
a client SDK for updating React Native app(s) dynamically

MIT License


react-native-doctorstrange-updater | 热更新客户端SDK

热更新客户端SDK, 提供jsbundle更新以及静态资源更新,并支持了增量更新,以及版本回退

This plugin not only supports update js code and static resources but also supports incremental update and revert update for react-native application.

这个SDK需要配合一个后端进行使用,服务端工程地址doctorstrange (或者 doctorstrange)

this is a client SDK, and there is a server project named doctorstrange (or doctorstrange)

SDK config | SDK配置


At first you should add a json file under your project path, there is sample of it:

	"version": "1.6.9",
	"minContainerVersion": "2.3.4"

改配置文件含义如下(配置时请务必保持json文件可用): Here's what the fields in the JSON mean:

  • version — this is the version of the bundle file (in major.minor.patch format)


  • minContainerVersion — this is the minimum version of the container (native) app that is allowed to download this bundle (this is needed because adding a new React Native component to your app might result into changed native app, hence, going through the AppStore review process)


updater needs know the location of this JSON file upon initialization.


Installation | 安装


  1. npm install react-native-doctorstrange-updater --save

  2. react-native link react-native-doctorstrange-updater

  3. In the Xcode Project Navigator, click the root project, and in build phases tab, look for Linked Frameworks and Libraries. Click on the + button at the bottom and add libDoctorstrangeUpdater.a libz.tbd libbz2.1.0.tbd from the list.

    在Xcode中点击工程,点击到Build Phases,找到Linked Frameworks and Libraries. 点击底部的 + 然后添加 libDoctorstrangeUpdater.a libz.tbd libz2.1.0.tbd 到列表中.

  4. Go to Build Settings tab and search for Header Search Paths. In the list, add $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-doctorstrange-updater and select recursive.

    Build Settings中搜索到Header Search Paths,添加$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-doctorstrange-updater到列表中,并设置为recursive.


  1. npm install react-native-doctorstrange-updater --save
  2. react-native link react-native-doctorstrange-updater
  3. add code as follows in your settings.gradle | 在 setting.gradle里添加如下代码 :

include ':react-native-doctorstrange-updater'

project(':react-native-doctorstrange-updater').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-doctorstrange-updater/android')

  1. add code as follows before or after apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native/react.gradle" in your build.gradle under android/app/ | 在android/app/build.gradleapply from: "../../node_modules/react-native/react.gradle" 之前或之后添加如下代码:

apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native-doctorstrange-updater/android/doctor.gradle"

  1. set your ndk configure (the new version 1.0.4 is no need NDK any more)(新版本1.0.4不再需要ndk配置)

Usage | 使用


In your AppDelegate.mAppDelegate.m中引入头文件

#import "DoctorStrangeUpdater.h"

然后进行如下操作 The code below essentially follows these steps.

  1. Get an instance of DoctorStrangeUpdater | 获取DoctorStrangeUpdater实例
  2. Initialize with defaultJSCodeLocation and defaultMetadataFileLocation | 初始化默认js代码地址以及默认版本信息文件地址
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  // defaultJSCodeLocation is needed at least for the first startup
  NSURL* defaultJSCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];

  DoctorStrangeUpdater* updater = [DoctorStrangeUpdater sharedInstance];

  NSURL* defaultMetadataFileLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"metadata" withExtension:@"json"];

  [updater initializeWithUpdateMetadataUrl:defaultJSCodeLocation defaultMetadataFileLocation: defaultMetadataFileLocation];

  NSURL* latestJSCodeLocation = [updater latestJSCodeLocation];

  self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
  UIViewController *rootViewController = [UIViewController new];
  self.window.rootViewController = rootViewController;
  RCTBridge* bridge = [[RCTBridge alloc] initWithBundleURL:latestJSCodeLocation moduleProvider:nil launchOptions:nil];
    RCTRootView* rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBridge:bridge moduleName:@"UrAPP" initialProperties:nil];
    self.window.rootViewController.view = rootView;
  [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
  return YES;


in your | 在 中引入包

import com.sxc.doctorstrangeupdater.DoctorStrangeUpdaterPackage;

1.add code as follows in getPackages() | 在 getPackages()添加代码如下:

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
	return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
			new MainReactPackage(),
			new DoctorStrangeUpdaterPackage(getApplicationContext(), null),
  1. replace getBundleAssetName() with the method as follows | 替换 getBundleAssetName() 为下面的方法:
    protected String getJSBundleFile() {
        return DoctorStrangeUpdaterPackage.getJSBundleFile();


  1. Set other settiings on javascript | 在js中设置其他选项
//first, import updater
import DoctorstrangeUpdater from 'react-native-doctorstrange-updater';
//then initial with options | 初始化
let updater = DoctorstrangeUpdater.getDoctorStrangeUpdater({
	//mode | 开发模式
	DEBUG: false,

	debugVersionHost: '',

	debugDownloadHost: '',
	debugErrorReportHost: '',
	//set the versionhost to get the latest version | 检查js版本的地址
	versionHost: ``,
	//source download server | 下载资源文件的地址
	downloadHost: ``,
	//api for reporting error | 错误报告api
	errorReportHost: ``,
	//allow the plugin to use cellular data for download data | 是否允许用户使用蜂窝数据,默认不允许
	allowCellularDataUse: true,
	//whether show run info on statusbar(default `false`) | 是否在状态栏上显示插件运行信息
	showInfo: true,

	downloadStart: () => {
	downloadProgress: (progress) => {
		//show download progress
	downloadEnd: () => {
	checkError: () => {
	onError: () => {
	//when the new data download completely and ready, ask user whether apply it immediately,
	//if you didn't set this option, once the new data ready, it will apply immediatly
	askReload: (reload) => {
		  'new version is ready, apply it immediately?',
			{text: 'cancle', onPress: () => {}},
			{text: 'apply', onPress: () => reload(true)}
	alreadyUpdated: () => {
		updater.showMessageOnStatusBar('already Updated');
	needUpdateApp: () => {
		Alert.alert('Please update your application', 'update', [
			{text: 'cancel', onPress: ()=>{}},
			{text: 'comfirm', onPress: ()=>{
//finally, check update | 检查更新


Name exmaple Extra
checkUpdate() let updater = DoctorstrangeUpdater.getDoctorStrangeUpdater() updater.checkUpdate() ORDoctorstrangeUpdater.getDoctorStrangeUpdater().checkUpdate()
showMessageOnStatusBar(msg: String, color: string) let updater = DoctorstrangeUpdater.getDoctorStrangeUpdater() updater.showMessageOnStatusBar('already Updated', '#ffaa33'); OR DoctorstrangeUpdater.getDoctorStrangeUpdater().showMessageOnStatusBar('already Updated', '#ffaa33');