
Ansible Role - Deploy any app with podman play

MIT License


Podman Play - Deploy Any App

Ansible Role to deploy apps in root-less containers from a Kubernetes Pod YAML definition. The application pod runs as a systemd service using Podman Quadlet, in your own user namespace.

🔑 Key Features

  • 🚀 Deploy Any Application: Easily deploy any application using a Kubernetes YAML pod definition.
  • 🛡️ Root-less deployment: Ensure secure containerization by running custom applications in a root-less mode within a user namespace. Management of the container is handled through a Quadlet systemd unit.
  • 🔄 Idempotent deployment: Role embraces idempotent deployment, ensuring that the state of your deployment always matches your desired inventory.
  • 🧩 Flexible Configuration: Easily customize deployment configuration to match your specific requirements.

Explore the simplicity of deploying popular applications such as Dashy, Nextcloud, Jellyfin, and Hashi Vault with this role in the blog post 📢.

Table of Content


  • Ansible 2.10+
  • Tested on RHEL/RockyLinux 9 and Fedora but should work with compatible distributions.
  • Ensure that the podman and loginctl binaries are present on the target system.
  • If the following Ansible collections are not already available in your environment, please install them: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix and ansible-galaxy collection install containers.podman.

Role Variables

Default Variables - defaults/main.yml

podman_play_root_dir: "/home/{{ podman_play_user | default(ansible_user_id) }}/{{ podman_play_pod_name }}"

Default application root directory where configuration files, Kubernetes pod YAML definitions, and other directories are stored. If not specified, it uses home of the user who executed the playbook.

podman_play_template_config_dir: "{{ podman_play_root_dir }}/template_configs"

Default path where your custom application configs are templated from the podman_play_custom_conf variable.

podman_play_pod_state: "quadlet"

Ensure that the pod is in the quadlet state. This ensures that the Quadlet file is generated in the user namespace.

podman_play_pod_recreate: true

This ensures that any change in the configuration file or Kubernetes pod YAML definition triggers pod recreation to apply the latest changes, such as an image tag change.

Required Variables

The following variables are not set by default, but they are required for deployment. You will need to define these variables. Below are example values.

podman_play_pod_name: "dashy"

Specify your application pod name.

  - "[Install]"
  - "WantedBy=multi-user.target default.target"

These default Quadlet options ensure that the service starts on boot.

podman_play_pod_yaml_definition: |
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
      app: "{{ podman_play_pod_name }}"
    name: "{{ podman_play_pod_name }}"
      - name: "{{ podman_play_pod_name }}"
        image: docker.io/lissy93/dashy:latest
          - containerPort: 80
            hostPort: 9500
        stdin: true
        tty: true
          - mountPath: /app/public/conf.yml:Z
            name: dashy_config
      - hostPath:
          path: "{{ podman_play_template_config_dir }}/conf.yml"
          type: File
        name: dashy_config

Define the Kubernetes pod YAML definition to be used by the podman_play module for deployment. For more details, refer to the Kubernetes pod documentation.

Optional Variables

These optional variables are not required and are not set by default. You can use these variables to extend your deployment. Below are example values.

podman_play_user: "dashy"

OS user that runs your pod app. If not specified, it uses the user who executed the playbook.

podman_play_group: "dashy"

OS group for the app user.

  - filename: "conf.yml"
    raw_content: |
      # Example Raw Config for conf.yml
  - filename: "another_config.conf"
    raw_content: |
      # Example Raw Config for another_config.conf

This variable allows you to deploy any number of configuration files for your deployment. Content is always templated into the podman_play_template_config_dir directory.

  - "{{ podman_play_root_dir }}/var_www_html"
  - "{{ podman_play_root_dir }}/var_lib_mysql"

Create additional directories for your application. You can then mount these directories into your pod by defining the paths in the volumes section of podman_play_pod_yaml_definition.

  - "9500/tcp"

List of ports in port/tcp or port/udp format that should be exposed via firewalld.

podman_play_auto_update: false

If you're using image tags without specific versions, such as latest or stable, you can enable the auto-update feature. However, to activate this feature, you need to annotate the pod YAML definition with io.containers.autoupdate: registry. Without this annotation, the auto-update won't take effect. For more details on how it works, check out the documentation. When set to false, the auto-update feature is disabled. This feature is disabled by default.

podman_play_pod_authfile: ""
podman_play_pod_build: ""
podman_play_pod_cert_dir: ""
podman_play_pod_configmap: ""
podman_play_pod_context_dir: ""
podman_play_pod_debug: ""
podman_play_pod_executable: ""
podman_play_pod_log_driver: ""
podman_play_pod_log_level: ""
podman_play_pod_network: ""
podman_play_pod_password: ""
podman_play_pod_username: ""
podman_play_pod_quiet: ""
podman_play_pod_seccomp_profile_root: ""
podman_play_pod_tls_verify: ""
podman_play_pod_userns: ""
podman_play_pod_quadlet_dir: ""

Additional variables related to the podman_play_module. Check the module documentation for possible values. With these variables, you can modify pod deployment specifications.


No Dependencies.


  • Example playbook to deploy your custom container app
- name: Manage your pod app
  hosts: yourhost
  gather_facts: true
    - role: voidquark.podman_play




Feel free to customize and enhance the role according to your needs. Your feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated. Please open an issue or submit a pull request with any improvements.

Author Information

Created by VoidQuark

Extracted from project README