
An SQLite ORM for Android with automatic database migrations built with annotation processing

APACHE-2.0 License



HighLite is an SQLite library for Android that makes use of annotation processing to generate boilerplate for your SQLite operations.

Key features:

  • Automated table creation and table upgrades (column additions / changes / deletions are automatic) with opt-out possibilities for those who do not want it.
  • Query builder that eliminates the need to have to deal with the null-argument passing to the standard Android SQLite API.
  • Easy to use API with simple but flexible operations for get, save and delete.
  • Reactive! Each operation can be Rx-ified for those who use RxJava.
  • Supports inheritance of database models
  • Support for foreign keys and relationships in database models.
  • Support for the rest of the column constraints available for SQLite, i.e. UNIQUE, NOT NULL and AUTOINCREMENT
  • Support for multiple databases

Other positives:

  • Fast! No reflection resolving at runtime, all operations are carried out through compile time generated code
  • Errors in user setup are caught and reported at compile time
  • Lint warnings for errors that can't be caught at compile time
  • Comprehensive test coverage
  • Type safe operations
  • No need to subclass SQLiteOpenHelper; all necessary interactions with it are done under the hood.

Getting started

dependencies {
    compile 'com.jeppeman:highlite:1.1.3'
    annotationProcessor 'com.jeppeman:highlite-compiler:1.1.3'

Kotlin users will have to replace annotationProcessor with kapt.

Basic setup

Annotate a class with @SQLiteDatabaseDescriptor as follows:

    dbName = "companyDatabase",
    dbVersion = 1 // Increment this to trigger an upgrade
public class CompanyDatabase {

    // Optional: define a method like this if you want to manually handle onOpen.
    // Note: PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON is set automatically if any foreign
    // keys are found for any table in the database.
    public static void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    // Optional: define a method like this if you want to manually handle onCreate;
    // i.e. if you opt out from automatic table creation on some table.
    public static void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    // Optional: define a method like this if you want to manually handle onUpgrade;
    // i.e. if you opt out from automatic upgrades on some table 
    public static void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {

Then define a class for a table that links to the database class

        database = CompanyDatabase.class, 
        tableName = "companies", // If left empty, the name of the table defaults to the class name snake cased
        autoCreate = true, // defaults to true, set to false if you do not want the table to be created automatically
        autoAddColumns = true, // defaults to true, set to false if you do not want new columns to be added automatically on upgrades
        autoDeleteColumns = false // defaults to false, set to true if you want deleted fields to be removed from the database automatically on upgrades
public class Company {
    @SQLiteColumn(primaryKey = @PrimaryKey(autoIncrement = true))
    long id; // fields annotated with @SQLiteColumn need to be at least package local
    @SQLiteColumn("companyName") // Column name becomes companyName here
    String name;
    Date created; // Dates are stored as INTEGER's with the amount of seconds since UNIX epoch
    List<String> employees; // Fields with types that cannot be matched against an SQLite data type will be serialized and stored as BLOB's 

That's it, you're now ready to start doing some actual database operations.

Note to Kotlin users

For now, Kotlin properties with primitive types have to be annotated with @JvmField, and non-primitive have to be marked with lateinit or be annotated with @JvmField. Here follows an example:

@SQLiteTable(database = CompanyDatabase::class)
class Company {
    @SQLiteColumn(primaryKey = PrimaryKey(autoIncrement = true))
    var id : Int = 0 // Primitive type, annotate with @JvmField
    lateinit var name : String // Non-primitive, mark with lateinit

The reason for this is that a Kotlin property by default is compiled to a private Java field with a getter and a setter method. With @JvmField and lateinit the compiled java class has its corresponding field exposed publicly


Insert an object

SQLiteOperator<Company> operator = SQLiteOperator.from(getContext(), Company.class);
final Company companyObject = new Company();
companyObject.name = "My awesome company";
companyObject.created = new Date();
companyObject.employees = Arrays.asList("John", "Bob");

// Blocking
operator.save(companyObject).executeBlocking(); // the save method inserts if the object's id is not present in the table, otherwise updates

// Non-blocking
    .asCompletable() // or .asFlowable(), .asObservable(), .asSingle() or .asMaybe();

Fetch by id and update

// If you pass an argument to getSingle it will be matched against the table's primary key field,
// in this case `id` = 1
final Company fetchedObject = operator.getSingle(1).executeBlocking();
fetchedObject.name = "My not so awesome company";

Fetch by query

final List<Company> list = operator
            .where("`id` = ? AND `companyName` = ?", 1, "My not so awesome company")

Fetch by raw query and delete

final List<Company> list = operator
    .withRawQuery("SELECT * FROM companies where `id` = ?", 1)


Delete by query

            .where("`id` = ?", 1)

Save by query

            .set("companyName", "Changed name")
            .set("created", new Date())
            .where("`id` = ?", 1)

Foreign keys and relationships

HighLite supports foreign keys and relationships, here's an example of how you can use them:

        database = CompanyDatabase.class, 
        tableName = "companies"
public class Company {
    @SQLiteColumn(primaryKey = @PrimaryKey(autoIncrement = true))
    long id;
    String name;
    @SQLiteRelationship(backReference = "company") // backReference needs to be the name of the foreign key field of the class it is referring to
    List<Employee> employeeList; // When a company is fetched from the database, its related employees gets fetched as well

        database = CompanyDatabase.class, 
        tableName = "employees"
public class Employee {
    @SQLiteColumn(primaryKey = @PrimaryKey(autoIncrement = true))
    long id; // fields annotated with @SQLiteColumn need to be package local
    String name;
    float salary;
    @SQLiteColumn(foreignKey = @ForeignKey(
          fieldReference = "id", // Note: this is the name of the field of the class you are referring to, not the database column name; the field has to be unique
          cascadeOnDelete = true, // defaults to false
          cascadeOnUpdate = true // defaults to false
    Company company; // When an employee is fetched, this field is automatically instantiated as its corresponding Company

Let's create a company with a couple of employees:

SQLiteOperator<Company> companyOperator = SQLiteOperator.from(getContext(), Company.class);
Company company = new Company();
company.name = "My awesome company";

SQLiteOperator<Employee> employeeOperator = SQLiteOperator.from(getContext(), Employee.class);
Employee john = new Employee(),
    bob = new Employee();
john.name = "John";
john.salary = 1000f;
john.company = company;
bob.name = "Bob";
bob.salary = 10000f;
bob.company = company;
employeeOperator.save(john, bob).executeBlocking();

Now if we fetch the company from the database the employees will follow:

Company companyFromDatabase = companyOperator
    .withRawQuery("SELECT * FROM companies WHERE `name` = ?", "My awesome company")
Log.d("employees", companyFromDatabase.employeeList /* <- this is now [john, bob]*/)


HighLite supports inheritance of classes annotated with SQLiteTable, consider the following:

        database = CompanyDatabase.class
public class Developer extends Employee {

    String type;

Here the class Developer extends Employee, which is already annotated with SQLiteTable, the create statement that is generated from this setup looks like this:

    `type` TEXT,
    `employees_ptr_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,

So we have a one-to-one relationship between Developer and Employee, therefore the primary key for Developer is automatically created as a pointer to the primary key of Employee.

Let's have a look at what happens when we use operations on the Developer class.

SQLiteOperator<Developer> operator = SQLiteOperator.from(getContext(), Developer.class);
Developer dev = new Developer();
dev.name = "Bob";
dev.salary = 10000f;
dev.company = company;
dev.type = "Android";

// When we save the object, the values of the fields are saved to the table they correspond to in
// the class hierarchy; in this case, name, salary and company are saved to the employees table,
// whereas type is saved to the developer table

// Now if we fetch all developers from the database, a JOIN will be performed on the developer and
// employees tables and fields will be populated accordingly.
List<Developer> devsFromDb = operator.getList().executeBlocking();

You may also want to inherit from a base class that is not corresponding to a table in the database, in that case, the following works:

public class TimestampedModel {

    Date created;
    Date modified;

        database = CompanyDatabase.class, 
        tableName = "companies"
public class Company extends TimestampedModel {
    @SQLiteColumn(primaryKey = @PrimaryKey(autoIncrement = true))
    long id;
    String name;
    @SQLiteRelationship(backReference = "company") // backReference needs to be the name of the foreign key field of the class it is referring to
    List<Employee> employeeList; // When a company is fetched from the database, its related employees gets fetched as well

With this setup, the following create statement is generated:

    `companyName` TEXT,
    `created` INTEGER,
    `employees` BLOB,
    `created` INTEGER,
    `modified` INTEGER

Upcoming features

  • More flexibility when it comes to the migrations
  • Composite primary key support
  • Kotlin improvements
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