
tooltips for angular2


Angular2 Tooltips

Adapted from bharataj88's angular2-tooltip repo. Allows for custom placement in parents and manually enable / disable.


npm install angular2-tooltips --save

then in your app module import the module and add it to the imports in the @NgModule decorator:

import { TooltipModule } from 'angular2-tooltips';
  imports: [

Add the tooltip attribute with a string to display a tooltip over an element on hover.

     One word in this sentence will have a
     <span tooltip="hello">tooltip</span>.

Manually Activating

If you don't want to display the tooltip on hover, you can control when it is displayed using the active attribute. The expression passed to the active attribute should be a boolean value. If it is undefined, the default behaviour for the tooltip will occur (show on hover).

     One word in this sentence will have a
     <span tooltip="hello" [active]="expression">tooltip</span>.

Tooltip Class

To change the styling you can add a custom class to the tooltip by passing a class name with the tooltipClass attribute.

     One word in this sentence will have a
     <span tooltip="hello" tooltipClass="custom-tooltip">tooltip</span>.

DOM Placement

By default the tooltip is appended to the body element. To append it to a different element, pass a selector using the parentSelector attribute.

     Only one word in this sentence will have a
     <span tooltip="hello" parentSelector=".page">tooltip</span>.