
Freeing up memory used by old Kotlin and Gradle Daemons

APACHE-2.0 License


Daemon Hunter 🏹 😈

This repository contains a simple script that lets you kill gradle and kotlin daemons.

After updating gradle or kotlin or checking out older commits, often time you end up with multiple versions of gradle and the kotlin daemon running on your machine. These daemons consume a lot of RAM and slow down your system unnecessarily as you don't need them to be alive.


Install the official Kotlin CLI.


Execute the script: ./kill-daemons.main.kts. Select the versions to kill.

By default the prefill contains the outdated daemons. In the example, Kotlin 1.3.72 is older than Kotlin 1.4.10 and so is Gradle 6.6.1. Therefore, these daemons will be killed if you specify no input.

[1]     Kotlin  1.4.10
[2]     Kotlin  1.3.72
[3]     Gradle  6.7
[4]     Gradle  6.6.1
Enter the numbers, separated by commas you want to kill [2,4]: 
killed Kotlin   1.3.72
killed Gradle   6.6.1