
A straightforward and well structured boilerplate based on Google's Angular Material project.

MIT License



A straightforward and well structured boilerplate based on Google's Angular Material project.


  • Live reload
  • Organised folder structure
  • Minified CSS, HTML and JS build files
  • Minified images.
  • SASS support
  • Responsive layout
  • Mobile ready
  • Material Design Icons icons
  • Support for Unit & E2E Testing
  • Unit Test reporting
  • ESLint code analysis tool.
  • Jasmine testing framework
  • Karma test runner
  • Protractor end-to-end test framework

Live Demo

Check out the live demo


  1. Install Git and NodeJS
  2. git clone myApp
  3. cd myApp
  4. npm install

Quick Usage

  • npm start : Creates a development build folder called public and serves it on: http://localhost:3000/
  • npm start --production : Creates a production ready folder called production and serves it on: http://localhost:4000/
  • npm test : Runs code checks, unit tests and E2E tests.
  • npm run unit : Runs unit tests only.
  • npm run e2e : Runs E2E tests only.
  • npm run eslint : Runs an ESLint code check only.
  • npm run coverage : Creates and serves the unit test coverage reports on: http://localhost:5000/
  • npm run build : Creates the public build folder but doesn't serve it.
  • npm run build --production : Creates the production build folder but doesn't serve it.

Project Structure

This project follows a "Folders-by-Feature" structure very similar to John Papa's Styleguide. From the screenshot below you can see that there are 6 separate features, a folder for each one. Each feature is treated as a mini Angular app. This structure allows us developers to easily locate code and identify what each file represents at a glance. By retaining this structure the project is much more manageable as it grows.

  • The app folder contains the following individual features:

    • about: Contains the about page related files.
    • layout: The high level layout container which stitches it all together.
    • shared: Contains all shared services, directives, styles etc. used across the entire app.
    • sidenav: Contains the sidenav related files.
    • todo: Contains the todo page related files.
    • toolbar: Contains the toolbar related files.
  • The assets folder contains all globally used images.

Adding a new feature folder

In the future I hope to automate the ability to create a new feature folder but for now, check out the wiki to see how you can go about adding one manually.


Even crme de menthe projects have their issues. Here are some problems you may face along with some suggestions on how to resolve them:

1. Issue: I'm getting the following error: "Error: EPERM or operation not permitted or permission denied"

This can happen when trying to delete a folder that's already in use. For example when running npm test while the npm start task is already running.


  1. Stop any tasks that are already running and try again.

2. Issue: I'm getting the following error when running the npm test task: "No selenium server jar found at the specified location"


  1. Run the following command and try again: npm run webdriver-update

3. Issue: I'm getting the following error while running the npm start task: "Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'C:....node_modeules\node-sass\vendor"

This can happen if you have changed your environment since first installing node-sass or if you are running an old version of node-sass.


  1. Run this command: npm rebuild node-sass

4. Issue: None of the above have helped


This project has been tested with the following tools:

  • NodeJs: 6.9.2
  • Npm: 3.10.9

If you are running into issues while installing node packages then ensure you have the versions above installed.


Believe it or not, angular-material-boilerplate is not perfect. If you want to improve it somehow then by all means go ahead and create a pull request :-)


  • Add source maps
  • Automate ability to add new feature folder
  • Switch to Material SVG icons
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