
Use your Arduino board with Python.

MIT License



|Travis| |Latest Version| |Supported Python versions| |Downloads|

Use your Arduino board with Python.


Nanpy is a library that use your Arduino as a slave, controlled by a master device where you run your scripts, such as a PC, a Raspberry Pi etc.

The main purpose of Nanpy is making programmers' life easier, providing them a powerful library to create prototypes faster and make Arduino programming a game for kids.


from nanpy import ArduinoApi

a = ArduinoApi()
a.pinMode(13, a.OUTPUT)
a.digitalWrite(13, a.HIGH)

I know, there are a lot of projects able to do that, but hey, Nanpy can do more!

Nanpy is easily extensible and can theoretically use every library, allowing you to create how many objects you want. We support OneWire, Lcd, Stepper, Servo, DallasTemperature and many more...

Let's try to connect our 16x2 lcd screen on pins 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and show your first "Hello world"!


from nanpy import Lcd

lcd = Lcd([7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 2])
lcd.printString('Hello World!')

really straightforward now, isn't it? :)

Serial communication

Nanpy autodetects the serial port for you, anyway you can manually
specify another serial port:


    from nanpy import SerialManager
    connection = SerialManager(device='/dev/ttyACM1')

and use it with your objects


    from nanpy import ArduinoApi
    a = ArduinoApi(connection=connection)
    a.pinMode(13, a.OUTPUT)
    a.digitalWrite(13, a.HIGH)

You can specify how many SerialManager objects you want and control more
than one Arduino board within the same script.

How to build and install

First of all, you need to build the firmware and upload it on your
Arduino, to do that clone the `nanpy-firmware repository on
Github <>`__ or `download it from
PyPi <>`__.


    git clone
    cd nanpy-firmware

| You can now edit Nanpy/cfg.h generated file to configure your Nanpy
  firmware, selecting the features you want to include and the baud
| To build and install Nanpy firmware, copy Nanpy directory under your
  "sketchbook" directory, start your Arduino IDE, open Sketchbook ->
  Nanpy and click on "Upload".

To install Nanpy Python library on your master device just type:


    pip install nanpy

To uninstall::

    pip uninstall nanpy

To install the latest version from Github::

    pip install

How to contribute

Nanpy still needs a lot of work. You can contribute with patches
(bugfixing, improvements, adding support for a new library not included
in Nanpy yet, writing examples and so on), writing documentation,
reporting bugs, creating packages or simply spreading Nanpy through the
web if you like it :) If you have any doubt or problem, please contact
me at [email protected]

Do you want to support us with a coffee? We need a lot of caffeine to
code all night long! if you like this project and you want to support
us, `please donate using
Paypal <>`__

Bug reports

- try the example
- try to test the function without Nanpy, using only Arduino code. If the problem remains then it is not a Nanpy bug.
- enable logging: `import logging;logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)`
- attach the log messages
- attach your program. The program should be as small as possible which demonstrates the bug.
- check cfg.h. All needed functions are enabled?
- Run `examples/` to check cfg.h again. All needed functions are listed?
- attach your cfg.h
- describe your hardware

Supported hardware

 - ATmega boards (ATtiny has not enough RAM)
 - ESP8266 (communication over serial or WiFi connection)

external hardware:
 - BMP180 Digital pressure sensor
 - AD9850 Direct Digital Synthesizer
 - TLC5947 LED Driver
 - DHT11, DHT22, DHT21, AM2301 humidity sensors
 - HD44780 LCD controller
 - PCF8574 8-Bit I/O Expander for I2C
 - X9C1xxx (xxx = 102,103,104,503) digital potentiometers
 - HC-SR04 (ultrasonic sensor)

internal hardware:
 - counter, frequency measurement
 - PWM (advanced PWM functions are hardcoded for Uno compatible boards)
 - ADC
 - I2C
 - read, write RAM
 - read, write EEPROM
 - read, write all registers
 - tone()


This software is released under MIT License. Copyright (c) 2012-2016
Andrea Stagi [email protected]

.. |Travis| image::
.. |Latest Version| image::
.. |Supported Python versions| image::
.. |Downloads| image::