
APACHE-2.0 License




This repository contains the Ansible on Clouds managed application Deployment Driver.

The Deployment Driver consists of following components:

  • The engine driving deployments of the ARM templates
  • The web UI providing the user a way to interact with the deployment engine/server
  • Nginx web server and reverse proxy serving the installer web UI and proxy-ing API requests to installer engine

Local Development


To setup for local development you will need to:

  • Have an Azure subscription and Resource Group created
  • Build the server

Build the server

make build-server

Next, you will need to setup a .env file and place it in the ./build folder.


The Azure requirements to run locally:

  1. An Azure subscription
  2. A Resource Group created with the name set in RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME of your `./build/.env' file
# show the current signed in user information
az account show -o json

# create a resource group in eastus2
az group create -n $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -l eastus2 

Running the Server and UI

./scripts/ server
./scripts/ ui

Development Team

This component is primarily developed by the Ansible Automation Platform on Azure team in Red Hat.

Github Issues can be used to file tickets for help, bugs, vulnerabilities or other security issues.

Contributions and suggestions are welcome!

Running in VSCode Dev Container

For VS Code users, there is the ability to run your local development environment inside a development container. This allows you to ensure that you have the needed prerequisites and avoid any portability issues.

Working with VS Code development containers requires you to follow the installation instructions at Once you have completed the installation istructions, you can open this cloned repo's folder in VS Code, or clone the repo to a development container.

For more details on working with development containers, please see


Sonar analysis is performed by Github Actions on the code repository for this project. Results available at (server) and (UI)