
🏷️ Multivendor auction app built using Flutter w/ Bloc pattern, Repository pattern, Reactive programming using dart streams and REST API with JWT auth

MIT License


Flutter Online Auction App

Flutter Online Auction App is a mobile application built with Flutter. It allows users to participate in online auctions, browse products, place bids, and manage their account.

Key Features

  • Login & Register
  • Explore
  • Auction Detail
  • Place Bid
  • My Bid
  • My Auction
  • My Item
  • Switch Dark & Light Theme
  • User Profile

See also: Online Auction App Backend


Light Theme Dark Theme
Explore page
Auction Detail
Login page
Register page
My Bid
My Item
My Auction

More images

Getting Started


How to run the App

  1. Setup backend service:


  1. Run flutter pub get on main project
flutter pub get
  1. Run dart pub get on each packages, or copy & run this command for simplicity:
cd packages/auction_repository
dart pub get
cd ../authentication_repository
dart pub get
cd ../user_repository
dart pub get
cd ../../
  1. Run build_runner to generate *.g.dart file, or
    run this command below for simplicity:
cd packages/auction_repository
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
cd ../authentication_repository
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
cd ../user_repository
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
cd ../../
  1. Hit F5 on your keyboard to debug.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

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