename Include package
-packagename Exclude package

For example:

adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.full=*

Means set hide both status bar and navigation bar everywhere.

adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.status=com.package1,com.package2:immersive.navigation=apps,-com.package3

Means set hide status bar in applications whoes package name is com.package1 or com.package2, hide navigation bar in all applications, exclude whoes package name is com.package3.

Utility functions


Take screenshot and save to computer:

adb exec-out screencap -p > sc.png

If your adb is old version, doesn't have exec-out command, then your can take screenshot like below:

First, take screenshot and save to device:

adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/sc.png

And then export the png file to your computer:

adb pull /sdcard/sc.png

You can use the adb shell screencap -h See help screencap command, here are two significant parameters and their meanings:

Parameter Meaning
-p Save the file in png format specified
-d Display-id screenshots display the specified number (multiple screen display case next)

Found If you specify a file name can be omitted when the -p parameter to .png ending; otherwise you need to use the -p parameter. If you do not specify a file name, file contents screenshot will be directly output to stdout.

Another method to save screenshot file to computer with a single line command:

adb shell screencap -p | sed "s/\r$//" > sc.png

This depends on sed command, it's avaliable in Linux and Mac OS X by default. In Windows, you may find it in bin directory in Git installation place. Otherwise, you may need to download sed for Windows and add the directory where sed.exe is to PATH environment variable.

Recording Screen

Record screen are saved in mp4 format to / sdcard:

adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/filename.mp4

When you need to stop press Ctrl-C </ kbd>, the default recording time and maximum recording time is 180 seconds.

If you need to export to your computer:

adb pull /sdcard/filename.mp4

You can use the adb shell screenrecord --help See help screenrecord command, the following are common parameters and their meanings:

Parameter Meaning
--size WIDTHxHEIGHT dimensions of the video, such as 1280x720, default screen resolution.
--bit-Rate RATE bit-rate video, the default is 4Mbps.
--time-Limit TIME recording length, in seconds.
--verbose Print more information.

Remount system partition as writable

Note: You need root privileges.

/system partitions are mounted read-only, but some operating systems such as Android to add commands to remove the need to bring their own application / system write operation, it is necessary to remount it read-write.


  1. Enter the shell and switch to the root user privileges.


    adb shell
  2. View the current partition mounted case.



    Example output:

    rootfs / rootfs ro,relatime 0 0
    tmpfs /dev tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,relatime,mode=755 0 0
    devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=600 0 0
    proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
    sysfs /sys sysfs rw,seclabel,relatime 0 0
    selinuxfs /sys/fs/selinux selinuxfs rw,relatime 0 0
    debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw,relatime 0 0
    none /var tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=770,gid=1000 0 0
    none /acct cgroup rw,relatime,cpuacct 0 0
    none /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=750,gid=1000 0 0
    none /sys/fs/cgroup/memory cgroup rw,relatime,memory 0 0
    tmpfs /mnt/asec tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
    tmpfs /mnt/obb tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
    none /dev/memcg cgroup rw,relatime,memory 0 0
    none /dev/cpuctl cgroup rw,relatime,cpu 0 0
    none /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=750,gid=1000 0 0
    none /sys/fs/cgroup/memory cgroup rw,relatime,memory 0 0
    none /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer cgroup rw,relatime,freezer 0 0
    /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,seclabel,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
    /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata /data ext4 rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime,noauto_da_alloc,data=ordered 0 0
    /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache /cache ext4 rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
    /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/persist /persist ext4 rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
    /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/modem /firmware vfat ro,context=u:object_r:firmware_file:s0,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0337,dmask=0227,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=lower,errors=remount-ro 0 0
    /dev/fuse /mnt/shell/emulated fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other 0 0
    /dev/fuse /mnt/shell/emulated/0 fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other 0 0

    Find one of our concerns with the / system of the line:

    /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,seclabel,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
  3. remount.


    mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system

    Here / dev / block / platform / msm_sdcc.1 / by-name / system is we get the file path from the output in the previous step.

If the output is not an error, then the operation is successful, you can file / system under wanted.

Check connection over WiFi password

Note: You need root privileges.


adb shell
cat /data/misc/wifi/*.conf

Example output:

	group=CCMP TKIP


Ssid we shall see in the WLAN settings in the name, psk the password, key_mgmt security encryption.

If android version is above O, the path of config file should be in WifiConfigStore.xml.

adb shell
cat /data/misc/wifi/WifiConfigStore.xml

Example output:

because of too many items in the file, it can be focused on ConfigKey-- WiFi name and PreSharedKey -- WiFi password.

<string name="ConfigKey">&quot;Wi-Fi&quot;WPA_PSK</string>
<string name="PreSharedKey">&quot;931907334&quot;</string>

To set the system date and time

** Note: You need root privileges. **


adb shell
date -s 20160823.131500

It said it would change the system date and time at 13:15:00 on August 23, 2016.

restart cellphone


adb reboot

Detect whether the device is root


adb shell

In this case the command line prompt is $ indicates no root privileges, is the # indicates root.

Monkey use stress testing

Monkey can generate pseudo-random event to simulate a user click, touch, gesture and other operations, you can program being developed random stress test.

Usage is simple:

adb shell monkey -p <packagename> -v 500

He told <packagename> specific application to send 500 pseudo-random events.

Monkey in detail with reference to the use of official document.

On / off WiFi

** Note: You need root privileges. **

Sometimes the need to control the device WiFi mode, you can use the following command to complete.

Open WiFi:

adb root
adb shell svc wifi enable

Close WiFi:

adb root
adb shell svc wifi disable

If successfully implemented, the output is empty; if not get root privileges to execute this command will fail, output Killed.

Flashing-Phone related commands

Restart to Recovery mode


adb reboot recovery

To restart from the Recovery Android


adb reboot

Restart to Fastboot mode


adb reboot bootloader

Through sideload system update

If we downloaded the Android system update package corresponds to the device to your computer, you can also adb to complete the update.

Case in Recovery Mode Update:

  1. Restart to Recovery mode.


    adb reboot recovery
  2. Recovery operations on the interface device into the Apply update-Apply from ADB.

    Note: Different Recovery menu may differ from this, there is some level menu Apply update from ADB.

  3. adb upload and update the system.


    adb sideload <>

Security-related commands

Enable / Disable SELinux

Enable SELinux

adb root
adb shell setenforce 1

Disable SELinux

adb root
adb shell setenforce 0

Enable / Disable dm_verity

Enable dm_verity

adb root
adb enable-verity

Disable dm_verity

adb root
adb disable-verity

More adb shell command

Android system is based on Linux kernel, so Linux where many commands in Android also has the same or similar implement, in adb shell where you can call. Part earlier in this document have been used in the adb shell command.

See process


adb shell ps

Example output:

root      1     0     8904   788   ffffffff 00000000 S /init
root      2     0     0      0     ffffffff 00000000 S kthreadd
u0_a71    7779  5926  1538748 48896 ffffffff 00000000 S
u0_a58    7963  5926  1561916 59568 ffffffff 00000000 S org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure
shell     8750  217   10640  740   00000000 b6f28340 R ps

Meaning of each column:

Listing Meaning
USER their user
PID Process ID
PPID parent process ID
NAME process name

View real-time resource consumption


adb shell top

Example output:

User 0%, System 6%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0%
User 3 + Nice 0 + Sys 21 + Idle 280 + IOW 0 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 3 = 307

  PID PR CPU% S  #THR     VSS     RSS PCY UID      Name
 8763  0   3% R     1  10640K   1064K  fg shell    top
  131  0   3% S     1      0K      0K  fg root     dhd_dpc
 6144  0   0% S   115 1682004K 115916K  fg system   system_server
  132  0   0% S     1      0K      0K  fg root     dhd_rxf
 1731  0   0% S     6  20288K    788K  fg root     /system/bin/mpdecision
  217  0   0% S     6  18008K    356K  fg shell    /sbin/adbd
 7779  2   0% S    19 1538748K  48896K  bg u0_a71
 7963  0   0% S    18 1561916K  59568K  fg u0_a58   org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure

Meaning of each column:

Listing Meaning
PID Process ID
PR Priority
CPU% instantaneous current occupancy percentage of CPU
S process state (R = run, S = sleep, T = trace / stop, Z = zombie process)
#THR Threads
VSS Virtual Set Size of virtual memory consumption (including shared libraries occupy memory)
RSS Resident Set Size actual physical memory (including shared libraries occupy memory)
PCY scheduling policy priority, SP_BACKGROUND / SPFOREGROUND
UID process owner user ID
NAME process name

Top command also supports a number of command-line parameters, detailed usage is as follows:

Usage: top [ -m max_procs ] [ -n iterations ] [ -d delay ] [ -s sort_column ] [ -t ] [ -h ]
    -m num  How many processes displays up
    -n num refresh how many times
    -d num refresh interval (in seconds, default value of 5)
    -s col sorted by a column (available col value: cpu, vss, rss, thr)
    -t display thread information
    -h displays help documentation

query process uid

There are two methods:

  1. adb shell dumpsys package <packagename> | grep userId=

    For example:

    $ adb shell dumpsys package org.mazhuang.guanggoo | grep userId=
  2. Get pid by ps first, then adb shell cat /proc/<pid>/status | grep Uid

    For example:

    $ adb shell
    gemini:/ $ ps | grep org.mazhuang.guanggoo
    u0_a394   28635 770   1795812 78736 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S org.mazhuang.guanggoo
    gemini:/ $ cat /proc/28635/status | grep Uid
    Uid:    10394   10394   10394   10394
    gemini:/ $


The following is a brief description of other commonly used commands, has previously spoken commands no special additional explanation:

Command function
cat display file contents
cd change directory
chmod change file access mode / access
df view disk space usage
grep output filter
kill kill the specified process PID
ls list directory contents
mount Mount View and manage directory
mv move or rename a file
ps view running processes
rm delete files
top Check process resource consumption

common problem

Start adb server failure

Error message

error: protocol fault (couldn't read status): No error

Possible Causes

adb server process wants to use 5037 port is occupied.


Found consumes process 5037 port, and then terminate it. In Windows, for example:

netstat -ano | findstr LISTENING

TCP               LISTENING       1548

1548 Here is the process ID, the process ends with the command:

taskkill /PID 1548

Then start adb no problem.

Create a new emulator in Android Studio, but cannot connect with adb, output is: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

After install a terminal app in emulator and run su command, it shows no su program, that is not normal.

So just delete the emulator and re-download, reinstall, all is well now.

adb unofficial implementation

  • fb-adb - A better shell for Android devices (for Mac).

related commands


Thanks friends for theirs selfless sharing and supplement. Names listed in no particular order.

zxning, linhua55, codeskyblue, seasonyuu, fan123199, zhEdward, 0x8BADFOOD, keith666666, shawnlinboy, s-xq, lucky9322.

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