
Attendance app using BLE beacon.



Attendance App using Estimote Proximity Beacon.


  • Full Ui here
  • interactive UI Dosen here
  • interactive UI Mahasiswa here


Add Proximity SDK

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    // ...

    // add this:
    implementation 'com.estimote:proximity-sdk:1.0.4'
    // for the latest version, see the CHANGELOG and replace "1.0.4"

    implementation 'com.estimote:mustard:0.2.1'

    // for compatibility with Android 10, also add:
    implementation 'com.estimote:scanning-plugin:0.25.4'

Set up Estimote Cloud credentials

        // add this:
        EstimoteCloudCredentials cloudCredentials =
            new EstimoteCloudCredentials("APP ID", "APP TOKEN");

Create a Proximity Observer object

    // 1. Add a property to hold the Proximity Observer
        private ProximityObserver proximityObserver;

    // 2. Create the Proximity Observer
            this.proximityObserver =
                new ProximityObserverBuilder(getApplicationContext(), cloudCredentials)
                    .onError(new Function1<Throwable, Unit>() {
                        public Unit invoke(Throwable throwable) {
                            Log.e("app", "proximity observer error: " + throwable);
                            return null;

Define Proximity Zones

Time to tell our Proximity Observer what enter/exit events were interested in! But first, some theory:

Tags and attachments

Chance is, knowing when the user enters range of beacon 1b4fe is not that useful in and on itself. However, if your app somehow knows that beacon 1b4fe is placed on Peters desk In range of beacon 1b4fe suddenly means close to Peters desk. In other words, most of the time, proximity to beacons only makes sense if you can give your beacons some meaning. Thats what beacon tags and attachments are for an easy way for you to attach some extra data/meaning to a beacon, for example:

    "identifier": "1b4fe",
    "tag": "desks",
    "attachments": {
       "desk-owner": "Peter"

With such a setup, its now easy to say monitor proximity to desks, and also figure out whose desk were close to. And since tags and attachments are stored in Estimote Cloud, its also easy to change the setup without having to change the apps code. For example, if sombebody else takes Peters desk, just change the desk-owner to a new one. If your app was coded to welcome the owner at their desk by their name, itll now start using the new one.

Set up tags and attachments

With the theory out of the way, lets set up some tags and attachments. Go to, select one of your beacons, and click Edit. Then:

  • to set up a tag: Click on Tags, Create New Tag, enter desks, and click Add.
  • to set up attachments: On the left side, select Beacon Attachment. Then, add a desk-owner key with value set to Peter.

Finish with the Save Changes at the bottom. Ta-da, weve just set up our first beacon! Repeat these steps for another beacon. Use the same desks tag, but this time, set the desk-owner to Alex.

Create Proximity Zone objects

Now we can move on to creating Proximity Zone objects in our app. Back to the future MainActivity!

    this.proximityObserver = // ...
    // add this below:
    ProximityZone zone = new ProximityZoneBuilder()
        .onEnter(new Function1<ProximityZoneContext, Unit>() {
            public Unit invoke(ProximityZoneContext context) {
                String deskOwner = context.getAttachments().get("desk-owner");
                Log.d("app", "Welcome to " + deskOwner + "'s desk");
                return null;
        .onExit(new Function1<ProximityZoneContext, Unit>() {
            public Unit invoke(ProximityZoneContext context) {
                Log.d("app", "Bye bye, come again!");
                return null;

Note that for this setup to work, you need to spread the beacons apart a good few meters. If they overlap, then moving from one beacon to the other is considered moving within the zone, and it wont trigger additional enter/exit actions. If you want to know about movements inside a zone spanned by multiple overlapping beacons, you can use the onContextChange action instead. Think about it as: Im still in the same desks zone (hence no new enter/exits), but my context (which specific desks are in range) has changed (hence the onContextChange action).

    ProximityZone zone = new ProximityZoneBuilder()
        // ...
        .onContextChange(new Function1<Set<? extends ProximityZoneContext>, Unit>() {
            public Unit invoke(Set<? extends ProximityZoneContext> contexts) {
                List<String> deskOwners = new ArrayList<>();
                for (ProximityZoneContext context : contexts) {
                Log.d("app", "In range of desks: " + deskOwners);
                return null;

Heres how this would work in an overlapping scenario:

    # move in range of "Peter's desk" beacon
    # this is also when the "enter" action would get called
    Nearby desks: [Peter]
    # move in range of both beacons
    Nearby desks: [Peter, Alex]
    # move out of range of "Peter's desk", but still in range of "Alex's desk"
    Nearby desks: [Alex]
    # move out of range of both beacons
    # this is also when the "exit" action would get called
    Nearby desks: []

About the Proximity Zone range

    ProximityZone innerZone = new ProximityZoneBuilder()
    ProximityZone outerZone = new ProximityZoneBuilder()

Start proximity observation

Were almost there! Before we start proximity observations, theres just one more thing left to do.

Request location permissions

Performing a Bluetooth scan on Android requires the app to obtain an ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission from the user. Theres a tutorial on Android Developer Portal which shows how to do that: Requesting Permissions at Run Time. However, to get started quickly, well use our little helper library, com.estimote:mustard, to check and request the appropriate permissions with just a few lines of code. As an added bonus, itll also check if all the other requirements are metfor example, if Bluetooth is available and turned on.

        // onRequirementsFulfilled
        new Function0<Unit>() {
            @Override public Unit invoke() {
                Log.d("app", "requirements fulfilled");
                return null;
        // onRequirementsMissing
        new Function1<List<? extends Requirement>, Unit>() {
            @Override public Unit invoke(List<? extends Requirement> requirements) {
                Log.e("app", "requirements missing: " + requirements);
                return null;
        // onError
        new Function1<Throwable, Unit>() {
            @Override public Unit invoke(Throwable throwable) {
                Log.e("app", "requirements error: " + throwable);
                return null;


Task List

  • Multi Role Login


Copyright 2019-2020 Autumn Leaves Program Studi D3 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi Universitas Telkom Bandung. Don't upload any fork ,source on any other paltform.

Who Supported This Project (All lecturers of D3IF Telkom University)

  • Rahmadi Wijaya, S.Si., M.T. (Head of Study Program)
  • Gandeva Bayu Satrya, ST., MT., Ph.D. (Advisor 1)
  • Hariandi Maulid , S.T., M.Sc
  • Amir Hasanudin Fauzi, S.T., M.T.
  • Fat'hah Noor Prawita, S.T., M.T.
  • Hariandi Maulid, S.T., M.Sc.
  • Hetti Hidayati, S.Kom., M.T.
  • Indra Azimi, S.T., M.T.
  • Rizza Indah Mega Mandasari, S.Kom., M.T.
  • Tri Brotoharsono, S.T., M.T.