
Bluetooth low energy react native app that can connect with BLE Peripheral and can Read Services, Characteristics and Descriptors. It can also monitor sensor data. In this project i have used react-native-ble-plx library for working with bluetooth.


BLE Project

It's a bluetooth low energy react native app that can connect with BLE Peripheral and can Read Services, Characteristics and Descriptors. It can also monitor sensor data. In this project i have used react-native-ble-plx library for working with bluetooth.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


first clone the repository on your local machine.
>_ git clone

i have used yarn as a package manager for node. you can use npm

To install the dependency:
>_ yarn install

To start the project:
>_ yarn start

To Run the project on Android Emulator or Externel Android Device:
>_ yarn android

To Run the project on IOS Emulator:
>_ cd ios && pod install
>_ yarn ios


To setting up the development environment you can follow the guide: RN Developement Environment Setup

App Screenshots


  Mahmudul alam
  Email: [email protected]