
A customisable Jetpack Compose component that allows users to scroll a number through a specified range using up/down and left/right drag gestures.


Android Jetpack Compose Number Scroller

The NumberScroller component is a customisable UI element that allows users to scroll a number (decimals supported) through a specified range using up/down and left/right drag gestures.

The DetachedNumberScroller component is a more advanced variation of the NumberScroller with more customisation options, extra features, and support for more than one scrollable number.

DetachedNumberScroller extra features:

  1. Auto increment on far scroll
  2. Dynamic scroll distance for increment activation
  3. Double tap to edit number




  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

    Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.Mintakaaaa:number-scroller-compose:1.1.5'


  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
  1. Add the dependency


  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

    Add it in your build.sbt at the end of resolvers:

resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
  1. Add the dependency
libraryDependencies += "com.github.Mintakaaaa" % "number-scroller-compose" % "1.1.5"	


  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

    Add it in your project.clj at the end of repositories:

:repositories [["jitpack" ""]]
  1. Add the dependency
:dependencies [[com.github.Mintakaaaa/number-scroller-compose "1.1.5"]]

Using The Number Scroller

Default number scroller


Fully customised number scroller

val customStyle = ScrollerStyle(
        scrollerWidth = 50.dp,
        scrollerHeight = 100.dp,
	scrollerRounding = RoundedCornerShape(20.dp),
        scrollerDirection = ScrollerDirection.VerticalUp,
        scrollerColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primaryContainer,
        lineColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer,
        numberColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer,
        numberFontSize = 30.sp,
        numberFontFamily = FontFamily.Monospace,
        numberFontWeight = FontWeight.SemiBold,
        numberDistanceToScroller = 30.dp,
        numberPosition = NumberPosition.Above,
        lineWidthFactor = 0.5f,
        lineThickness = 8.dp,
        lineRounding = RoundedCornerShape(5.dp)
val customBehaviour = ScrollerBehaviour(
	step = 2f,
	startNumber = 56f,
	range = 50f..150f,
	scrollDistanceFactor = 25f,
	lineSpeed = 2f,
	syncLinePosWithNumber = false
	style = customStyle,
	behaviour = customBehaviour

NumberScroller Component Configuration

Data Classes


Defines the styling options for the NumberScroller.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
scrollerHeight Dp The height of the scroller. 60.dp
scrollerWidth Dp The width of the scroller. 40.dp
scrollerColor Color The background color of the scroller. Color.DarkGray
lineColor Color The color of the scroller line. Color.Gray
numberColor Color The color of the number text. Color.Black
scrollerRounding RoundedCornerShape The shape of the corners of the scroller. RoundedCornerShape(6.dp)
lineRounding RoundedCornerShape The shape of the corners of the scroller line. RoundedCornerShape(4.dp)
lineThickness Dp The thickness of the scroller line. 4.dp
lineWidthFactor Float The proportion of the scroller width that the line occupies. 0.8f
numberFontSize TextUnit The font size of the number text. 30.sp
numberFontFamily FontFamily The font fmaily of the number text. FontFamily.SansSerif
numberFontWeight FontWeight The font weight of the number text. FontWeight.Bold
numberDistanceToScroller Dp The distance between the number text and the scroller. 30.dp
numberPosition NumberPosition The position of the number relative to the scroller. NumberPosition.Left


Defines the behaviour options for the NumberScroller.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
startNumber Float The initial value of the number displayed by the scroller. 0f
step Float The amount by which the number is incremented or decremented with each drag gesture. 1f
range ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float> The range of values that the number can be set to. -10f..10f
scrollDistanceFactor Float The distance the user must drag to trigger a number change. 100f
lineSpeed Float The speed factor for scrolling line movement. 1.5f
syncLinePosWithNumber Boolean Whether to synchronize the position of the scroller line with the number value. true
incrementDirection IncrementDirection The direction in which the scroller increments. IncrementDirection.Up



Represents the possible positions of the number relative to the scroller.

Value Description
Above The number is positioned above the scroller.
Below The number is positioned below the scroller.
Left The number is positioned to the left of the scroller.
Right The number is positioned to the right of the scroller.


Represents the possible directions in which the scroller can increment.

Value Description
Up The scroller increments scrolling upwards.
Down The scroller increments scrolling downwards.
Left The scroller increments scrolling to the left.
Right The scroller increments scrolling to the right.

NumberScroller Composable Function

Displays the NumberScroller UI component.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
style ScrollerStyle The styling options for the scroller. ScrollerStyle()
behaviour ScrollerBehaviour The behaviour options for the scroller. ScrollerBehaviour()
onDragEnd (Float) -> Unit Callback function called when the drag operation ends, with the current number as the parameter. Empty function

Detached Number Scroller

Default detached number scroller

val controller = remember { ScrollerController() }
ScrollerTarget(controller = controller, id = 1)
DetachedNumberScroller(controller = controller, linkedTo = listOf(1))

Fully customised number scroller

val customScrollerStyle = DetachedScrollerStyle(
    scrollerWidth = 50.dp,
    scrollerHeight = 100.dp,
    scrollerRounding = RoundedCornerShape(20.dp),
    scrollerDirection = ScrollerDirection.VerticalUp,
    scrollerColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primaryContainer,
    lineColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer,
    lineWidthFactor = 0.5f,
    lineThickness = 8.dp,
    lineRounding = RoundedCornerShape(5.dp)

val customTargetStyle = TargetStyle(
    numberColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer,
    numberFontSize = 30.sp,
    numberFontFamily = FontFamily.Monospace,
    numberFontWeight = FontWeight.SemiBold,
    boxPadding = 10.dp,
    boxWidth = 60.dp,
    boxHeight = 60.dp,
    background = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background,
    selectedBackground = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary,
    boxRounding = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)

val customScrollerBehaviour = ScrollerBehaviour(
    lineSpeed = 2f,
    syncLinePosWithNumber = false,
    incrementDirection: IncrementDirection = IncrementDirection.Down,

val customTargetBehaviour = TargetBehaviour(
    step = 2f,
    startNumber = 56f,
    range = 50f..150f,
    scrollDistanceFactor = 220f

val targetOneBehaviour = TargetBehaviour(
    step = 4f,
    startNumber = 14f,
    range = 10f..30f,
    scrollDistanceFactor = 20f,
    autoIncrementOnFarScroll = true,
    autoIncrementDelay = 400,
    farScrollThreshold = 0.9f

val targetTwoBehaviour = TargetBehaviour(
    step = 2f,
    startNumber = 10f,
    range = -50f..50f,
    scrollDistanceFactor = 50f,
    useDynamicDistanceFactor = true,
    dynamicDistanceScalingFactor = 8f,

val targetThreeBehaviour = TargetBehaviour(
    step = 4f,
    startNumber = 4f,
    range = -12f..12f,
    scrollDistanceFactor = 100f,
    doubleTapToEdit = true,

val controller = remember { ScrollerController(
    scrollerStyle = customScrollerStyle,
    targetStyle = customTargetStyle,
    scrollerBehaviour = customScrollerBehaviour,
    defaultTargetBehaviour = customTargetBehaviour,
) }

ScrollerTarget(controller = controller, targetBehaviour = targetOneBehaviour, id = 1, onDragEnd = { number ->
    // Do whatever you want with the resulting number upon scroll finish
ScrollerTarget(controller = controller, targetBehaviour = targetTwoBehaviour, id = 2)
ScrollerTarget(controller = controller, targerBehaviour = targetThreeBehaviour, id = 3)
ScrollerTarget(controller = controller, id = 4) // this uses default target behaviour & does not return number

    controller = controller,
    linkedTo = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)

DetachedNumberScroller Component Configuration

Data Classes


Defines the styling options for the DetachedNumberScroller.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
scrollerHeight Dp The height of the scroller. 60.dp
scrollerWidth Dp The width of the scroller. 40.dp
scrollerColor Color The background color of the scroller. Color.DarkGray
lineColor Color The color of the scroller line. Color.Gray
scrollerRounding RoundedCornerShape The shape of the corners of the scroller. RoundedCornerShape(6.dp)
lineRounding RoundedCornerShape The shape of the corners of the scroller line. RoundedCornerShape(4.dp)
lineThickness Dp The thickness of the scroller line. 4.dp
lineWidthFactor Float The proportion of the scroller width that the line occupies. 0.8f


TargetBehaviour Data Class

Represents the behaviour options for the ScrollerTarget.

Property Type Description Default Value
startNumber Float The initial value of the number displayed by the scroller. 0f
step Float The amount by which the number is incremented or decremented with each drag gesture. 1f
range ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float> The range of values that the number can be set to. -10f..10f
scrollDistanceFactor Float The distance the user must drag to trigger a number change. 100f
useDynamicDistanceFactor Boolean Whether to apply a dynamic scroll distance factor that speeds up incrementing/decrementing of selected target number. false
dynamicDistanceScalingFactor Float The factor by which to speed up the incrementing/decrementing of selected target number. 4f
autoIncrementOnFarScroll Boolean Whether to increment the selected target automatically once a threshold is passed. true
farScrollThreshold Float The threshold that must be passed to activate auto incrementation of the selected target. 0.99f
autoIncrementDelay Int The delay between automatic incrementing/decrementing of the selected target number. 100
doubleTapToEdit Boolean Whether double-tapping a target should enable editing mode for that target. false


Defines the behaviour options for the DetachedNumberScroller.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
lineSpeed Float The speed factor for scrolling line movement. 1.5f
syncLinePosWithNumber Boolean Whether to synchronize the position of the scroller line with the number value. true
incrementDirection IncrementDirection The direction in which the scroller increments. IncrementDirection.Up


Defines the styling options for the ScrollerTarget.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
numberColor Color The color of the number displayed in the target. Color.Black
numberFontSize TextUnit The font size of the number, in scaled pixels (sp). 25.sp
numberFontFamily FontFamily The font fmaily of the number. FontFamily.SansSerif
numberFontWeight FontWeight The font weight of the number text. FontWeight.Bold
boxPadding Dp The padding around the number within the target box. 5.dp
boxWidth Dp The width of the target box. 50.dp
boxHeight Dp The height of the target box. 50.dp
background Color The background color of the target box. Color.LightGray
selectedBackground Color The background color of the target box when selected. Color.Green
boxRounding RoundedCornerShape The rounding of the corners of the target box. RoundedCornerShape(0.dp)


Manages the state and behavior of the scroller and its targets.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
scrollerStyle DetachedScrollerStyle The styling options for the scroller. DetachedScrollerStyle()
targetStyle TargetStyle The styling options for the scroller targets. TargetStyle()
scrollerBehaviour ScrollerBehaviour The behavior options for the scroller. ScrollerBehaviour()
defaultTargetBehaviour TargetBehaviour The behavior options for all targets. TargetBehaviour()

DetachedNumberScroller Composable Function

Displays the DetachedNumberScroller UI component.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
controller ScrollerController The controller managing the scroller and its targets. None
linkedTo List<Int> A list of target IDs to link the scroller to. Empty list

ScrollerTarget Composable Function

Displays the ScrollerTarget UI component.

Parameter Type Description Default Value
controller ScrollerController The controller managing the scroller and its targets. None
targetBehaviour TargetBehaviour? The behaviour options specific to this target. If null, the default behaviour from the controller is used. null
id Int The unique identifier for this target. None
onDragEnd (Float) -> Unit Callback function called when the drag operation ends, with the current number as the parameter. Empty function


  1. lineSpeed is irrelevant for both scroller types when syncLinePosWithNumber = true as the line snaps to the correct position dictated by the selected number and the range.
  2. syncLinePosWithNumber and autoIncrementOnFarScroll cannot be true simultaneously.