
A collection of plays to maintain a Minecraft server with Ansible.


Ansible / Ansible Tower - Minecraft Server Roles

Project Status: Stable

Updates in ver 0.2:

  • minecraft_svr_announce.yml has been retired and is now a role titled role/minecraft_svr_announce/. An example of using this solution is found within playbook-minecraft_svr_announce.yml
  • minecraft_svr_build.yml has been retired and is now a role titled role/minecraft_svr_prep/. An example of using this solution is found within playbook-minecraft_svr_prep.yml. The justification for the name change was that minecraft_svr_build.yml was a misleading name.
  • minecraft_svr_dl_rc.yml has been retired and is now a rile titled role/minecraft_svr_update_backup/. An example of using this solution is found within playbook-minecraft_svr_update_backup.yml. The justification for the name change was that minecraft_svr_dl_rc.yml was a misleading name.


  • Repository contains Ansible code
  • The files playbook-minecraft_* contain examples of how to use the code within roles/
  • These solutions are tested for use on Ubuntu 18.04
  • To run locally, first install python sudo apt install python3-pip
  • Next install ansible, python3 -m pip install ansible
  • Now run all of the above solutions against the host: localhost and connection: local

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