
angular 4 compatable google autocomplete with server side api support and AOT enabled

MIT License


Angular 4 compatible google autocomplete


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angular 4 compatible google autocomplete with server side api support and AOT enabled


Install through npm:

npm install --save ng4-geoautocomplete

Then include in your apps module:

import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Ng4GeoautocompleteModule } from 'ng4-geoautocomplete';

  imports: [
export class MyModule {}

Add google place script in your main file generally referred to 'index.html' (Optional if you want to use google services).

<script type="text/javascript" src=" this with valid keyXX&libraries=places&language=en-US"></script>

Finally use in one of your apps components:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  template: '<ng4geo-autocomplete [userSettings]="userSettings" (componentCallback)="autoCompleteCallback1($event)"></ng4geo-autocomplete>'
export class MyComponent {
  userSettings = {}
	autoCompleteCallback1(selectedData:any) {
		//do any necessery stuff.

List of settings that can be used to configure the module (all config. are optional):

    geoPredictionServerUrl?: string;      //should be a server url which returns list of places upon input query (GET request)
    geoLatLangServiceUrl?: string;        //should be a server url which returns place object upon lat and lon. (GET request)
    geoLocDetailServerUrl?: string;       //should be a server url which returns place details upon placeID received by 'geoPredictionServerUrl' (GET request)
    geoCountryRestriction?: any;          //should be an array of country code where search should be restricted like ['in', 'us', 'pr', 'vi', 'gu', 'mp'] *(Default: 'no restriction')*
    geoTypes?: any;                       //should be an array of Place types defined by [Google api](
    geoLocation?: any;                    //should be an array in the format [latitude,longitude]. This feature will not work if country restriction is implimented.
    geoRadius?: number;                   //should be a number and should only be used with 'geoLocation'.
    serverResponseListHierarchy?: any;    //should be an array of key from where 'geoPredictionServer' data should be extracted. (see Example.)
    serverResponseatLangHierarchy?: any;  //should be an array of key from where 'geoLatLangService' data should be extracted. (see Example.)
    serverResponseDetailHierarchy?: any;  //should be an array of key from where 'geoLocDetailSerice' data should be extracted. (see Example.)
    resOnSearchButtonClickOnly?: boolean; //when output should be emmited when search button clicked only.
    useGoogleGeoApi?: boolean;            //should set to 'false' when server urls to be used instade of google api. *(Default: true)*
    inputPlaceholderText?: string;        //Input Placeholder text can be changed *(Default: 'Enter Area Name')*
    inputString?: string;                 //Default selected input like prefefined address. *(Default: ''). See Example 3 in Demo after 10 sec*
    showSearchButton?: boolean;           //Search button to be visible or not. *(Default: true)*
    showRecentSearch?: boolean;           //Recent search to be saved & shown to user or not. *(Default: true)*
    showCurrentLocation?: boolean;        //current location option to be visible or not. *(Default: true)*
    recentStorageName?: string;           //Recent seraches are saved in browser localsorage. The key value which is used by the module to save can be changed. *(Default: 'recentSearches')*
    noOfRecentSearchSave?: number;        //Number of recent user entry to be saved . *(Default: 5)*
    currentLocIconUrl?: string;           //Current location icon can be changed *(Should be an image url or svg url)*
    searchIconUrl?: string;               //Search icon can be changed *(Should be an image url or svg url)*
    locationIconUrl?: string;             //General Location icon can be changed *(Should be an image or svg url)*

NOTE: Component settings can also be altered after component initialization. Please follow the below method to change.

this.userSettings: any = {
  inputPlaceholderText: 'This is the placeholder text doring component initialization'

this.userSettings['inputPlaceholderText'] = 'This is the placeholder text after doing some external operation after some time';
this.userSettings = Object.assign({},this.userSettings) //Very Important Line to add after modifying settings.


'geoTypes' can be used for multiple Place Types like ['(regions)', '(cities)'] OR ['(regions)', 'establishment', 'geocode']. This will make individual api call for each Place Types to google to fetch lists and then it will merge the resuts with uniqueness.To know avalable Place Types please refer Google api.USE THIS FEATURE CAREFULLY

You may also find it useful to view the demo source.

You can change the component css in the below manner (You have to set encapsulation to None)

import { Component, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'any-component-name',
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  template: '<div class="demo"><ng4geo-autocomplete (componentCallback)="autoCompleteCallback1($event)"></ng4geo-autocomplete></div>',
  styles: ['
  .demo #search_places {
    height: 100px;

You can use it with system js as well

'ng4-geoautocomplete': 'npm:ng4-geoautocomplete/bundles/ng4-geoautocomplete.umd.js'

Usage without a module bundler

<script src="node_modules/ng4-geoautocomplete/bundles/ng4-geoautocomplete.umd.js"></script>
    // everything is exported ng4Geoautocomplete namespace


All documentation is auto-generated from the source via compodoc and can be viewed here:


Prepare your environment

  • Install Node.js and NPM
  • Install local dev dependencies: npm install while current directory is this repo

Development server

Run npm start to start a development server on port 8000 with auto reload + tests.


Run npm test to run tests once or npm run test:watch to continually run tests.


  • Bump the version in package.json (once the module hits 1.0 this will become automatic)
npm run release



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