
An Android and iOS app for managing group shared expenses.

MIT License


A Simple app for managing group shared expenses. Just add users group and categories, and enter individual expense records to keep track of the group shares. Built with Flutter framework, this app can be compiled for both Android and iOS.


  • Download the app from the release section.
  • Add list of users and categories in the setting page.
  • Tap on the + button to add new expense record.
  • Check the Shares page for current expenses status.
  • Tap on individual record in the log page to edit/delete them.
  • Save/Load expense record to/from local file from the setting page.
    • Introduction to flutter and dart programming language.
    • Setup flutter and a sample starting project.
    • Android studio setup with virtual device + real device adb.
    • Overall pages layout design
      • Page to log all expenses and show them in a list view.
      • Page to display details of a single entry.
      • Dashboard page to display the shares
      • Chart pages ? > Time Series/Pie category
      • Profile/Setting page to edit users list, categories, import/export settings
      • Add new entry page
      • Change pages with swipe
    • Transition between pages.
    • Flutter Form design with validation.
    • Flutter state management and update parent/child/sibling UI on data changes .
    • Math logic to calculate shares.
    • Unequal shares of expenses.
    • Initial UI state, when no data is present.
    • Save and persist data on app restart.
    • Import/Export data (JSON ?) also as an Excel sheet?
    • Add custom icon for production app.
    • App signing for distribution.
    • Sort the data according to time at modification.
    • Mocks for presentation
    • First sharable production build.
    • Introduce search functionality to the log page.
    • Separate data into months and a provided option to set it.
    • Add new entry without leaving the page.
    • Share image white background with top bar
    • Firebase authentication to sync between multiple devices.