
URLStr is a small application to manage your bookmarks

APACHE-2.0 License




URLStr is short for URLStore and is a little bookmark management application using an embedded Neo4J database in the background for rich data management, Quarkus using Java as backend framework, and Angular for the frontend.

URLStr was created because of my need to manage, tag, comment and query my huge list (bookmarks) of online resources (articles, videos...).

Another need was to have my bookmarks stored in a local application that runs in my home network. In fact it should run on a simple home server or NAS as a simple docker container - easy to setup, manage and update.

The most import and final need was to experiment with (for me) new technology, in this case above mentioned and more. It was also started to study using DDD principles using Quarkus.

Currently used technologies.

Older versions used Svelte/Swagger but I recently switched to Angular.


This is currently very much work in progress.

  • Basic function do not work yet
  • UI flow is far from finalized
  • Database design is not finished
  • Use cases are not finalized


This is fun- and study-ware. I currently do not have the time to work on this regulary. My most important goals are to have fun while learning.

Having the best-possible application is currently not a goal and likely would not be reached anyway because of lack of time.

However you are welcome to participate and learn with me or make me learn from you -as long as you do not change the most important design and technology decisions. Just contact me.

Build for development


This is a normal Quarkus application. Run it in development mode using

   > mvn quarkus:dev

In this case it will hot-reinitialize on the next REST call.

It will offer a number of REST services at localhost:8080.

The backend directory also contains a number of *.sh scripts that read or write data via the REST services.

Use import.sh to import a small number of data.

The one thing not covered by Quarkus modules is the integrated NEO4J database.

You can connect to it via localhost:7687.

A simple


should show the imported data.


The frontend is a standard Angular with Angular Material application.

In development mode, use

  > ng serve

to start a small web server at localhost:4200 that serves the frontend.

Currently URLs for the backend are hardcoded, just starting frontend and backend in development mode should result in a working application.

Build for release

There is currently no working code or profile settings for this. It is planed to use the backend also as static web server for the frontend and wire everything via environment variables referenced in the various (not yet existing) production profiles.

This should allow to copy everything into one docker container with the java backend running as the only process.


Apache License 2.0