
Read Runner app is meant to help people read books and all texts in general faster by showing them single words very fast in one place on the screen. Accepts pdf, epub, mobi and txt.


Read Runner App

presentation_main I created this project in order to broaden my programming skills. I wanted to create something that could be useful and I was also wondering if it is possible to create an Android app while using Python. The answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘Kivy’. With the help of Kivy, KivyMD, SQLite3 and of course Python (and some other packages) I created the ‘Read Runner’ app. This app is meant to help people read books and all texts in general faster by showing them single words very fast in one place on the screen. ‘Read Runner’ is accepting pdf, epub, mobi and txt for import. The app can “play”, import and delete your books, save your progress, you are able to fast forward and backward. In preferences, users can change reading speed, word size and brightness. After I finished up with coding I built it for Android using Buildozer running on a VM with Linux. Read Runner App was available on official Google Play Store for a couple of years. Cheers! Some additional screenshots: presentation_1 presentation_2 presentation_tablet_version Thank You :-)

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