
React Native wrapper for the AnkiDroid API



React Native wrapper for the AnkiDroid API

Getting started

npm install react-native-ankidroid --save

RN 0.60+

The library will be automatically linked BUT step 4 of the manual installation is still required.

RN < 0.60

Mostly automatic installation

react-native link react-native-ankidroid

  • Step 4 of the manual installation is still required.

Manual installation


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.is343.reactnativeankidroid.AnkiDroidPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new AnkiDroidPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

    include ':react-native-ankidroid'
    project(':react-native-ankidroid').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-ankidroid/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:

      implementation project(':react-native-ankidroid')
  3. Add the following lines to /android/app/src/main/res/AndroidManifest.xml:

    <manifest xmlns:android=""
        xmlns:tools="" // <---- ADD HERE
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
          tools:replace="android:allowBackup" // <---- ADD HERE
  • This will prevent the following error by forcing the compiler to use your app's attribute:
    Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'.
    > Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@allowBackup value=(false) from AndroidManifest.xml:15:7-34 is also present at [com.github.ankidroid:Anki-Android:api-v1.1.0] AndroidManife
    st.xml:14:9-35 value=(true).
    Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:allowBackup"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:7:5-117 to override.


import AnkiDroid from 'react-native-ankidroid';

await AnkiDroid.isApiAvailable();

Static Methods

AnkiDroid.____________ *(returns a Promise)

  • isApiAvailable()* - checks if the AnkiDroid API is avaiable (AnkiDroid is installed on the device)
    in order to access the API, AnkiDroid may need to be installed before the react native app
  • checkPermission()*
  • requestPermission(rationale)*
    -- rationale (optional)
  • getSelectedDeckName()*
    -- gets the name of the currently selected deck
    -- returns a response tuple
  • getDeckList()*
    -- gets a list of the names and IDs of each deck
    -- returns a response tuple
  • getModelList()*
    -- gets a list of the names and IDs of each model
    -- returns a response tuple
  • getFieldList(modelName, modelId)*
    -- gets a list of all field names for a specific model
    -- only one of modelName or modelId is required
    -- returns a response tuple
  • uploadMediaFromUri(fileUri, preferredName, mimeType)*
    -- gets a list of all field names for a specific model
    -- fileUri: the location of the media to upload
    -- preferredName: the name that will be used to access the media in the card
    -- mimeType: can be either "audio" or "image"
    -- returns a response tuple
    -- import media into notes with <img src="myimage.jpg"> and [sound:myaudio.mp3]
    -- official anki docs can be found here
    -- Both AnkiDroid and your app require the android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission granted if you intend to upload a file from external storage

Creating a class instance

  • new AnkiDroid(setupOptions) - creates an instance of your deck

The Response tuple

  • some methods will return a tuple in the form of [error, responseData]
    -- when there is no error the first value in the tuple will be null. The data we want to retrieve will always be in the second value

setupOptions object

Params Type Required Description
deckProperties object optional if deckId exists properties required to search by name / create a new deck
deckId string | number optional if deckProperties exists Id of the existing deck to add notes to
modelProperties object optional if modelId exists Id of the existing model to add notes to
modelId string | number optional if modelProperties exists properties required to search by name / create a new model

deckProperties object

Params Type Default Description
reference string REQUIRED Deck reference name to store locally in SharedPreferences
name string REQUIRED Name of the deck to create / add notes to (Will first search for deck by name before creating)

modelProperties object

Params Type Default Description
name string REQUIRED Name of the model used / created for notes (Will first search for deck by name before creating)
reference string REQUIRED Model reference name to store locally in SharedPreferences
modelFields string[] REQUIRED The names of the fields used for the note's model during creation / use (modelFields.length === valueFields.length)
cardNames string[] REQUIRED Names for the front/back sides of the model (cardNames.length === 2)
questionFormat string[] REQUIRED Question formatting for each direction of (questionFormat.length === 2) variable names MUST match modelFields names
answerFormat string[] REQUIRED Answer formatting for each direction of (answerFormat.length === 2) variable names MUST match modelFields names
tags string[] null Tags to attach to added notes
css string null css styling information to be shared across all cards. (null for default CSS)

AnkiDroid Class Instances

  • addNote(valueFields, modelFields)

    Param Type Description
    valueFields string[] The values for the corresponding model fields. (valueFields.length === modelFields.length)
    modelFields string[] The model fields that correspond to the model that will be used. (values must exactly match the model used)


  • Once a model or reference has been created with a certain name, the format must match for all subsequent cards you wish to create using said model
  • If you intend to change the format in any way, you must use new names as a reference



// Name of deck which will be created in AnkiDroid
const deckName = 'API Sample Name';
// Name of model which will be created in AnkiDroid (can be any string)
const modelName = 'Sample Model Name';
// Used to save a reference to this deck in the SharedPreferences (can be any string)
const dbDeckReference = '';
// Used to save a reference to this model in the SharedPreferences (can be any string)
const dbModelReference = '';
// Optional space separated list of tags to add to every note
const tags = ['API_Sample', 'my', 'tags'];
// List of field names that will be used in AnkiDroid model
const modelFields = [
// List of card names that will be used in AnkiDroid (one for each direction of learning)
const cardNames = ['Korean>English', 'English>Korean'];
// CSS to share between all the cards (optional).
const css = `.card {
  font-family: NotoSansKR;
  font-size: 24px;
  text-align: center;
  color: black;
  background-color: white;
  word-wrap: break-word;
.big { font-size: 48px; }
.small { font-size: 18px;}`;
// Template for the question of each card
const questionFmt1 = '<div class=big>{{Word}}</div><br>{{Grammar}}';
const questionFmt2 =
  '{{Meaning}}<br><br><div class=small>{{Grammar}}<br><br>({{Idiom}})</div>';
const questionFormat = [questionFmt1, questionFmt2];
// Template for the answer (this example is identical for both sides)
const answerFmt1 = `<div class=big>{{Translation}}</div><br>{{Meaning}}
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('hint').style.display='block';return false;\">Idiom Meaning</a>
<div id="hint" style="display: none">{{IdiomMeaning}}</div>
{{Grammar}}<br><div class=small>{{Tags}}</div>`;
const answerFormat = [answerFmt1, answerFmt1];


const deckProperties = {
  name: deckName,
  reference: dbDeckReference,
const modelProperties = {
  name: modelName,
  reference: dbModelReference,
  fields: modelFields,

const valueFields = [
  'The attitude of sincerely caring about someone out of affection.',
  '사랑을 속삭이다',
  'whisper love',
  'For lovers to have a conversation of love.',

const settings = {
  modelId: undefined,
  modelProperties: modelProperties,
  deckId: undefined,
  deckProperties: deckProperties,

const myAnkiDeck = new AnkiDroid(settings);

myAnkiDeck.addNote(valueFields, modelFields);
// returns a promise that returns the added note ID

const newNote = [
  'travel agency',
  'A company that offers an array of services for travel, including transportation, accomodaton, tour guide, etc.',

myAnkiDeck.addNote(newNote, modelFields);

Demo App

  • A demo app is in the example folder. Just cd into the demo app directory and npm install && npm run android

Card setup / References


  • add basic card
  • AnkiDroid intent API
  • add multiple notes at once
  • upload media
  • add to default deck
  • create by model ID / deck ID
  • get selected deck
  • get model field values
  • get model list
  • get deck list
  • detailed examples
  • typescript


Pull requests welcome!

Package Rankings
Top 14.4% on
Extracted from project README