
😷 Coronainfo - Get the latest COVID-19 statistics right to your smartphone!

MIT License


Coronainfo 😷

Get the latest COVID-19 statistics right to your smartphone!

Get started

  1. Find the apk file in the /release directory or by clicking here
  2. Download and install coronainfo.apk on your Android device
  3. Enjoy the app!


  • Coronainfo provides reliable information from trustworthy sources about the state of the COVID-19 pandemic both globally and locally, supporting nearly all countries on Earth.
  • Global statistics: check total and recent number of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries on a global scale
  • Country statistics: view total number of confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries, critical cases, death and recovery rates as well as cases per million population in any supported country

Fighting misinformation

Our mission is to provide useful and reliable information to our users, and join the fight against the spreading of misinformation and fake news. To achieve this goal Coronainfo uses the About Corona API to gather accurate information from trusted sources such as the World Health Organization, the Johns Hopkins CSSE and various governments.

Bugs, issues and feature requests

Encountered some weird bugs, or have some cool ideas that you would like us to implement? Go to our issues section and let us know how our app can better help you! For a list of already known bugs please consult our issues page.

iOS and other platforms

Coronainfo was developed to run solely on Android devices, and ports for iOS and other platforms are not currently in development nor are they planned. However, feel free to let us know in the issues page if you would like to see it happen.


Find the generated JavaDoc files in the /docs directory or view them in the browser by clicking here.


Coronainfo was developed as a project work at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences as part of the Mobile Solutions course.


Coronainfo is using an MIT License that can be found here.