
TidGi is an privacy-in-mind, automated, auto-git-backup, freely-deployed knowledge management Desktop note app, based on Tiddlywiki, with REST API for web-clipping and Anki connect. 「 太记 」是一个基于「 太微 TiddlyWiki 」的知识管理桌面应用,能保护隐私内容、高级自动化、自动Git云备份、部署为博客,且可通过RESTAPI与Anki等应用连接。(迭代开发中欢迎试用,开发进度见下方链接)(Under active development, see website below for details)

MPL-2.0 License



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ShowCases And Demo



Load NodeJS Wiki
Screenshot of main-window
Create Local Wiki Clone Online Wiki
Screenshot of add-workspace Screenshot of clone-workspace
Translation, Preferences
Screenshot of preference
Interactive code
Screen recording of zx-script in tiddlywiki
Community Plugin Library
Screenshot of add-workspace

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About TidGi-Desktop

TidGi is a cross-platform Note Taking & GTD & Fragment Knowledge Management desktop app powered by nodejs-TiddlyWiki, it ship with a lot of tiddlywiki plugins from the TiddlyWiki community.

You can call it TG-Note, it is totally free and you own all your data. Code by the people, build for the people.

It used to named TiddlyGit, means TiddlyWiki with easy Git backup, short for TidGi now.


For Windows MacOS normal user

GitHub Releases

For arch user

yay tidgi

For MacOS CLI user

brew install TidGi # Not tested

Mobile App

  • TidGi-Mobile is the official pair with TidGi-Desktop, developed by @linonetwo, fast for 100MB+ wiki.
  • See Tiddloid for Android App developed by @donmor. Good for smaller wiki, and you can have access to your HTML wiki.

You can switch between them, and sync data between them and TidGi at any time. All of them are local-first, open-sourced and compatible with TiddlyWiki ecosystem.

Data Privacy Protection

You can choose storage provider for your wiki workspace:

  1. "Github" as unlimited storage and gh-pages blogging platform.
  2. "Local" will create a local git repo for you, you can use GithubDesktop to sync manually.
  3. "Gitlab" and "Gitee" is on the way


Differences from TiddlyDesktop?

  1. NodeJS version of TiddlyWiki have seamless auto-save experience, which is taking the advantage of SyncAdaptor instead of Saver, TG have better support for NodeJS wiki
  2. Using NodeJS wiki, We can have separated tiddler files, which can be modified by hand, or by other programs (e.g. VSCode with VSCode-TW5-Syntax)
  3. Though TiddlyDesktop can also load wiki folder generated by nodejs-TiddlyWiki, TG can backup that folder to the Github easily
  4. With the Electron technology, we can use fs, git and many other nodejs things within TiddlyWiki, which greatly extend the hackability, which is the reason why I choose TiddlyWiki as my daily KM tool

Why Github?

Because Github is one of the best free civil level BaaS:

  1. Its storage is basically free, allow us to store unlimited images and PDF files, which can have permanent URIs for public download
  2. It has GraphQL API that allow us programmatically update our wiki
  3. It has free CI to automatically deploy our TiddlyWiki blog
  4. It provides unlimited repository, public and private, which enables us to store private content into our TiddlyWiki


Read Dev doc for details.


The desktop app shell is based on https://github.com/atomery/singlebox and atomery/webcatalog, they provide lots of utils around website-generated-app, much powerful than generating app from website simply using Chrome. Also the independent developer @quanglam2807 behind these great tools helps me a lot when I develop TidGi.

Current Icon is download from iconsdb under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 , if you are a designer, please feel free to contribute your ICON if you have a better idea.

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