
Google Maps Turn by Turn Navigation Notifications parser API for Android

OTHER License


Simple Google Maps Navigation Notifications parser API for Android

A simple library (including a test service and application) written in kotlin that allows to parse the Google Maps android app turn-by-turn navigation notifications in order to get textual navigation data that can be exposed to other devices (such as wearables) or used in other applications.

API overview

Using the base class (NavigationListener) it's possible to create a simple service that monitors navigation events by reading the Navigation app notifications, such navigation updates are exposed with a NavigationData structure during onNavigationNotificationAdded() (on first event) and onNavigationNotificationUpdated() (afterwards).

A NavigationListenerEmitter is also provided as a convenience in case such events needs to be passed to another android service or application using Bundles or Parcelables.

Navigation events can also be exposed via a websocket that can be used by remote applications to get the notification events and control the navigation (stop or set a destination).

Example application

Here is provided a sample application that will get the notifications from the service and will replicate the parsed data in the main screen.


You can easily use these libraries using jitpack.

For example:

dependencies {
    // ...
    implementation 'com.github.3v1n0.GMapsParser:navparser:master-SNAPSHOT'
    // If you want to expose the events via a websocket as JSON or CBOR events
    implementation 'com.github.3v1n0.GMapsParser:navparser-websocket:master-SNAPSHOT'
    // Needed only to replicate the UI or for debugging reasons
    implementation 'com.github.3v1n0.GMapsParser:navparser-activity:master-SNAPSHOT'
    // ...


This is released under the terms of LGPL-3.0

Extracted from project README
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