
📱 La Capitaine icons on Android!

OTHER License


La Capitaine Android

Icon pack for Android using the La Capitaine icons.

It's only tested with Lawnchair (v10, v11), but is probably supported by a few other launchers as well (the ones Lawnchair supports for icon packs). Adding support for more launchers should be as simple as adding a few <intent-filter>s to AndroidManifest.xml, see here.

Naturally I will add icons for the apps I'm personally using first as that's the most straightforward way of making progress - I can directly test it on my device. Most of the default AOSP and LineageOS apps, and a few popular Google and messenger apps are already included as well.

Any help is highly appreciated!



There's no release of this app on the Google Play Store or F-Droid yet, although that might happen in the future.

Run python3 build which will create the files xml/appfilter.xml and xml/drawable.xml as well as rendering all used SVG icons (from la-capitaine-icon-theme/apps/scalable) to PNG files.

Open the project in Android Studio, compile it and install it on your phone or emulator.

Make sure to select Launch: Nothing in the run configuration as the app has no launcher intent filter.

To remove the files created by the build script run python3 clean.


To add missing icons, you'll need:

  • The app package name
  • The name of the activity that's missing an icon (usually the main activity)
  • An icon from la-capitaine-icon-theme/apps/scalable that should be applied

Use a tool like App Manager to obtain these details (installable from F-Droid).

A new app entry in res.yml looks like this:

  - package:
    icon: example_icon

If example_icon doesn't exist yet, add it:

  example_icon: example-icon.svg

This way an icon that's being used by multiple apps has only be included once and general icons that don't belong to a specific app can be included as well.

Note that the activity domain doesn't necessarily match the package domain. Please keep the entries sorted alphabetically by package name.

Now, do the steps from the Installation section again. You're done!

Try restarting your launcher application if new icons don't appear immediately.


  • Linus Groh (@linusg) -
    Initial work on La Capitaine Android
  • Keefer Rourke (@keeferrourke) -
    Creator of the La Capitaine Icon Theme


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 license - see LICENSE file for details.