
Simple Angular Component for Showcasing Ratings

MIT License



Simple Rating Component for your next Angular Project. Very simple to setup and use and comes with a lot of customizations.


  • Simple and Easy to Setup
  • Ease to use
  • Dependency on only the icons
  • Supports half-star rating
  • Supports Rating Mode and also Display only Mode

How to Use the Component

The component uses material icons and there are no other dependencies.

npm i material-icons

  1. Create a component in your project.
  2. Copy and paste the rating bar component codes into your newly created component

You can now start using it in any component of your project.


Feature Description Attribute Type Default
No of Stars You can change the total rating number total number 5
Display Mode Star Rating component can be used to just display the rating readonly boolean false
Size of Stars The size of the stars displayed can be changed to your needs size string 24px
Type of Stars The component supports filled stars and hollow stars design type filled or hollow hollow
Rating Color The color for the filled Stars filledColor string #3db700
Rating Color The color for the empty Stars emptyColor string #e0e0e0
Rating Event Rating Emitted when user clicks on the rating rated number nil