
Simple dev/prod build for Angular (2+) using gulp, systemjs, rollup, ngc (AOT), scss, Visual Studio

MIT License


Angular gulp starter

Simple dev/prod gulp build for Angular (2+) using systemjs, rollup, ngc (AOT), scss, and with dev/prod servers via express.


npm install gulp -g
npm install

See in action

Try DEV build online

Try PROD build online


Development buid
gulp build-dev --color

Development build includes compilation of SCSS and TypeScript, and bundling of rxjs to single file.

Production build
gulp build-prod --color

Production build includes compilation of SCSS, AOT compilation and tree-shaking with Rollup. All result files moved to dist dir. Production build output do not conflicts with development.

Start develoment server
npm start

Server will be listening on http://localhost:8181.

Start production test server
npm run start-prod

Server will be listening on http://localhost:8282, with gzip content compression enabled.

Using Visual Studio

  1. Setup Visual Studio 2015 (for example, Community Edition)
  2. Setup TypeScript for Visual Studio 2015
  3. Setup Web Compiler extension for working with SCSS from IDE.
  4. Run gulp build-dev --color from terminal, to make rxjs bundle.

TypeScript and SCSS set up to be compiled on file save. SystemJS loads every file separately, so you only need save your changes, and reload browser window.

To force recompilation of all files make rebuild of the solution (Alt+B, Alt+R). To force recompilation of SCSS file, right click -> Web Compiler -> Re-compile file

Installing dependencies

If library should be imported via import statement into TypeScript, then:

  1. For development: make sure, that TypeScript will find this library with tsconfig.json, and make sure, that SystemJS will find it by buid-tools/systemjs-config.json. In some cases nothing needed, in some cases you should map library name to its path, as it made for @angular modules.
  2. For production: make sure, that TypeScript will find this library with tsconfig.ngc.json, and make sure, that Rollup will find it by build-tools/rollup-config.js. In most cases, rollup-plugin-node-resolve plugin will make the work without any setup.

If library should not be imported, and its only needed to add it page, then:

  1. For devleopment: add <script> tag into index.html in section <!-- development -->.
  2. For production: add row to to function commonBundle; you can specify full path, or use pathTools.resolvePackagePath funciton to automaticly resolve library path.

Known issues

  1. Replace es6-shim with core-js, because es6-shim works extremely slow in IE.
  2. Add minification and post-processing of CSS.
  3. Resolve, why packageConfigPaths in systemjs-config does not work.
  4. Add server-side rendering support.
  5. Add testing support.
  6. Remove unused dependencies.

See also

See branch hash-routing for enabling hash location strategy, instead of HTML5. See branch http2 for testing spdy in development server. By the way, there is no perfomance boost achieved.