
mcp2515 canbus module to Monitor Canbus traffic



MCP2515 canbus module to Monitor Canbus traffic.

  • V7.10 USBCAN-001

  • V7.20 USBCAN-V720

  • V8.00 USBCAN-V800


Windows application for monitoring CANBus is published here. This tool is designed to be used with this hardware. bazaar487719_1

So, I made the hardware side with Arduino UNO+MCP2515 canbus module.

Application structure

+-------------+           +-------------+           +-------------+
| Windows     |           |             |           |   MCP2515   |
| Application |<--(USB)-->| Arduino-UNO |<--(SPI)-->|   canbus    |<--(CAN BUS)-->CAN Network
|             |           |             |           |   module    |
+-------------+           +-------------+           +-------------|

Hardware requirements

  1. Windows PC Windows applications can be downloaded here.

  2. Arduino UNO It also works on ATMega32u4 and ATMega2560.

  3. MCP2515 canbus module You can get it from AliExpress or eBay for under $2. MCP2515_CAN_MODULE

Dependent libraries

  • MCP_CAN lib
    You can download from here.

Connection with CAN bus module

Module UNO
INT -- Pin#2
SCK -- Pin#13
SI -- Pin#11
SO -- Pin#12
CS -- Pin#10
VCC -- 5V

How to use

  • Add MCP2515 canbus module to CanBus.
  • Write Arduino Code on UNO.
  • Start a Windows application.

Windows application User manual

See here.

Official document is here.

Trouble shooting

Use hardware serial for USB communication. Therefore, the Arduino-IDE serial monitor cannot be used. Debug uses software serial.

SoftwareSerial mySerial(4, 5); // RX, TX