
Sources for the (apk|apt|pkg) packages repositories for Android, Arch, Debian and Kubuntu


Arkanosis' package repositories

This git repository contains the necessary files to populate the following package repositories:

Software authors and packagers are most of the time third parties but packages are all curated, reviewed and built by myself for my personal use.

Any package I don't use anymore may be removed at any time, except packages of software I've written myself. Support for distros I don't use anymore may be discontinued at any time this usually means versions of Debian older than stable and versions of Kubuntu older than the latest LTS. Therefore, if you ever depend on a third-party package being available from here, update your distro and drop me an email so that I can at least tell you in advance, should I plan to retire it.

Any package made available in the official repositories of a distro (or in the official F-Droid repository, for Android) may be removed at any time, including packages for software I've written myself. This shouldn't cause any issue for you.


On Arch Linux

You can enable this repository on your up to date Arch Linux as follow:

sudo pacman-key --recv-keys FA490B15D054C7E83F70B0408C145ABAC11FA702
sudo pacman-key --lsign FA490B15D054C7E83F70B0408C145ABAC11FA702
echo '\n[arkanosis]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/arkanosis.list' | sudo tee -a /etc/pacman.conf
echo 'Server =$repo/os/$arch' | sudo tee /etc/pacman.d/arkanosis.list
sudo pacman -Sy

On Debian and Kubuntu

You can enable this repository your Debian 10 (Buster), your Kubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) or your Kubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) as follow:

curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable software" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arkanosis.list
sudo apt update

On Android

You can enable this repository on your Android 4.4+ with F-Droid as follow:

  • Scan this QR code, or
  • Manually add the repository with the following information:


The following packages are currently available:

  • bamrescue: a command line tool to check BAM files for corruption and repair them (sources, PKGBUILD)
  • wmrc: an application to follow recent changes on Wikimedia projects in real time (sources)

The following packages are currently being considered for addition:

  • batzconverter: a command line tool to display the current or future time in different timezones (sources)
  • chars: a command line tool to display information about unicode characters (sources, PKGBUILD)
  • csvfix: a command line tool to deal with CSV data (sources, PKGBUILD)
  • delta: a syntax-highlighting pager for git (sources)
  • desed: a debugger for sed (sources)
  • fdroidserver: command line tools to manage a F-Droid repository (sources, PKGBUILD)
  • hotspot: graphical profiler based on Linux perf (sources, PKGBUILD)
  • tmux-thumbs: a tmux plugin for efficient, keyboard-only copy and paste in the terminal (sources)
  • urlencode: a simple url-encoder / decoder (sources)