
A reuseable CRM project for real-world business based on Angular 4, Angular-Material & Bootstrap 3.

MIT License


Angular CRM

Warning! This repository is no longer maintained. Please check out the new one. ng-md-app is built on the latest Angular and Materail Design.

A reusable CRM starter project for real-world business based on Angular 4, Angular-Material & Bootstrap 3.

This project starts from a popular starter project AngularClass/AngularStarter. The goal of this project is to create reusable project for real-world business. To achieve this target, we need a solution which includes simple authentication process, restful API feature with token support and simple but elegant UI design.


  • This project is built on the top of AngularClass/Angular-Starter.
  • The UI part of this project combine Angular-Material and Bootstrap 3. The components from Angular-Material is very limited, and ng-bootstrap for Angular 4 was at Alpha version when I started this project, so I combine some Bootstrap 3 in this project to build the UI.
  • This project includes ng-charts, pagination, progress-bar, confirmation dialog, etc. features.
  • It uses Json-Server as fake Restful API. (You can simply replace it with your own API)
  • CRUD functions for Customer, Order and Product.

Live Demo

Demo App: The demo is just a proof of concept. It doesn't have back-end API and all features of master branch.


Build & Setup

# Clone project
git clone

# prepare Json-Server as fake Restful API
cd ng4crm

# WINDOWS only. In terminal as administrator
npm install -g node-pre-gyp

# install the packages with npm
npm install

# start the app
npm start

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run dev

## You will see the following output. You can test the API with URLs via browser.
## \{^_^}/ hi!                        
## Loading db.json                    
## Done                               
## Resources                          
## http://localhost:5354/token        
## http://localhost:5354/customers    
## http://localhost:5354/orders    
## http://localhost:5354/products      
## http://localhost:5354/categories         
## Home                               
## http://localhost:5354              
## ...........................
## ...........................
## [at-loader] Checking started in a separate process...

## [at-loader] Ok, 0.002 sec.

# Access the Reetek Angular 4 CRM at localhost:3000

Welcome to fork or clone!

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout following links please.


There are two similar projects respectively built on the Vue.js and React. If you have interests in those technical stacks. You can find and clone those repositories below.