
A library for building Java only Zygisk/Riru modules.

MIT License


Zygote Loader

A library for building Java only Zygisk/Riru modules.

Getting Start

  1. Add plugin repository to settings.gradle.kts
pluginManagement { 
    repositories { 
        // ... other repositories 
        maven(url = "https://maven.kr328.app/releases") 
  1. Add an android application module and create entrypoint
class Entrypoint {
    // ZygoteLoader will invoke this method after injected to target process
    public static void main() {
        // ... your code
  1. Apply com.github.kr328.gradle.zygote plugin
plugins {
    id("com.android.application") // required
    id("com.github.kr328.gradle.zygote") version "3.1" // apply plugin
    // ... other plugins
  1. Configure your module properties
zygote {
    // initial inject packages
    packages(ZygoteLoader.PACKAGE_SYSTEM_SERVER) // initial inject to system_server

    // riru related properties
    riru {
        id = "your module id"
        name = "your module name"
        author = "your name"
        description = "your module description"
        entrypoint = "your entrypoint class qualified name" // see also step 2
        archiveName = "generated zip archive name" // optional
        updateJson = "your updateJson property" // optional, see also https://topjohnwu.github.io/Magisk/guides.html#moduleprop

    // zygisk related properties
    zygisk {
        // same with riru
  1. Build module

    1. Run gradle task <module>:assembleRelease

    2. Pick generated zip from <module>/build/outputs/magsisk


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