
Mcrouter operator for Kubernetes built with Ansible and the Operator SDK.


Mcrouter Operator

The Mcrouter Operator was built with the Ansible Operator SDK. It is not yet intended for production use.

Mcrouter is a memcached protocol router for scaling memcached deployments, written by Facebook.

Dylan Murray's memcached operator was the original inspiration for this operator, and this project was originally forked from the AnsOpDemo repository.


This Kubernetes Operator is meant to be deployed in your Kubernetes cluster(s) and can manage one or more mcrouter instances in the same namespace as the operator.

First you need to deploy Mcrouter Operator into your cluster:

kubectl apply -f

Then you can create instances of mcrouter, for example:

  1. Create a file named my-mcrouter.yml with the following contents:

    kind: Mcrouter
      name: my-mcrouter
      memcached_pool_size: 3
      # The memcached pool can be 'sharded' or 'replicated'.
      pool_setup: replicated
  2. Use kubectl to create the mcrouter instance in your cluster:

    kubectl apply -f my-mcrouter.yml

What's the difference between sharded and replicated: sharded uses a key hashing algorithm to distribute Memcached sets and gets among Memcached Pods; this means a key foo may always go to pod A, while the key bar always goes to pod B. replicated sends all Memcached sets to all Memcached pods, and distributes gets randomly.

Available parameters in the Mcrouter spec

There are a number of configurable options in the spec for your Mcrouter resources. For full details on each available variable, see the mcrouter role README.

  # The image to run for the `mcrouter` Deployment.
  mcrouter_image: devan2502/mcrouter:latest

  # The port Mcrouter will run on.
  mcrouter_port: 5000

  # The image to run for the `memcached` StatefulSet.
  memcached_image: memcached:1.5-alpine

  # The size of the memcached pool.
  memcached_pool_size: 3

  # The port Memcached will run on.
  memcached_port: 11211

  # The memcached pool can be 'sharded' or 'replicated'.
  pool_setup: replicated

  # Set to '/var/mcrouter/fifos' to debug mcrouter with mcpiper.
  debug_fifo_root: ''



Local tests with Molecule and KIND

Ensure you have the testing dependencies installed (in addition to Docker):

pip install docker molecule openshift jmespath

Run the local molecule test scenario:

molecule test -s test-local

Testing if mcrouter and memcached are working as expected

Get the Kubernetes network IP address for the mcrouter pod:

kubectl describe pod -l app=mcrouter

Then run a telnet container to connect to mcrouter directly:

kubectl run -it --rm telnet --image=jess/telnet --restart=Never <mcrouter_pod_ip> 5000

After a few seconds you will see a message like If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.. Don't press enter, because telnet doesn't display a prompt. Instead, enter the below commands:

In the telnet prompt send commands like the following:

    set mykey 0 0 5
    get mykey

You can also inspect Mcrouter fifos using mcpiper, by setting spec.debug_fifo_root to /var/mcrouter/fifos, then running mcpiper inside the mcrouter pod once it's reconfigured: /usr/local/mcrouter/install/bin/mcpiper. Note that you will not see any output (besides maybe an error message) until requests are sent to mcrouter.

Testing the operator is working as expected

One simple way to verify Mcrouter operator is working correctly is to change the memcached_pool_size in your Mcrouter resource, then observe what happens in the cluster:

  1. See how many memcached pods are currently running: kubectl get pods -l app=mcrouter-cache
  2. See how Mcrouter is currently configured: kubectl describe pod -l app=mcrouter
    1. Verify all the current memcached pods are listed in the 'servers' inside --config-str in the mcrouter container command.
  3. Edit the Mcrouter resource: kubectl edit mcrouter my-mcrouter
    1. Change memcached_pool_size to 4
    2. Save the change.
  4. Check the status of your mcrouter instance: kubectl describe mcrouter my-mcrouter
    1. For a minute or two, the operator will be running a 'reconciliation' to ensure the cluster is updated to reflect the updated mcrouter spec you just saved.
    2. Once it's done applying the necessary changes, the status message will read "Awaiting next reconciliation".
  5. See how many memcached pods are now running: kubectl get pods -l app=mcrouter-cache
    1. You should now see four pods in the list.
  6. See how Mcrouter is now configured: kubectl describe pod -l app=mcrouter
    1. You should now see all four of the memcached pods in the --config-str.

Another thing you could do is delete one of the Memcached pods and see what happens:

kubectl delete pod mcrouter-memcached-2

Within a few seconds, you should see that the deleted pod has been replaced by Kubernetes. Because mcrouter uses DNS to distribute requests to the memcached instances, there might be a single dropped connection if there was an active request to the deleted instance, but other than that rare occurrence, the loss of a single memcached pod should have no affect on the availability of the entire cache backend.

Note that because Memcached does not include any kind of replication, and Mcrouter does not backfill new Memcached instances (they will start with an empty cache), advanced usage of Mcrouter and Memcached in high-availability, high-performance environments requires more fine tuning in the replication strategy.

Also, your application should always be able to fall back and re-set a key if a particular cache key has vanished. Basically, don't rely on Mcrouter or Memcached for a data persistence layer!

Release Process

There are a few moving parts to this project:

  1. The Docker image which powers Mcrouter Operator.
  2. The mcrouter-operator.yaml Kubernetes manifest file which initially deploys the Operator into a cluster.

Each of these must be appropriately built in preparation for a new tag:

Build a new release of the Operator for Docker Hub

Run the following command inside this directory:

operator-sdk build geerlingguy/mcrouter-operator:0.2.2

Then push the generated image to Docker Hub:

docker push geerlingguy/mcrouter-operator:0.2.2

Build a new version of the mcrouter-operator.yaml file

Update the mcrouter-operator version in two places:

  1. deploy/mcrouter-operator.yaml: in the ansible and operator container definitions in the mcrouter-operator Deployment.
  2. build/chain-operator-files.yml: the operator_image variable.

Once the versions are updated, run the playbook in the build/ directory:

ansible-playbook chain-operator-files.yml

After it is built, test it on a local cluster:

minikube start
kubectl apply -f deploy/mcrouter-operator.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/mcrouter_v1alpha3_mcrouter_cr.yaml
<test everything>
minikube delete

If everything works, commit the updated version, then tag a new repository release with the same tag as the Docker image pushed earlier.

More resources for Ansible Operator SDK and Mcrouter

Extracted from project README
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