ESP8266 controlled LED Strip/panel.



Code to control LED strip using ESP8266 module.

I'm building this project based on the example of AlexGyver project.

  1. You Tube
  2. GitHub

The differences are:

  1. Control without Android application - only use WebUI.
  2. Source code is organized using classes and namespaces - thus it's easier to extend/modify it.
  3. No sounds as of now
  4. Bonus features as described in Features chapter below.


This project is currently in development.


  1. Over the Air updates. See ArduinoOtaWrapper
  2. Connect to existing router or act as an Access Point. See WiFiWrapper
  3. Web UI. See WebServer
  4. Prometheus + Grafana metrics. See Monitorin for setup in docker and MetricsCollector class.
  5. Protection against broken software. See Safguard class

My setup

  1. ESP-01 module
  2. WS2812B Led strip

Project structure