
Arduino/Genuino Yún or Yún Shield Web panel


Arduino/Genuino Yn 101 or Yn Shield Web panel

This is the web configuration panel and REST api provider you find running on your Yn at http://arduino.local/

It's a custom LuCI controller.

It has two goals:

  • hide all the complexity (and power) offered by LuCI in order to give users a fast and straightforward experience in setting up their Yn.
  • provide an easy to use REST (web) API. Yn REST API is a "web way" to talk to your sketch through your browser: for example, you can query sensors value, send commands and share data.

Development: the easy way

The easiest way to hack the web panel is to copy on your Yn the files you find in this repo, maintaining the folders structure.

For example, file usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/arduino/index.lua will go to /usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/arduino/index.lua on your Yn.

Then access the webpanel at http://arduino.local/ (where "arduino" is the name of your Yn), properly edit file index.lua and refresh the page to see the changes.

Once done, copy the files back to your pc and submit us a pull request, so that everyone can take advantage of the improvements you made.

Development: the fast, local but hard way

You need a GNU/Linux box and the following tools: subversion, gnupg, lua, make, gcc, wget. On Debian based distros, these are packages subversion, gnupg, lua5.1, liblua5.1-0-dev, build-essential, wget.

Open the terminal and type

sudo mkdir /etc/arduino
cd /etc/arduino
sudo wget
sudo gpg --batch --gen-key /etc/arduino/gpg_gen_key_batch
sudo rm -f /etc/arduino/arduino_gpg.asc
sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/arduino/arduino_gpg.sec --keyring /etc/arduino/ --export --armor --output /etc/arduino/arduino_gpg.asc
sudo chmod 644 /etc/arduino/arduino_gpg.*

cd ~ #makes sure your home folder is the starting one. Change it accordingly and adapt subsequent paths
svn co luci
git clone [email protected]:arduino/YunWebUI.git

cd luci
mkdir applications/arduino
cp applications/myapplication/Makefile applications/arduino
ln -s ~/YunWebUI/usr/lib/lua/luci applications/arduino/luasrc
ln -s ~/YunWebUI/www applications/arduino/htdocs

If everything ran smoothly, you're now ready to start the webpanel. Type the last command on the terminal

make runhttpd

and finally go to http://localhost:8080/luci/webpanel


Packing webpanel requires uglifying js and css files. You can install uglifyjs and uglifycss with:

sudo npm install [email protected] -g
sudo npm install uglifycss -g

Please use uglify-js at version 1.3.5: 1.x preserves license headers, while 2.x does not.