
Basic implementation of a DCF77 receiver (hat) for the M5StickCPlus ESP32 board

GPL-3.0 License


M5StickC DCF77 HAT

Basic hat implementation of a DCF77 receiver on a M5StickC-Plus or compatible ESP32 devices. This firmware uses an improvement of Arduino-DCF77 library, using an event callback to improve the GUI and signal representation.


The current firmware was tested on 77.5KHZ single frequency device. It is the 4 pins version and it was bought in Aliexpress.


M5StickC pin DCF77 pin Description
0 P PON: Enable/Disable
26 T Interrupt pin or data
3.3v VDD Positive (3.3v)
GND GND Ground / unlabeled pin

(see the photos in Thingiverse)


Some tips:

  • Check the right device. Some devices has different frequencies for each country.
  • Try to leave the device from away any radio or wireless interference or noise. The radio is very susceptible to noise.
  • In indoors it works, but is possible that in some builds doesn't. Try in outdoors first.
  • The position of the device for me was important, in horizontal is possible that it works better


  • Left button: Power ON/Off
  • M5 Button: Backlight or brightness toggle
  • Right button: Unimplementened


Please install first PlatformIO open source ecosystem for IoT development compatible with Arduino IDE and its command line tools (Windows, MacOs and Linux). Also, you may need to install git in your system.

For the default board, the M5StickCPlus, only clone this and upload firmware via USB cable with a simple command:

pio run --target upload

or import the project in VSCode and build and run it.


Is a basic box - hat for these devices, for example M5StickC or M5StickC-Plus, also should be work in M5CoreInk device.


Also in Thingiverse.

Thanks to

@felmue to fix a sporadical crash. @jcomas for the help and docs on https://t.me/esp_es The old DCF77 library The Seiko documentation

Extracted from project README
PlatformIO Box DCF77 M5StickCPlus Hat
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