
Utility functions to perform dynamic operations on Android.

APACHE-2.0 License


Dynamic Utils

A collection of static methods and packages to perform dynamic operations on Android 2.3 (API 9) and above.

Since v0.4.0, it uses 26.x.x support libraries so, minimum SDK will be Android 4.0 (API 14). Since v2.0.0, it uses AndroidX so, first migrate your project to AndroidX. Since v3.3.0, added Concurrent package to replace the deprecated AsyncTask API. Since v4.1.0, it is dependent on Java 8 due to the dependency on AndroidX Core. Since v4.3.0, it supports some helper methods to capture results via Barquode app. Since v4.5.1, it is targeting Java 17 to provide maximum compatibility. Since v4.6.0, the minimum SDK is Android 4.4 (API 19) to comply with the latest policies.



It can be installed by adding the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    // For AndroidX enabled projects.
    implementation 'com.pranavpandey.android:dynamic-utils:4.6.1'

    // For legacy projects.
    implementation 'com.pranavpandey.android:dynamic-utils:1.3.0'


It is divided into different classes according to their category for easy understanding and usage. This library is fully commented so I am highlighting some of the functions below, keep exploring for more hidden features.

For a complete reference, please read the documentation.


A set of classes to perform quick or long running asynchronous operations. It is built according to the familiar AsyncTask API to provide a lightweight replacement and easy migrations as that was deprecated in Android 11 (API 30).

It uses java.util.concurrent package in the background to do most of the operations. Please check the task package to know more about the basic implementation.

 * Extend the base DynamicTask class and implement the required methods.
public class Task<Params, Progress, Result> extends DynamicTask<Params, Progress, Result> {

     * This method will be called before doing the background work.
    protected void onPreExecute() {
        // Initialize on the main thread like showing the progress dialog.

     * This method will be called for doing the background work.
     * @param params The optional parameters required for the work.
     * @return The optional result object.
    protected abstract @Nullable Result doInBackground(@Nullable Params params) {
        // Perform the task in the background and return the result.

     * This method will be called on publishing the progress.
     * @param progress The progress returned by the work.
    protected void onProgressUpdate(@Nullable DynamicResult<Progress> progress) {
        // Optional method to publish progress on the main thread.

     * This method will be called after completing the work.
     * @param result The result returned by the work.
    protected void onPostExecute(@Nullable DynamicResult<Result> result) {
        // Finalize on the main thread and do operations with the result.

Execute the above task by configuring your own ExecutorService or by using the DynamicExecutor.

You can also call DynamicTask.execute() which uses the DynamicExecutor with a ThreadPoolExecutor in the background. It is an experimental feature and may change in the future.


Helper class to perform animation related operations.

  • void playAnimation(view, animator) - Play an animator animation on a view.


Helper class to perform bitmap operations.

  • Bitmap getBitmapFormDrawable(drawable) - Get bitmap from the supplied drawable.

  • Bitmap resizeBitmap(bitmap, newWidth, newHeight) - Resize bitmap to the new width and height.

  • Bitmap applyColorFilter(bitmap, colorFilter) - Apply color filter on the supplied bitmap.

  • Bitmap applyColorFilter(bitmap, color) - Apply monochrome color filter on the supplied bitmap.

  • @ColorInt int getDominantColor(bitmap) - Extract the dominant color form the supplied bitmap.


Helper class to change colors dynamically.

  • @ColorInt int adjustAlpha(color, factor) - Adjust alpha of a color according to the given parameter.

  • @ColorInt int calculateContrast(color1, color2) - Calculate color contrast difference between two colors based on luma value according to XYZ color space.

  • @ColorInt int getAccentColor(color) - Calculate accent color based on the given color for dynamic theme generation.

  • @ColorInt int getColorDarkness(color) - Calculate darkness of a color.

  • @ColorInt int getContrastColor(color, contrastWithColor) - Calculate contrast of a color based on the given base color so that it will be visible always on top of the base color.

  • @ColorInt int getLessVisibleColor(color) - Calculate less visible color of a given color.

  • @ColorInt int getTintColor(color) - Calculate tint based on a given color for better readability.

  • boolean isColorDark(color) - Detect light or dark color.

  • @ColorInt int shiftColor(color, by) - Shift a color according to the given parameter.


Helper class to detect device specific features like Telephony, etc.

  • boolean hasTelephony(context) - To detect if device has telephony feature or not by using


Helper class to perform drawable operations.

  • void colorizeDrawable(drawable, wrap, color, mode) - Colorize and return the mutated drawable so that, all other references do not change.

  • Drawable setBackground(view, drawable) - Set background of a given view in an efficient way by detecting the Android SDK at runtime.


A collection of functions to perform various operations on the URL or to generate intents.

  • void shareApp(context, title, message) - Share application via system default share intent so that user can select from the available apps if more than one apps are available.

  • void viewInGooglePlay(context, packageName) - View app in the Google Play or Android Market.

  • void rateApp(context) - View app in the Google Play or Android Market.

  • void moreApps(context, publisher) - View other apps of a Publisher in the Google Play or Android Market.

  • void viewUrl(context, url) - View any URL in the available app or browser.

  • void report(context, appName, email) - Ask questions or submit bug report to the developer via email.


Helper class to get package or app related information.

  • ComponentName getComponentName(context) - Get component name from the given context.

  • CharSequence getAppLabel(context) - Get application label from the given context.

  • String getAppVersion(context) - Get application version name from the given context.

  • Drawable getAppIcon(context) - Load application icon from the given context.

  • boolean isSystemApp(applicationInfo) - To detect the given ApplicationInfo is a system app or not.


Helper class to perform unit conversions.

  • int convertDpToPixels(dp) - To convert DP into pixels.

  • int convertPixelsToDp(pixels) - To convert pixels into DP.

  • int convertSpToPixels(sp) - To convert SP into pixels.

  • int convertPixelsToSp(pixels) - To convert pixels into SP.


Helper class to detect the Android SDK version at runtime so that we can provide the user experience accordingly. Pass true in the alternate method to check for equality.

  • boolean is14() - To detect if the current API version is 14 (Android 4.0) or above.

  • boolean is14(equals) - To detect if the current API version is equal to 14 (Android 4.0).


  • boolean is30() - To detect if the current API version is 30 (Android 11) or above.

  • boolean is30(equals) - To detect if the current API version is equal to 30 (Android 11).


Helper class to perform view operations.

  • void setLightStatusBar(view, isLight) - Set light status bar if we are using light primary color on Android 23 and above.

  • void setLightNavigationBar(view, isLight) - Set light navigation bar if we are using light primary color on API 26 and above.


Helper class to perform window operations and to detect system configurations at runtime.

  • Point getAppUsableScreenSize(context) - Get the app usable screen size.

  • Point getRealScreenSize(context) - Get the real screen size.

  • Point getNavigationBarSize(context) - Get the on-screen navigation bar size.

  • boolean isNavigationBarPresent(context) - Detect if on-screen navigation bar is present or not.

  • boolean isNavigationBarThemeSupported(context) - Detect support for navigation bar theme.


It has various helper methods in intent utils to capture results via the Barquode app available for Android.


 * Checks whether the device can capture the matrix result.
 * @param context The context to get the package manager.
 * @return {@code true} if the device has at least one activity to capture the matrix result.
public static boolean isMatrixCaptureResult(@Nullable Context context);

 * Returns the intent to capture the matrix result.
 * @param context The context to get the intent.
 * @return The intent to capture the matrix result.
public static @NonNull Intent getMatrixCaptureResultIntent(@Nullable Context context);


Barquode app returns the result in the form of intent extras.

String com.pranavpandey.matrix.intent.extra.CODE_DATA String com.pranavpandey.matrix.intent.extra.CODE_FORMAT


  • German (de) - Flubberlutsch
  • French (fr) - Nitesh Jha | Others
  • Hindi (hi) - Siddh Narhari
  • Indonesian (in) - Gamal Kevin A
  • Italian (it) - Nicola
  • Portuguese (pt) - Jorge Alexandre | Matheus Coelho
  • Russian (ru) - Maxim Anisimov
  • Spanish (es) - Dave
  • Turkish (tr) - Fatih Fırıncı
  • Chinese (Simplified) (zh-rCN) - 残念
  • Chinese (Traditional) (zh-rTW) - 會呼吸的風 | 人工知能


Pranav Pandey


Copyright 2017-2024 Pranav Pandey

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.