
Translate your i18n JSONs for your website or app with this tool

MIT License


JSON i18n Editor

JSON i18n Editor helps you translate your JSON language files. It's an interface for you or your team to add and edit translations for your application or website.

Try it

Save functionality is disabled for the demo: https://json-i18n-editor.now.sh/

  • Login: guest
  • Pass: guest


  • Shows three columns: original language, last-saved translation (if any), and editable text box.
  • When you change the text in the editable box, you see the diff: any text you remove from the last-saved translation is highlighted in red and any text you add is highlighted in green.
  • Original language and last-saved translation are independently searchable.
  • You can view one category at a time; view only untranslated fields, or only those you currently modified.
  • Clicking REVIEW shows only the text you have edited for a quick review.

How to use

It requires two input JSON files (currently hardcoded as an example: en.json & de.json) each of which must have a depth of 2, for example:

  "categoryName": {
    "keyName": "some text",
    "anotherKey": "some text",
  "anotherCategory" :{
    "keyName": "some text",

The value of all the keys at depth 1 must always be objects containing only keys that have strings as values

The structure of en.json is taken as authority on which keys must be present.


The PHP folder has a rough-and-dirty set of files to serve as API endpoints for the front-end application.

Recommended workflow

  1. Create the source-of-truth original en.json file
  2. Use an automated system to translate all text into de.json
  3. Use JSON i18n Editor to fix the automated translation


JSON i18n Editor is built with:


Created for and used by Health Impact Fund