
Right click context menu for Angular 2+



Right click context menu for Angular 2+






npm install --save ng2-right-click-menu @angular/cdk

import ShContextMenuModule

import {ShContextMenuModule} from 'ng2-right-click-menu'

  imports: [ShContextMenuModule]

import css file in your styles.css:

  @import "~@angular/cdk/overlay-prebuilt.css";


Defining a Basic Menu Template

The menu template is built using the sh-context-menu component as the menu wrapper, and nested ng-template with the shContextMenuItem directive for every menu item:

The shContextMenuItem directive provide a template variable (let-data) that gives you access to the data object attached to the menu.

<sh-context-menu #menu>
  <ng-template shContextMenuItem let-data (click)="onClick($event)">
      Menu Item - {{data.label}}

Attaching Menu To An Element

Attaching works by using the shAttachMenu directive and providing the #menu (from the above example) template variable:

The object provided to the [shMenuData] input will be available as a template variable inside ng-templates with shContextMenuItem

<div [shAttachMenu]="menu" [shMenuData]="data">Right Click Me</div>

Sub Menus

Sub menu is attached to the shContextMenuItem directive using the [subMenu] input.

The [subMenu] input is provided with a sh-context-menu's template variable (just like attaching a menu to an element).

<sh-context-menu #menu>
  <ng-template shContextMenuItem let-data [subMenu]="#nestedMenu">
      Menu Item - {{data.label}}
  <sh-context-menu #nestedMenu>
    <ng-template shContextMenuItem let-data>
        Menu Item - {{data.label}}


sh-context-menu (component)

Name Type Default Description
[this] any null the this context for input callbacks (visible) - typically the menu's host component

shContextMenuItem (directive)

Name Type Default Description
[subMenu] ShContextMenuComponent null sub menu
[divider] boolean false render a divider
[closeOnClick] boolean true should the menu close on click
[visible] (event: ShContextMenuClickEvent) => boolean null function to determine if a item is visible
(click) (event: ShContextMenuClickEvent) => void null click handler

shAttachMenu (directive)

Name Type Default Description
[shAttachMenu] ShContextMenuComponent null the menu that will be attached to the element
[shMenuTriggers] string[] null list of event names that will trigger the menu
[shMenuData] any null the data object that will be injected to the menu item's template

Setting up development env

npm start to run the demo application

develop the library under /lib