
Quick Start with ESP8266 or ESP32 in the Arduino Ecosystem using PlatformIO IDE

MIT License


ESP Arduino PlatformIO

Quick Start with ESP8266 or ESP32-based Development Boards in the Arduino Ecosystem using PlatformIO IDE: Medium

This repository represents a minimalistic PlatformIO template project to quickly start with ESP8266 or ESP32-based development boards in the Arduino ecosystem using PlatformIO IDE. It provides two options to connect the development board to a Wi-Fi network and starts blinking LED after a successful connection.

The first option configured by default is to use the managerConnect() function that utilizes the WiFiManager library by tzapu which allows you to configure Wi-Fi access by establishing an access point, that you can connect to and enter Wi-Fi credentials, in a simple and user-friendly way.

The second option is to use the simpleConnect() function that will connect to the Wi-Fi using the SSID and password defined in the code, without relying on any libraries. Pick what you like and follow the comments in the platformio.ini and main.cpp files to configure the preferred option.

PlatformIO will use the nodemcuv2 environment to build the project by default, however, you can switch between preconfigured environments or set a new one that matches your development board.

Tested Boards

Development Board Environment SoC Module Price Link (no referrals)
NodeMCU (V3 CH340G) nodemcuv2 ESP8266 ESP-12E (assumption) $1.82 Unknown from Aliexpress
ESP8266-DevKitC-02D-F esp_wroom_02 ESP8266 ESP-WROOM-02D $8.00 Official from Amazon
WEMOS LOLIN D1 mini (V4.0.0) d1_mini ESP8266 ESP-8266EX $4.38 Official from Aliexpress
ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 esp32-c3-devkitm-1 ESP32-C3 ESP32-C3-MINI-1 $8.00 Official from Amazon
WEMOS LOLIN S3 (V1.0.0) lolin_s3 ESP32-S3 ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 $7.65 Official from Aliexpress

Note: ESP8266-DevKitC-02D-F does not have a built-in LED (referenced in the code as LED_BUILTIN).
