
๐ŸŒป A pluggable, highly optimized Jetpack Compose and Kotlin Multiplatform image loading library that fetches and displays network images with Glide, Coil, and Fresco.

APACHE-2.0 License


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Why Landscapist?

Landscapist is built with a lot of consideration to improve the performance of image loadings in Jetpack Compose. Most composable functions of Landscapist are Restartable and Skippable, which indicates fairly improved recomposition performance according to the Compose compiler metrics. Also, the library performance was improved with Baseline Profiles and it supports many pluggable features, such as ImageOptions, listening image state changes, custom composables, preview on Android Studio, ImageComponent and ImagePlugin, placeholder, animations (circular reveal, crossfade), transformation (blur), and palette.


For comprehensive information about Landscapist, please refer to the official documentation.

Technical Content

For the more details of the history, performance, customizability, and how to load network images and implement placeholders, animations, and transformations with Landscapist, check out Optimized Image Loading for Compose and Kotlin Multiplatform.

Demo projects

You can see the use cases of this library in the repositories below:

  • google/modernstorage: ModernStorage is a group of libraries that provide an abstraction layer over storage on Android to simplify its interactions.
  • GetStream/WhatsApp-Clone-Compose: ๐Ÿ“ฑ WhatsApp clone project demonstrates modern Android development built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
  • android/storage-samples: Multiple samples showing the best practices in storage APIs on Android.
  • skydoves/DisneyCompose: ๐Ÿงธ A demo Disney app using Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.
  • skydoves/MovieCompose: ๐ŸŽž A demo movie app using Jetpack Compose and Hilt based on modern Android tech stacks.

Add the codes below to your root build.gradle file (not your module-level build.gradle file):

allprojects {
    repositories {

Next, add the dependency below to your module's build.gradle file:

dependencies {

Note: Landscapist-Glide includes version 4.16.0 of Glide internally. So please make sure your project is using the same Glide version or exclude the Glide dependency to adapt yours. Also, please make sure the Jetpack Compose version on the release page.


You can load images simply by using GlideImage composable function as the following example below:

  imageModel = { imageUrl }, // loading a network image using an URL.
  imageOptions = ImageOptions(
    contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
    alignment = Alignment.Center

More Details for GlideImage

Custom RequestOptions and TransitionOptions

You can customize your request-options with your own RequestOptions and TransitionOptions for applying caching strategies, loading transformations like below:

  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  requestOptions = {
        .override(256, 256)

Custom RequestBuilder

You can request image with your own RequestBuilder, which is the backbone of the request in Glide and is responsible for bringing your options together with your requested url or model to start a new load.

  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  requestBuilder = { Glide.with(LocalContext.current.applicationContext).asDrawable() },
  modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(image) {

Custom RequestListener

You can register your own RequestListener, which allows you to trace the status of a request while images load.

  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  requestListener = object: RequestListener<Drawable> {
    override fun onLoadFailed(
      e: GlideException?,
      model: Any?,
      target: Target<Drawable>?,
      isFirstResource: Boolean
    ): Boolean {
      // do something
      return false

    override fun onResourceReady(
      resource: Drawable?,
      model: Any?,
      target: Target<Drawable>?,
      dataSource: DataSource?,
      isFirstResource: Boolean
    ): Boolean {
      // do something
      return true


You can pass the same instance of your RequestOptions down through the Composition in your composable hierarchy as following the example below:

val requestOptions = RequestOptions()
    .override(300, 300)

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalGlideRequestOptions provides requestOptions) {
  // Loads images with the custom `requestOptions` without explicit defines.
    imageModel = ...

Add the dependency below to your module's build.gradle file:

dependencies {

If you're targeting on Kotlin Multiplatform, add the dependency below to your module's build.gradle.kts file:

sourceSets {
    val commonMain by getting {
        dependencies {

The coil3-landscapist package functions identically to the coil-landscapist package, with the key distinction being its focus on Kotlin Multiplatform. This enables the use of Coil3 across various platforms, including Android, iOS, and Desktop (JVM), facilitating a unified image loading experience across different environments.

Note: Please make sure your project uses the same Jetpack Compose version on the release page.


You can load images by using the CoilImage composable function as the following example below:

  imageModel = { imageUrl }, // loading a network image or local resource using an URL.
  imageOptions = ImageOptions(
    contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
    alignment = Alignment.Center

More Details for CoilImage

Custom ImageRequest and ImageLoader

You can load images with your own ImageRequest and ImageLoader, which provides all the necessary information for loading images like caching strategies and transformations.

  imageRequest = {
        .build() },
  imageLoader = {
        .build() },
  modifier = modifier,


You can pass the same instance of your ImageLoader down through the Composition in your composable hierarchy as following the example below:

val imageLoader = ImageLoader.Builder(context).build()
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalCoilImageLoader provides imageLoader) {
  // This will automatically use the value of current imageLoader in the hierarchy.
    imageModel = ...

Animated Image Supports (GIF, Webp)

You can load animated GIFs and WebP Images with your ImageLoader.

val context = LocalContext.current
val imageLoader = ImageLoader.Builder(context)
  .components {
    if (SDK_INT >= 28) {
    } else {

    imageModel = { poster.gif }, // URL of an animated image.
    imageLoader = { imageLoader },
    shimmerParams = ShimmerParams(
      baseColor = background800,
      highlightColor = shimmerHighLight
    modifier = Modifier

Add the dependency below to your module's build.gradle file:

dependencies {

Note: Landscapist-Fresco includes version 3.1.0 of Fresco. So please make sure your project is using the same Fresco version or exclude the Fresco dependency to adapt yours. Also, please make sure the Jetpack Compose version on the release page.


To get started, you should set up Fresco with ImagePipelineConfig in your Application class. Generally, it's recommended initializing with OkHttpImagePipelineConfigFactory. Also, you can customize caching, networking, and thread pool strategies with your own ImagePipelineConfig. For more details, you can check out Using Other Network Layers.

class App : Application() {

  override fun onCreate() {

    val pipelineConfig =
        .newBuilder(this, OkHttpClient.Builder().build())

    Fresco.initialize(this, pipelineConfig)


You can load images by using the FrescoImage composable function as the following example below:

  imageUrl = stringImageUrl, // loading a network image using an URL.
  imageOptions = ImageOptions(
    contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
    alignment = Alignment.Center

More Details for FrescoImage

Custom ImageRequest

You can load images with your own ImageRequest, which provides some necessary information for loading images like decoding strategies and resizing.

val imageRequest = ImageRequestBuilder
  .setResizeOptions(ResizeOptions(width, height))

  imageUrl = stringImageUrl,
  imageRequest = { imageRequest }


You can pass the same instance of your imageRequestBuilder down through the Composition in your composable hierarchy as following the example below:

// customize the ImageRequest as needed
val imageRequestBuilder = ImageRequestBuilder
  .setResizeOptions(ResizeOptions(width, height))

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalFrescoImageRequest provides imageRequestBuilder) {
  // This will automatically use the value of current ImageRequest in the hierarchy.
    imageUrl = ...

Fresco Animated Image Support (GIF, Webp)

Add the below dependency to your module's build.gradle file.

dependencies {

You can load animated GIFs and WebP Images with FrescoWebImage composable function. You should pass the AbstractDraweeController like the following example below:

  controllerBuilder = {
          .setUri(poster.gif) // GIF or Webp image url.
  modifier = Modifier

For more details, check out DraweeController, and Supported URIs for setting URI addresses. Also, you can load general images (jpeg, png, etc) which can be loaded with FrescoImage by using FrescoWebImage and your custom controller.


You can give image options to your image composable functions by passing ImageOptions instance like the below:

  imageOptions = ImageOptions(
      contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
      alignment = Alignment.Center,
      contentDescription = "main image",
      colorFilter = null,
      alpha = 1f


You can set the request size of your image by giving requestSize property as seen in the below:

  imageOptions = ImageOptions(requestSize = IntSize(800, 600)),

Listening image state changes

You can listen the image state changes by giving onImageStateChanged parameter to your image composable functions like the below:

  onImageStateChanged = {
    when (it) {
      GlideImageState.None -> ..
      GlideImageState.Loading -> ..
      is GlideImageState.Success -> ..
      is GlideImageState.Failure -> ..

Note: You can use CoilImageState for CoilImage and FrescoImageState for FrescoImage.


For the success state, you can trace the origin of the image with the DataSource parameter. DataSource represents the following source origins below:

  • Memory: Represents an in-memory data source or cache (e.g. bitmap, ByteBuffer).
  • Disk: Represents a disk-based data source (e.g. drawable resource, or File).
  • Network: Represents a network-based data source.
  • Unknown: Represents an unknown data source.

Custom Composables

You can execute your own composable functions depending on the three request states below:

  • loading: Executed while loading an image.
  • success: Executed if loading an image successfully.
  • failure: Executed if fails to load an image (e.g. network error, wrong destination).
GlideImage( // CoilImage, FrescoImage
  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  modifier = modifier,
  // shows an indicator while loading an image.
  loading = {
    Box(modifier = Modifier.matchParentSize()) {
        modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center)
  // shows an error text if fail to load an image.
  failure = {
    Text(text = "image request failed.")

Also, you can customize the image content with our own composable function like the example below:

GlideImage( // CoilImage, FrescoImage
  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  success = { state, painter ->
      painter = painter,
      modifier = Modifier.size(128.dp), // draw a resized image.
      contentDescription = "Image"

Note: You can also use the custom Composables for CoilImage and FrescoImage.

Preview on Android Studio

Landscapist supports preview mode for each image library; Glide, Coil, and Fresco. You can show the preview image on your editor with a previewPlaceholder parameter as following:

  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  modifier = Modifier.aspectRatio(0.8f),
  previewPlaceholder = painterResource(id = R.drawable.poster)

Note: You can also use the the previewPlaceholder parameter for CoilImage and FrescoImage.

ImageComponent and ImagePlugin

You can compose supported image plugins by Landscapist or you can create your own image plugin that will be composed following the image loading state. ImagePlugin is a pluggable compose interface that will be executed for loading images. ImagePlugin provides following types below:

  • PainterPlugin: A pinter plugin interface to be composed with the given Painter.
  • LoadingStatePlugin: A pluggable state plugin that will be composed while the state is ImageLoadState.Loading.
  • SuccessStatePlugin: A pluggable state plugin that will be composed when the state is ImageLoadState.Success.
  • FailureStatePlugin: A pluggable state plugin that will be composed when the state is ImageLoadState.Failure.

For example, you can implement your own LoadingStatePlugin that will be composed while loading an image like the below:

data class LoadingPlugin(val source: Any?) : ImagePlugin.LoadingStatePlugin {

  override fun compose(
    modifier: Modifier,
    imageOptions: ImageOptions?
  ): ImagePlugin = apply {
    if (source != null && imageOptions != null) {
        source = source,
        modifier = modifier,
        alignment = imageOptions.alignment,
        contentDescription = imageOptions.contentDescription,
        contentScale = imageOptions.contentScale,
        colorFilter = imageOptions.colorFilter,
        alpha = imageOptions.alpha

Next, you can compose plugins by adding them in the rememberImageComponent like the below:

  imageModel = { poster.image },
  component = rememberImageComponent {

or you can just add plugins by using the + expression like the below:

  imageModel = { poster.image },
  component = rememberImageComponent {


You can provide the same ImageComponent instance in the composable hierarchy by using imageComponent extension and LocalImageComponent like the below:

val component = imageComponent {

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalImageComponent provides component) {


The landscapist-placeholder package provides useful image plugins, such as loading & failure placeholder supports and shimmering animation. To use placeholder supports, add the dependency below:

dependencies {


You can implement a shimmering effect while loading an image by using the ShimmerPlugin as following the example below:

GlideImage( // CoilImage, FrescoImage
  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  modifier = modifier,
  component = rememberImageComponent {
    // shows a shimmering effect when loading an image.
        baseColor = Color.White,
        highlightColor = Color.LightGray,
  // shows an error text message when request failed.
  failure = {
    Text(text = "image request failed.")

Note: You can also use the Shimmer effect for CoilImage and FrescoImage.

Shimmer sealed class provides following the three different types: Resonate, Fade, and Flash.

Resonate Fade Flash


You can show your own placeholder while loading an image or when fails to load an image with PlaceholderPlugin.Loading and PlaceholderPlugin.Failure.

  component = rememberImageComponent {
      +PlaceholderPlugin.Loading(painterResource(id = R.drawable.placeholder_loading))
      +PlaceholderPlugin.Failure(painterResource(id = R.drawable.placeholder_failure))

Note: The source should be one of ImageBitmap, ImageVector, or Painter.


Landscapist supports the thumbnail feature, which pre-loads and displays small sizes of images while loading the original image. So you can make users feel images loading faster and give images a nature loading effect while displaying an original image. To show thumbnail, add the image plugin into your image component like the example below:

  component = rememberImageComponent {

You can also adjust the request sizes by giving the requestSize parameter:

component = rememberImageComponent {
    +ThumbnailPlugin(IntSize(30 ,30)) 

Note: It's highly recommended to use a small size of the request size on the thumbnail plugin to load the pre-load images process faster.


The landscapist-animation package provides useful image plugins related to animations, such as crossfade and circular reveal animation. To use animation supports, add the dependency below:

dependencies {


Circular Reveal Crossfade

Crossfade Animation

You can implement the crossfade animation while drawing images with CrossfadePlugin as the following:

  imageModel = { poster.image },
  component = rememberImageComponent {
      duration = 550

Note: You can also use the crossfade animation for CoilImage and FrescoImage.

Circular Reveal Animation

You can implement the circular reveal animation while drawing images with CircularRevealplugin as the following:

  imageModel = { poster.image },
  component = rememberImageComponent {
      duration = 350

Note: You can also use the Circular Reveal animation for CoilImage and FrescoImage.


The landscapist-transformation package provides useful image transformation plugins, such as the blur effect. To use transformation supports, add the dependency below:

dependencies {


You can implement the blur effect with BlurTransformationPlugin as the following:

GlideImage( // CoilImage, FrescoImage also can be used.
  imageModel = { poster.image },
  component = rememberImageComponent {
      +BlurTransformationPlugin(radius = 10) // between 0 to Int.MAX_VALUE.

Note: Landscapist's blur transformation falls back onto a CPU-based implementation to support older API levels. So you don't need to worry about API compatibilities and performance issues.


The landscapist-palette package provides useful image plugins related to palette, such as extracting primary color sets. To use palette supports, add the dependency below:

dependencies {

You can extract primary (theme) color profiles with PalettePlugin. You can check out Extract color profiles to see what kinds of colors can be extracted.

var palette by rememberPaletteState(null)

GlideImage( // CoilImage, FrescoImage also can be used.
  imageModel = { poster.image },
  component = rememberImageComponent {
      +PalettePlugin { palette = it }

  targetState = palette,
  modifier = Modifier
    .padding(horizontal = 8.dp)
) {
    modifier = Modifier
      .background(color = Color(it?.lightVibrantSwatch?.rgb ?: 0))

Also, you can customize attributes of PalettePlugin like the example below:

var palette by remember { mutableStateOf<Palette?>(null) }

GlideImage( // CoilImage, FrescoImage also can be used.
  imageModel = { poster.image },
  component = rememberImageComponent {
      imageModel = poster.image,
      useCache = true, // use cache strategies for the same image model.
      interceptor = {
        it.addFilter { rgb, hsl ->
          // here edit to add the filter colors.
      paletteLoadedListener = {
        palette = it

Note: You can also use the Palette for CoilImage and FrescoImage.


The landscapist Bill of Materials (BOM) lets you manage all of your landscapist library versions by specifying only the BOMโ€™s version.

dependencies {
   // Import the landscapist BOM

   // Import landscapist libraries
   implementation("com.github.skydoves:landscapist-glide") // fresco or coil

Taking Snapshot Images With Paparazzi

Paparazzi allows you to take snapshot images of your Composable functions without running them on physical devices. You can take proper snapshots images about your images with Paparazzi like the below:

paparazzi.snapshot {
  CompositionLocalProvider(LocalInspectionMode provides true) {
      modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
      imageModel = { ".." },
      previewPlaceholder = painterResource(R.drawable.placeholder)

Who's using Landscapist?

If your project uses Landscapist, please let me know by creating a new issue! ๐Ÿค—

Twitter for Android


This library was mostly inspired by Accompanist.

Accompanist is a group of libraries that contains some utilities which I've found myself copying around projects which use Jetpack Compose. Currently, it contains image loading and insets. You can get more variety and recent systems from the library maintained by Google.

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Support it by joining stargazers for this repository. โญ Also follow me for my next creations! ๐Ÿคฉ


Designed and developed by 2020 skydoves (Jaewoong Eum)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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