
stripped only Face Detection part out of vision quick start sample of Firebase ML Kit

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ML Kit Face Detection Sample App

The whole original work is in


I only extracted one feature from the Vision Quickstart Sample App. I deleted codes that are not used in Face Detection, and set the main activity to

Getting Started

  • Run the sample code on your Android device or emulator
  • Try extending the code to add new features and functionality

How to use the app

This app supports three usage scenarios: Live Camera

Live Camera scenario

It uses the camera preview as input and contains the API workflow: Face Detection.

There's also a settings page that allows you to configure several options:

  • Camera
    • Preview size - Specify the preview size of rear/front camera manually (Default size is chosen appropriately based on screen size)
    • Enable live viewport - Toggle between blocking camera preview by API processing and result rendering or not
  • Face Detection
    • Landmark mode -- Toggle between showing no or all facial landmarks
    • Contour mode -- Toggle between showing no or all contours
    • Classification mode -- Toggle between showing no or all classifications (smiling, eyes open/closed)
    • Performance mode -- Toggle between two operating modes (Fast or Accurate)
    • Face tracking -- Enable or disable face tracking
    • Minimum face size -- Choose the proportion of the head width to the image width
