
A multi-server automation and configuration project using Vagrant, Ansible, Docker for application management, e.g., installing and managing the LAMP stack

MIT License


CS 2080 Team-3 Project: Multi-Server LAMP Stack Automation

This project automates the setup of a multi-server LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack using Vagrant and Ansible. It creates and configures three separate servers: one for the MySQL database, one for authentication, and one for the application.

Group Members:

  • Himon Thakur
  • Joel Willis
  • Brianna Knight

Project Structure

  • Vagrantfile: Defines the virtual machines using Vagrant.
  • playbook.yml: Ansible playbook for provisioning the servers.
  • inventory.ini: Inventory file for Ansible (dynamically generated by Vagrant).
  • /scripts: Directory containing shell scripts used in the project.



  1. Clone this repository
git clone
cd multi-server-lamp-automation
  1. Start the virtual machine
vagrant up
  1. The Ansible playbook will run automatically to provision the servers.

Server Details

Database Server (db)

  • Runs MySQL server
  • Stores scripts table with file paths

Authentication Server (auth)

  • Runs OpenLDAP
  • Contains a Python script to fetch and execute scripts from the DB server

Application Server (app)

  • Runs Apache and PHP
  • Hosts a simple PHP info page


Accessing the Servers

You can SSH into any of the servers using:

vagrant ssh <server-name>

Replace <server-name> with db, auth, or app.

Fetch and Execute Scripts

On the auth server, you can run the script that fetches and executes scripts from the database:

sudo bash /usr/local/bin/

This script connects to the MySQL database on the db server, retrieves script information, and executes the scripts via SSH.


  • Modify the Vagrantfile to change VM configurations.
  • Update playbook.yml to alter server setups or add new features.
  • Edit the Python script on the auth server to change how scripts are fetched and executed.


If you encounter issues:

  1. Ensure all prerequisites are correctly installed.
  2. Check that the IP addresses in the Vagrantfile match those in your virtual network.
  3. Verify that the MySQL server is configured to accept remote connections.
  4. Check firewall settings to ensure necessary ports are open.


Contributions to improve the project are welcome. Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature.
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Push to the branch.
  5. Create a new Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

Some Details about the Protocols and Scripts Are Below

LDAP and PAM Authentication Server


This section of the project will demonstrate the setup and configuration of an LDAP server, as well as PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module). The server is capable of managing users/groups, implementing lockout policies, time-based access restrictions, and logging of authentication attempts.

Setup Instructions


Step-by-Step Setup

  1. Install Required Packages:

    sudo apt install apache2 php php-cgi libapache2-mod-php php-mbstring php-common php-pear -y

    sudo apt install slapd ldap-utils -y

    Run "sudo slapcat" to verify OpenLDAP installation.

    sudo apt install ldap-account-manager -y

    Run "sudo a2enconf php*-cgi" to enable the PHP-CGI PHP extension. Once the service is restarted, run "sudo systemctl enable apache2" to enable the Apache service to autostart at boot time.

    Run "sudo systemctl status apache2" to confirm the Apache service is running.

  2. Configure LDAP:

    • Follow the steps in to configure the LDAP server.
  3. Configure PAM:

    • Follow the steps in to integrate PAM with LDAP.
  4. Run Featured Scripts:

    • Use the provided script for time-based access restrictions.

Application Management Script

This project contains a script to create and run backup scripts for a database server and an authentication server. The backup scripts use rsync to synchronize data from these servers to a local backup directory.


  • Python 3.x
  • Vagrant (if running on a Vagrant VM)
  • SSH access to the server or Vagrant VM

Setup Instructions

  • When initially running the backup scripts, you will need to change the address to your desired location.

  • In the note lines 19-23

      db_backup_content = """#!/bin/bash
      rsync -avz --delete [email protected]:/path/to/backup/ /home/vagrant/backups/db/
      auth_backup_content = """#!/bin/bash
      rsync -avz --delete [email protected]:/path/to/backup/ /home/vagrant/backups/auth/

    • Change to your database server's IP address.
    • Change /path/to/backup/ to the actual path you want to back up from the database server.
    • Change to your authentication server's IP address.
    • Change /path/to/backup/ to the actual path you want to back up from the authentication server.

To utilize the Application management server:

- To create scripts on your local machine or VM
    python3 create_scripts

- To run the database backup script
    python3 backup_db

-To run the authentication backup script
    python3 backup_auth

-To run the Server Performance script: 
    python3 monitor <server name>