
💻 Angular webapplicatie voor Projecten 3 - Angular


School Project 3 - Talentcoach - Frontend

Our second school project was seperated in a backend, frontend and a mobile application part. The frontend is made in Angular. This project was our final project and was very advanced. We had to keep contact with our customer by ourself.

In Belgium we have a school platform called Smartschool in the Flanders, this platform is used by teachers to publish their school grades, upload tasks, keep in touch by email...

This project was to create an alternative for Smartschool, it was more focused on giving ratings and set a capability to 'accomplished'.

The teachers were able to login on the Angular web application and manage their classes, students, give ratings...


  • angular material
  • font awesome icons
  • bootstrap
  • poppper
  • jquery

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.8.