
WebApp to manage student presence in the time of COVID

MIT License



Impresent is a Webapp to manage student presence during time of COVID, when schools can't afford to have everyone on site.

The app should be used by :

  • The class representative
  • The students

The workflow is the following

The class representative :

  1. Can create a class (promotion)
  2. Adds the students to his class (csv imports supported)
  3. Can create a day of presence for a target date
  4. Share the volunteering link to the class
  5. Waits for the students volunteer using the link
  6. Can add people that have not volunteered to reach the minimum of attendees, based on their last presence date
  7. Can export the final presence list for the day to send it to the school admin

Future in developement :

  • Students can unvolunteer
  • Min and max attendees for a given day can be parametered for each day


Optional :

For windows :

Installation Steps

Clone the repo

git clone

Environnement variables

Configure those variables inside your terminal or your IDE.

Name Description Exemple Value
DATABASE_URL Connection string to the PostgresSQL database postgres://user:password@host:port/database
JWT_SECRET Secret used to sign JWT tokens 3myB8HRUokgD2uFejKyev4^4

Install web application dependencies

cd ImPresent.Web/ClientApp
npm install

Run the app

cd ..
dotnet run

The app is ready when the following log line is printed :

Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices[0] Browser application bundle generation complete.

The WebApi docs are available at the /docs route.

Deploy with Docker

git clone
cd ImPresent.Web
docker build -t ImPresent.Web .
docker run -d -p 8080:80 ImPresent.Web

or with docker-compose :

    image: ombrelin/impresent:1.0
        - 80:8080
    container_name: impresent
      - JWT_SECRET="mysecret"
      - DATABASE_URL="my postgres url"
    restart: unless-stopped

You are all set! You have a problem ? Please open an issue

Build with

  • .NET 5 & C#
  • Tyepscript
  • Angular 12
  • ASP .NET Core
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Swagger
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker
