
Ansible Role - PrivateBin

MIT License


PrivateBin - Ansible Role

The Ansible PrivateBin Role empowers you to effortlessly deploy and manage a secure PrivateBin service using a rootless Podman container.

🔑 Key Features

  • 🛡️ Root-less deployment: PrivateBin is securely containerized and operates in a root-less mode within a user namespace. The container is managed through a systemd unit.
  • 🔄 Idempotent deployment: Role embraces idempotent deployment, ensuring that the state of your deployment always matches your desired inventory.
  • 📦 Out-of-the-box Deployment: Get Privatebin up and running quickly with default configurations that work seamlessly with Red Hat family systems. See Quick Start for easy setup.
  • 🧩 Flexible Configuration: Easily customize Privatebin configuration to match your specific requirements.

📢 Check the blog post 📝 Understand the rationale behind constructing this role in a specific manner.

Table of Content


  • Ansible 2.10+
  • Tested on RHEL/RockyLinux 9, but should work with compatible distributions.
  • If the following Ansible collections are not already available in your environment, please install them: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix and ansible-galaxy collection install containers.podman.
  • Ensure that the podman and loginctl binaries are present on the target system.

Role Variables

privatebin_user: "privatebin"

OS user under which the PrivateBin container runs.

privatebin_group: "privatebin"

OS group for the PrivateBin user.

privatebin_dir: "/home/{{ privatebin_user }}/privatebin"

Default PrivateBin directory where all templates and configuration files are stored by Ansible.

privatebin_data_dir: "{{ privatebin_dir }}/data"

Default PrivateBin data directory.

privatebin_container_name: "privatebin"

Default name of the PrivateBin container.

privatebin_container_image: ""

Default container image.

  - "{{ privatebin_data_dir }}:/srv/data:rw,Z"
  - "{{ privatebin_dir }}/conf.php:/srv/cfg/conf.php:ro,Z"

By default, only the data directory and PrivateBin configuration file are mounted as container volumes. If you need to modify the php.ini or nginx configuration, you will need to append additional volumes.

privatebin_container_publish: "8080:8080"

Default container port configuration is set to 8080 for both the host and container.

privatebin_conf_raw: |
  ;<?php http_response_code(403); /*
  ; config file for PrivateBin
  ; An explanation of each setting can be find online at

  discussion = true
  opendiscussion = false
  password = true
  fileupload = false
  burnafterreadingselected = false
  defaultformatter = "plaintext"
  sizelimit = 10485760
  template = "bootstrap5"
  languageselection = false

  default = "1week"

  5min = 300
  10min = 600
  1hour = 3600
  1day = 86400
  1week = 604800
  1month = 2592000
  1year = 31536000
  never = 0

  plaintext = "Plain Text"
  syntaxhighlighting = "Source Code"
  markdown = "Markdown"

  limit = 10

  limit = 300
  batchsize = 10

  class = Filesystem
  dir = PATH "data"


The default PrivateBin PHP configuration. You can customize this as needed. For detailed configuration options, refer to the PrivateBin documentation.

Variables not set by default

privatebin_firewalld_expose_port: 8080

This variable specifies the TCP port for exposing Privatebin via Firewalld. By default, it is not exposed.

  - filename: "php.ini"
    raw_content: |
  - filename: "site.conf"
    raw_content: |

You can template multiple custom configuration files, such as php.ini or any nginx config. These files are templated in the privatebin_dir, and the file name is specified using the filename attribute. Please note you must update the privatebin_container_volumes variable to include your custom configs, which need to be mounted inside the container.


No Dependencies


  • Example playbook to deploy privatebin
- name: Manage Privatebin service
  hosts: privatebin
  gather_facts: false
  become: true
    - role: voidquark.privatebin

Quick Start

To quickly deploy Privatebin using this Ansible role, follow these steps:

1. Set up your project directory structure:

├── playbook
│   └── function_privatebin_deploy.yml # Playbook
└── inventory
    ├── group_vars
    │   └── privatebin
    │       └── privatebin_vars.yml # Overwrite variables in group_vars (optional)
    ├── hosts
    └── host_vars
            └── host_vars.yml # Overwrite variables in host_vars (optional)

2. Install the Ansible Privatebin Role from Ansible Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install voidquark.privatebin

3. Create your inventory - inventory/hosts


4. Create your playbook - playbook/function_privatebin_deploy.yml

- name: Manage Privatebin service
  hosts: privatebin
  gather_facts: false
  become: true
    - role: voidquark.privatebin

5. Execute the playbook

# Deployment
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook/function_privatebin_deploy.yml




Feel free to customize and enhance the role according to your needs. Your feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated. Please open an issue or submit a pull request with any improvements.

Extracted from project README