
ngx-custom-pipes are custom pipes for angular 4 and above application.

MIT License



ngx-custom-pipes custom pipes module for angular 4 and above applications.


  • npm install ngx-custom-pipes

For webpack and tsc builds/ angular-cli builds

  • import CustomPipesModule from ngx-custom-pipes:
import { CustomPipesModule } from 'ngx-custom-pipes'
  • If you dont want all the pipes and want pipes for String or Math or Array only then import only the required module.
import { MathPipesModule } from 'ngx-custom-pipes';
// or
import { ArrayPipesModule } from 'ngx-custom-pipes'
// or
import { StringPipesModule } from 'ngx-custom-pipes'
  • add CustomPipesModule or MathPipesModule or ArrayPipesModule or StringPipesModule to the imports of your NgModule: as per your requirements
  imports: [

    CustomPipesModule, MathPipesModule, ArrayPipesModule, StringPipesModule
class YourModule { ... }


String Pipes

  • cuurencyAbbrev : Currency short name/ abbreviation
<span>{{10000 | cuurencyAbbrev}}</span> 
<span>{{'1,000,000,000' | cuurencyAbbrev}}</span>
  • camelCase : Converts the string to camel case with seperators (-,_, )
<span>{{'hello world' | camelCase}}</span>
<span>{{'hello_world' | camelCase}}</span>
<span>{{'hello-world' | camelCase}}</span>
  • ltrim : trims the characters from left if match found.
Usage: str | ltrim: [chars?: string]
<span>{{'hello-world' | ltrim : 'hello'}}</span>
  • padEnd : pads the string at end where target length of string will be string length + count. Default character for padding is space.
Usage: str | padEnd: [padCount: number] : [chars?: string]
<span>{{'hello-world' | padEnd : 3 : 'hello'}}</span>
  • padStart : pads the string at start where target length of string will be string length + count. Default character for padding is space.
Usage: str | padStart: [padCount: number] : [chars?: string]
<span>{{'hello-world' | padStart : 3 : 'hello'}}</span>
  • repeat : repeats the string n number of times.
Usage: str | repeat: [repeatCount: number]
<span>{{'hello world' | repeat : 3}}</span>
hello worldhello worldhello world
  • replaceFirst : replaces the first occurance of particular character with specified characters or just replace them with empty string if replacWith not specified.
Usage: str | replaceFirst: [replaceChar: string] : [replaceWith?: string]
<span>{{'hello world' | replaceFirst : 'h' : 'def'}}</span>
defello world
  • replaceLast : replaces last occurance of of particular character with specified characters.
Usage: str | replaceLast: [replaceChar: string] : [replaceWith?: string]
<span>{{'hello world' | replaceLast : 'h' : 'def'}}</span>
<span>{{'hello world hello' | replaceLast : 'hello' : 'howdy'}}</span>
defello world
hello world howdy
  • replace : replaces all occurrances of particular character with specified characters.
Usage: str | replace: [replaceChar: string] : [replaceWith?: string]
<span>{{'hello world hello' | replace : 'h' : 'def'}}</span>
defello world defello
  • reverse : reverses the string
Usage: str | reverse
<span>{{'hello world' | reverse}}</span>
dlrow olleh
  • rtrim : trims off the chars from right side if match found.
<span>{{'hello-world' | rtrim : 'ld'}}</span>
  • profileName : returns the short profile user name for a string.
Usage: str | profileName
<span>{{'hello world' | profileName}}</span>
<span>{{'user name' | profileName}}</span>
  • trim : trims off specified characters from start and end if match found.
Usage: str | trim : [chars?: string]
<span>{{'hello world hello' | trim : 'hello'}}</span>
  • ucfirst : changes first letter of string to uppercase.
Usage: str | ucfirst
<span>{{'hello world' | ucfirst}}</span>
Hello world
  • ucwords : change first letter of each word to uppercase.
Usage: str | ucwords
<span>{{'hello world' | ucwords}}</span>
Hello World

Math Pipes

  • ceil : returns the ceiling value of a floating point number.
Usage: number | ceil
<span>{{1.234 | ceil}}</span>
  • degrees : converts radians to degrees.
Usage: number | degrees
<span>{{5 | degrees}}</span>
  • floor : returns the floor value of a floating point number.
Usage: number | floor
<span>{{286.479 | floor}}</span>
  • fromBinary : returns the decimal representation of a binary , octal, hexadecimal etc. number.
Usage: number | fromBinary :[base?: number]
<span>{{'00001100' | fromBinary}}</span>
<span>{{2322 | fromBinary : 8}}</span>
  • mean : returns the mean of an array of numbers.
Usage: number[] | mean
<span>{{[1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7] | mean}}</span>
  • median : returns the median of an array of numbers.
Usage: number[] | median
<span>{{[1, 2, 4, 5, 7] | median}}</span>
<span>{{[1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8] | median}}</span>
  • mode : returns the mode of an array of numbers.
Usage: number[] | mode
<span>{{[3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 8, 4, 6] | mode}}</span>
  • prcnt : returns the percentage of value of a number.
Usage: number | prcnt :[total?: number]
<span>{{23 | prcnt}}</span>
<span>{{23 | prcnt : 200}}</span>
  • pow : returns a number raised to power.
Usage: number | pow : [power: number]
<span>{{5 | pow : 3}}</span>
<span>{{23 | pow : 4}}</span>
  • radians : converts degrees to radians.
Usage: number | radians
<span>{{90 | radians}}</span>
  • roundoff : rounds off the number to specified decimal places and nearest integer if digits not specified.
Usage: number | roundoff : [digits?: number]
<span>{{123.566767 | roundoff : 3}}</span>
<span>{{876.566767 | roundoff}}</span>
  • sqrt : returns the square root of a number.
Usage: number | sqrt
<span>{{225 | sqrt}}</span>
  • toBinary : returns binary or octal or hexadecimal representation of a decimal number.
Usage: number | toBinary : [base?: number]
<span>{{12 | toBinary}}</span>
<span>{{1234 | toBinary: 8}}</span>

Array Pipes

  • contains : returns true/false if the item is present in the array or not.
Usage: array | contains : [item: any]
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | contains : 4 }}</span>
  • diff : returns difference between two arrays i.e the items unique to both arrays.
Usage: array | diff : [array_2: any[]]
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | diff : [2, 3, 7, 8, 1] }}</span>
[4, 7, 5, 8]
  • dupes : returns the items which occur more than once in array i.e duplicates.
Usage: array | dupes
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 3, 8, 5, 2, 4, 5] | dupes}}</span>
[2, 3, 5]
  • filterBy : filters an array based on searctext.
Usage: array | filterBy : [searchText: string] : [keyName?: string]
keyName: in case array of objects and filter required for a particular key
<span>{{['star', 'galaxy', 'sun', 'moon', 'earth'] | filterBy: 'ar'}}</span>
['star', 'earth']
  • limitTo : limit the records to specified number of items from particular index.
Usage: array | limitTo : [itemsCount: number] : [startIndex?: number]
<span>{{['star', 'galaxy', 'sun', 'moon', 'earth'] | limitTo: 3 : 0}}</span>
['star', 'galaxy', 'sun']
  • ltrim : trims an array from left for specified count of numbers.
Usage: array | ltrim : [itemsCount: number]
<span>{{[12, 34, 5, 56, 546, 34, 3, 54] | ltrim: 3}}</span>
[56, 546, 34, 3, 54]
  • max : returns the max value in a array of numbers.
Usage: array | max
<span>{{[12, 34, 5, 56, 546, 34, 3, 54] | max}}</span>
  • merge : merges/concats two or more arrays.
Usage: array | merge : [...arrays: any[]]
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4] | merge : [21, 32, 4] : ['a', 'f']}}</span>
[1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 32, 4, 'a', 'f']
  • min : returns the minimum value in a array of numbers.
Usage: array | min
<span>{{[12, 34, 5, 56, 546, 34, 3, 54] | min}}</span>
  • omit : returns an array after omiting the specified items.
Usage: array | omit : [omitItems: any[]]
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | omit : [4, 7, 9]}}</span>
[1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
  • range : returns an array containing the items in specified range.
Usage: array | range : [startIndex: number] : [endIndex?: numbers]
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | range : 2 : 5}}</span>
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | range : 2}}</span>
[3, 4, 5]
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  • reverse : reverses an array.
Usage: array | reverse
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | reverse}}</span>
[7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
  • rtrim : trims an array from right with specified count of numbers.
Usage: array | rtrim : [itemcCount: number]
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | rtrim: 3}}</span>
[1, 2, 3, 4]
  • shuffle : returns an array with items shuffled.
Usage: array | shuffle 
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | shuffle}}</span>
[3, 7, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4]
  • sortBy : returns a sorted array
Usage: array | sortBy : [reverse: boolean] : [keyName?: string] 
keyName: the key according to which the array needs to be sorted in case array of objects
<span>{{['asd', 'def', 'bghi', 'nhm'] | sortBy}}</span>
<span>{{[2, 8, 3, 6, 34, 12] | sortBy: true}}</span>
<span>{{[{name:'name2'} , {name:'name1'} , {name:'name3'}] | sortBy: true : 'name'}}</span>
['asd', 'bghi', 'def', 'nhm']
[34, 12, 8, 6, 3, 2]
[{name:'name1'} , {name:'name2'} , {name:'name3'}]
  • sum : returns sum of an array of numbers.
Usage: array | sum
<span>{{[1, 2, 8, 9, 19] | sum}}</span>
  • trim : trims an array from both ends with specified count of numbers.
Usage: array | trim : [itemsCount : number]
<span>{{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] | trim : 2}}</span>
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  • unique : returns array with unique entries eleiminating duplicates.
Usage: array | unique
<span>{{[1, 2, 33, 4, 4, 5, 66, 33, 4] | unique}}</span>
[1, 2, 33, 4, 5, 66]

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