
Native based fast android app development framework using html/css/js



Native based fast android apps developing framework with modern features.

We have released stable releases of the RearGen. RearGen is depends on JAVA and gradle. To run this application you have to install Java JDK. Compiler written in Python. There are several features added to this framework than RWAD.

Try RearGen sample app on PlayStore


  • Python Runner Supported (LTS)
  • No more NodeJS and React Native back-end.
  • Running with native code base
  • Fast and easy
  • Build less than 5MB app
  • More customisation
  • Connection lost window
  • Refresh facility
  • No more SSL bypass
  • High quality rendering
  • Develop mobile app with HTML / CSS / JavaScript
  • Generating support
  • Live testing
  • Live installing
  • Recollecting feature
  • Full debugging details
  • Zeal Animator supported
  • Custom CSS and JavaScript libraries supported


First you have to download latest release or LTS release from the github or clone the repo. After that, install supported JDK 8 or JDK 16 to your computer. then, follow the start development instructions.

Start Development

Run RearGen.exe or head your command line to RearGen directory then type RearGen and run it.

Development Stages

All stages have their default values. you can skip those by pressing Enter key.

App Name - Enter a app name you want to identify the app (Ex: My App).

App developer single name - Enter your name as developer name (Ex: john).

App single organization - Organization name (Ex: reargen).

Load URL or dismiss to connect src - If you are going to build a new in app developement (not hosted url app). you have to copy and paste your source code to src folder. if not, you have to paste the hosted web url here (Ex for hosted URl: (Ex for in app development: (dismiss by pressing Enter key)).

Allow loading screen - To allow loading screen while your app screen changes.

Allow refresh button - To allow refresh button to your app. it will available in top middle of the app. users can pull the button to refresh.(This is native standard app component).

Allow loading screen image - Add image/logo to app loading screen.

Enable status bar transparent - Allow transparent status bar with full screen.

Enable full screen - Remove statusbar visibility and set the full screen app.

Loading bar color - Add loading progress bar color (Ex: #AF320E)

App primary color - Set app main color. It will apply to the status bar and other native areas. (Ex: #CEC8C6)

App secondary color - Set app secondary color. It will apply to scroll end sections in the app.

App logo .png path - Add app logo path. This image must be png format and less than 250x250 pixels.

Splash image .png path - Add image to splash screen and loading screen. This image must be png format.

Well, you have done app details section. Next it will gives you app details that you have entered previously. Check those are correct and then type y to confirm details. or not press n to grab those again.

if you entered y it will generate the source code and ask you Bundle / APK / Test / ReCollect (b/a/t/r): if you want a bundle press b, apk press a, install app to connected device or emulator t (to run connected device. please setup your device) and press r to recollect app details.

Run a hosted app

First follow the development instructions. then the stage of Load URL or dismiss to connect src: you have to enter the hosted app or website URL

Build a new app with HTML CSS JS

First develop your app or website in the src folder. you can use any css and js libaries. (src folder must be include index.html file). after that follow the development instructions. then the stage of Load URL or dismiss to connect src: dismiss the stage by pressing Enter key. it will automatically connected to src folder.

What is fornyKit?

N|Solid RearGen does not come with mobile-responsive components. So fornyKit is also known as RearGen Material Kit handles HTML elements as android responsive components. Try fornyKit to your RearGen project.

Live testing

First follow the development instructions. after that the stage of Bundle / APK / Test / ReCollect (b/a/t/r):. press t to test the app on emulator or physical device.


First follow the development instructions. after that the stage of Bundle / APK / Test / ReCollect (b/a/t/r):. press r to recollect again the details of app.

Zeal Animator support

Go to Zeal Animator website documentation and copy the CDN url. after that, paste it into your src/index.html file and any other files.

Custom CSS or JS libraries support

Copy the library CDN url. Then, paste it into your src/index.html file and any other html files. or install the library to src folder.

Use clean file

You can see clean.bat file in the root folder. If you have any trouble or unknown error, first try to run the clean.bat files. and again compile your project. If not fixed, copy the error and find solution through the internet.

Thank you for using RearGen!