
Jupyter Notebook Kernel for running Ansible Tasks and Playbooks

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Ansible Jupyter Kernel

The Ansible Jupyter Kernel adds a kernel backend for Jupyter to interface directly with Ansible and construct plays and tasks and execute them on the fly.


Table of Contents


ansible-kernel is available to be installed from pypi but you can also install it locally. The setup package itself will register the kernel with Jupyter automatically.

From pypi

pip install ansible-kernel
python -m ansible_kernel.install

From a local checkout

pip install -e .
python -m ansible_kernel.install

For Anaconda/Miniconda

pip install ansible-kernel
python -m ansible_kernel.install --sys-prefix


Local install

    jupyter notebook
    # In the notebook interface, select Ansible from the 'New' menu


docker run -p 8888:8888 benthomasson/ansible-jupyter-kernel

Then copy the URL from the output into your browser:

Using the Cells

Normally Ansible brings together various components in different files and locations to launch a playbook and performs automation tasks. For this jupyter interface you need to provide this information in cells by denoting what the cell contains and then finally writing your tasks that will make use of them. There are Examples available to help you, in this section we'll go over the currently supported cell types.

In order to denote what the cell contains you should prefix it with a pound/hash symbol (#) and the type as listed here as the first line as shown in the examples below.


The inventory that your tasks will use

ahost ansible_connection=local
anotherhost examplevar=val


This represents the opening block of a typical Ansible play

name: Hello World
hosts: all
gather_facts: false


This is the default cell type if no type is given for the first line

shell: cat /tmp/afile
register: output


This takes an argument that represents the hostname. Variables defined in this file will be available in the tasks for that host.

#host_vars Host1
hostname: host1


This takes an argument that represents the group name. Variables defined in this file will be available in the tasks for hosts in that group.

#group_vars BranchOfficeX


This takes an argument that represents the filename for use in later cells

#vars example_vars
message: hello vars
name: hello world
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
    - example_vars


This takes an argument in order to create a templated file that can be used in later cells

#template hello.j2
{{ message }}
    src: hello.j2
    dest: /tmp/hello


Provides overrides typically found in ansible.cfg



You can find various example notebooks in the repository

Using the development environment

It's possible to use whatever python development process you feel comfortable with. The repository itself includes mechanisms for using pipenv

pipenv install
pipenv shell
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